Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1138 dumplings

At the beginning of August, osmanthus bloomed in the courtyard of guqingzhou, and there was always sweet fragrance in the air.

When I get up early, there are delicate yellow stamens on the path, and autumn gradually rises.

It's almost a month since Ye Shan disappeared.

At the beginning of the University, Gu Qingzhou, as the honorary Dean of the medical college, presided over the opening ceremony of the medical college.

This day, the weather is clear, cloudless, clear and clean, like a piece of good jade.

The weather is good, and Gu Qingzhou's appearance and body are good. Therefore, when she stood high on the stage and appeared as "honorary Dean of Medical College", all the teachers and students of the school were shocked.

She is very beautiful. Her hair is a little longer like black silk, which can be spread on her shoulders. She wears a plain cheongsam. Her clothes are white and her hair is black, which makes her eyebrows and eyes stand out.

She is snow-white skin, tender red lips, and big and moist eyes, standing in the distance to see her, more beautiful than near. If the beauty is hazy, it will be a little beautiful.

Students from the school newspaper took a picture of Gu Qingzhou.

The photos are good. Gu Qingzhou is also in the picture.

The photos of the school newspaper were bought by Taiyuan evening news, and the whole Taiyuan mansion became a sensation again.

"It's her." People are not particularly surprised when they talk about taking care of light boats.

Gu Qingzhou has long been a celebrity.

Before her deeds, fade out of everyone's sight, but also gradually forgotten.

The unforgettable memory can be recalled by mentioning it a little. The skill of taking care of the light boat has been used as a talking material by people.

Some people come to visit Gu Qingzhou and some newspapers want to interview him.

Gu refused.

She's not ready to enter the cultural world, and she doesn't want to be a professor, although newspapers and schools all seal her name.

In her spare time at home, she makes dumplings with Si Xingfu.

Huo Yue and Cheng Yu are nearby, chatting while drinking tea, watching Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu busy.

This time, it's dumplings with sweet osmanthus stuffing. Cheng Yu is determined not to be delicious.

"... sweet osmanthus stuffing should be made into glutinous rice balls. Only sweet ones are delicious." Cheng Yu can't help but say again.

"Shut up. There's so much bullshit waiting to eat." Si Xingfu road.

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes.

She didn't care about the light boat and Si Xingfu. She just talked to Huo Yue.

The topic changed from the sensation brought by Gu Qingzhou's going to medical school to Ye Shan.

"For a long time, governor Ye is just in a hurry." Cheng Yu said, "I heard that ye dujun is not in a good mood these days."

"Almost a month, the possibility of bad news is greater than that of good news, and no one can be indifferent." Huo Yue Road.

Cheng Yu remembers that when they chatted at dinner the day before yesterday, they all felt that ye Shan had been caught by bandits.

It's only possible to enter the bandit's nest where the news is not clear, otherwise there will always be clues.

At that time, Si Xingfu said, "governor Ye promised a high price. As long as ye Shan is in the hands of the army leaders, even if they spoil Ye Shan and dare not hand it in, the restless people under him will certainly come to inform them. "

No one is loyal.

Governor ye offered extremely attractive conditions to find Ye Shan: five thousand armed German troops, one million oceans.

With these money and armed forces, who is not moved to occupy a county town and use it as a support?

As long as ye Shan is in the local newspaper, someone will come to Ye Shan's news.

"No matter whether his daughter is alive or dead, as long as there is certain news, he will fulfill his promise," ye said in the newspaper

Even if ye Shan is killed, news will come back. Others, have seen Ye Shan's picture, her lodging Inn, will be recognized.

However, No.

Now there is only one possibility left: she was caught in the mountains and forests.

It's hard.

Cheng Yu issued a high-level comment: "Ye Shan is really stupid, for a man regardless of his father, he ran like this. What is a man worth?

When I was young, he loved me so much that he pretended to be in front of him all day long. My brother scolded me more than once, but this bitch shot me.

From then on, I looked at it. I'm almost untouched now, and I'm living happily. My family has power, my friends have money and power. Why should I be inferior to myself?

The Ye family is the emperor of Shanxi. If I were ye Shan, I would walk horizontally and sleep all the beautiful men in Shanxi! "

Huo Yue wants to hold back his smile, but he takes a pull on his shoulder and loses his temper.

Cheng Yu said, "Mr. Huo, why don't you laugh if you want to?"

Huo Yue couldn't help it any more. He burst into laughter. He was so frank that he had no city. He was a bit different from him.

Si Xingfu kneaded a dough and smashed it directly at Cheng Yu's face door: "what do you say and what do you do with me? Do you want to die? "

Cheng Yu can't dodge and is hit by the dough.

This is not heavy, but the sticky dough is all stuck on Cheng Yu's face. Cheng Yu shouts.

Huo Yue couldn't stop laughing.

Gu Qingzhou also wanted to laugh, but Si Xingfu bullied Cheng Yu and made her fall down the well like Huo Yue. He continued to make dumplings with his lips.

Ye Wu stepped on the laughter and came in.

She looked at Huo Yue and Cheng Yu with white flour: "what's wrong with you?"

Gu Qingzhou pointed to the position beside him and said, "it's OK. Let's make dumplings."

Ye Wu looks at them again.

They are all sitting in the restaurant. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are making dumplings. However, Cheng Yu and huoyue have tea cups in front of them. They are drinking tea.

Tea is not in the living room, but in the dining room?

However, it's very warm.

"I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time. What kind of stuffing is it?" Ye asked.

"Sweet osmanthus and shrimp stuffing." Gu Qingzhou road.

Leaf charming smack tongue.

For dumplings, the best choice is mutton filling, followed by beef and pork. I haven't heard of using shrimp paste and osmanthus as filling.

Ye Wu is not critical of this either. She sits down and pours herself a cup of tea.

When she arrived at Gu Qingzhou, she was very casual.

"Why not?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Father is angry again." Leaf Charm sighed.

After Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu moved here, ye Wu arrived in a few minutes' walk. She often came without asking.

Last time, governor Ye picked up Aunt Liu from the hospital. On the same day, he scolded Aunt Liu too much. She was not allowed to visit her family again.

The longer the time, the more worried ye dujun was, the worse his temper became.

Ye Wu is a little afraid of him.

"Because of your second sister, or because of Aunt Liu?" Gu asked again.

"All of them." Leaf charm is helpless.

Gu didn't say empty words to comfort her, but said, "cook dumplings for you later, and you need to eat more."

Leaf Charm looks at those shrimp mud, always feel "eat more" is not a kind of welfare.

She turned away without trace.

After the dumplings are wrapped and cooked in the pot, Gu Qingzhou first mixed vinegar for them and brought some for them to try.

Huo Yue and Cheng Yu are hard to watch. They don't dare to move chopsticks.

Leaf Charm in line with I do not go to hell who go to hell, their own teachers out of dumplings, even if the virulent also want to taste one.

She bit her mouth carefully.

Shrimp paste is very delicious, slightly sweet and fragrant, with delicate skin and strong strength. It is a rare delicacy.

"Delicious." She put the remaining half in her mouth.

Leaf charm can't stop, one breath ate three or four.

Cheng Yu and Huo Yue see this, and they dare to make bold attempts.

After the entrance, they were full of praise.

"There's a visitor, madam." The servant came in and said.

Gu Qingzhou asked who it was.

"It's Mr. Cai Changting." Servant road.

A few people in the room, all feel very disappointed.

Gu Qingzhou said to the servant, "we are not at home, send him back."

But the servant said, "he gave it to you and said if you don't let it in, I'll show it to you."

The servant handed an envelope to Gu Qingzhou.

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