Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1139 nothing to do

The letter was written by Cai Changting.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou took it apart, he took it away.

The letter was empty, the whole page was blank, only three small words were written on the top.

The words are very correct. They seem to be written carefully.

"Huo Shoujing".

There are only three words on the paper.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingqi, Huo Yue have always suspected that Huo Fengjing is in CAI Changting's hands. Now he wrote a few words, Gu Qingzhou's heart was mentioned in an instant.

Si Xingfu looks at his eyes and hands it to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue's expression also changed.

These days, he and Si Xingfu are looking for Huo Yuanjing everywhere, with no news at all. They speculated that Huo must have been dormant in a certain place and never moved.

If people don't move, there will be no trace and no way to find them.

They also suspected Cai Changting and sent people to follow him.

Cai Changting's skill is more powerful than Huo Yue and Si Xingfu's imagination. He can always get rid of all the followers and disappear into the sight of Si Xingfu and Huo Yue.

Huo Yue and Si Xingfu belong to decision makers, who are good at strategizing.

It's hard for them to follow, they can't either.

What they are good at is to use money to train spies who can track and work for them.

However, Cai Changting did not.

He can do it himself.

Now, Cai Changting is here. He is sure that he is not good at coming.

Now that he has come, there is no reason to let him go. Si Xingfu and Huo Yue look at each other and have ideas.

"Invite him in." Gu opened his mouth first.

She was unconscious, her voice high, as if a person had been greatly frightened. After she finished, she realized that she was busy coughing.

"Yes." The servant retired.

Today's yard is very large. It takes two or three minutes to walk in from the gate. It's not easy to see it all at once.

When the servant went out and led Cai Changting in, it took him four or five minutes.

Gu Qingzhou has adjusted his mood in the past few minutes. She buried all those worries.

She told herself, "Cai Changting is uneasy and kind-hearted. If there is a trace in front of him, we will all die in his hands."

The more important the moment is, the more calm you are.

Only by being calm can she be invincible.

Cai Changting came in, looked at the table and said with a smile, "this half afternoon is neither lunch nor dinner. What do you do with dumplings? Dumplings for afternoon tea? "

Gu Qingzhou laughed, as if he was humorous, as if his words were very moving and pleasant, not only full of joy, but also full of laughter.

"... just want to eat." Gu Qingzhou said, "we live by ourselves. We don't pay attention to what we want. We can do it if we want."

Then she asked the maid to add a pair of chopsticks.

"Try it. It's made by me and the manager." Gu chuckled.

Si Xingfu and Huo Yue are smiling too. Please have a taste of dumplings.

Cheng Yu and ye Wu don't talk.

A few foxes are fighting with each other. Cheng Yu and ye Wu can't keep up with the rhythm, so try not to make trouble.

This is probably Cheng Yu's biggest advantage.

Cheng Yu is usually open-minded and reckless, but he can't get rid of the chain at the critical moment. So, even if she gets in the way of her eyes, she can live at home.

"It's delicious." Cai Changting tasted one. "It's very delicious. It's a bit like Wong blunt in Yuecheng. Is it the filling for cooking wonton? "

"You're also very good at cooking Wong blunt stuffing," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou gives Cheng Yu and ye Wu a wink.

They left the restaurant for the time being under the pretext of going to the kitchen.

After leaving, ye Wu asked Cheng Yu quietly, "they haven't found Huo Fujing, have they?"

She also remembered the name.

Cheng Yu nods.

Ye Wu asked her again, "sister Cheng, have you seen Huo Shujing?"

Cheng Yu has been to Yuecheng, but at that time, he was invited and bewitched by Si Xingfu. He only had some contact with the Si family.

If she knew Gu Qingzhou at that time, she would have seen Huo Fujing, but she didn't.

"I haven't seen it." Cheng Yu regrets, "if I had, I would have helped to find it."

"How long has she been missing?" Ye Wu asked again.

Cheng Yu is still thinking about Huo Fengjing's problem, so she doesn't notice Ye Wu's feelings. She is serious and honest: "it's nearly two years, isn't it? There is no news... "

Ye Wu has changed her face.

Cheng Yu remembered that ye Jiagang had just lost a daughter.

Leaf Charm asked Huo to gather static, its meaning is not to care, but to associate with his sister Ye Shan.

The difference is that Huo is missing and ye Shan is running away from home.

"Don't worry." Cheng Yu patted Ye Wu on the shoulder. He was very clever. He didn't mention Ye Shan on purpose, but said that Huo Fengjing would find her

Ye Wu nodded. The first point, a tremor at the tip of the heart, dull pain.

They went to Cheng Yu's room for tea.

The people in the restaurant didn't put chopsticks on, chatting while eating.

"Have you heard from ah Jing?" Gu asked Cai Changting directly.

Cai Changting said: "yes, my people have met her in a cave, but they are not sure it is her. If you are interested, you can have a look. "

If there is any trap in his words, I'd like to say two things.

Don't say that Si Xingfu is Huo Yue and Gu Qingzhou. Hearing this, he didn't have any special expression on his face. He was not ecstatic.

"The nest?" Gu Qingzhou continued to talk with Cai Changting, and Liu Mei frowned. "Can it be her? According to our information, ah Jing won't be in the cave, will he? "

"You have her information?" Cai Changting asked with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou gets stuck.

Cai Changting explained, "I don't mean anything else. Huo Fengjing and Jiang Lin used to be the top killers and instructors of the royalists. Can your people trace them? "

Although this is the truth, it is also a demagogue.

He reminded Gu Qingzhou: you can't find her. If you don't go this time, you will have no chance.

"In which cave?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Even if it is a trap, take care of the boat, because it is ah Jing.

The authenticity of CAI Changting's news will be recognized later.

He doesn't need to be tempted. He will be willing to take the bait if he brings up the Huo and calms down. He can't resist.

Huo Yue thinks so, too.

In his heart, Si Xingfu understood better: even if it was hell, he had to walk once. Otherwise, he would not be safe day and night.

After eating two bowls of dumplings, Cai Changting handed a map to Gu Qingzhou.

He marked his position on the map.

That location is a mountain range stretching for hundreds of miles. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu want to enter the mountain, but they are afraid that they will not come out for half a month.

"Thank you." Gu Qingzhou says to Cai Changting.

Cai Changting smiled: "boat, this is all I should do. It's my blessing to be able to help you out. "

"You're very kind," Gu said

Cai Changting ate well, praised the craftsmanship of Si Xingfu, and left.

As soon as he left, Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingqi and huoyue pondered over the map.

What is Cai Changting's intention?

He suddenly gave this map, and these news, can't be accidental.

Gu Qingzhou is speechless, and Si Xingfu and Huo Yue are all frowning.

All sorts of thoughts were rolling in three people's minds, almost trying to calculate all the possibilities.

"Canoe, how do you think, can we go into the mountains?" Huo Yue opened his mouth first.

He wanted to see if Gu's views were in line with his.

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