Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1140 four people are one family

Gu Qingzhou ponders a little.

She looked up at Huo Yue and said, "let's go."

Si Xingfu is beside her and smiles. He knew that he would always be the wisest. He reached for his hand and touched his wife's head: "that's smart."

Gu Qingzhou's idea is consistent with that of Huo Yue.

Huo Yue also said, "well, let's go by ourselves."

All three did not talk, but they reached a tacit understanding of each other's consideration.

Time waits for no one. Gu goes back to his bedroom and changes his riding suit.

Riding clothes are jackets and trousers, a pair of small leather boots. It's the lightest and most convenient way to cross the forest.

But Huo Yue also changed similar neat clothes and trousers, took off his elegant long gown.

This is the ready-made military uniform of Si Xingfu. The military boots are the bottom of the ox tendon. They are firm and light.

Cheng Yu and ye Wu came out of the room and saw the three of them dressed like this.

Si Xingfu is sitting in the living room with two canvas pockets. He is putting biscuits, candy, bullets and medicine in his pockets.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Yu is surprised.

It's only an hour before and after. What's wrong with them? They are like three swordsmen flying on the wall. Who are they going to assassinate?

"We have news of ah Jing. We are going to find her." Gu Qingzhou road.

She didn't pack anything, but took a map to study.

Cheng Yu's silly eyes: "you three?"

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

Leaf Charm cannot help but open a tune beside: "personally?"

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou's eyes are always on the map, without looking up to see Cheng Yu or Ye Wu.

Cheng Yu put it on the table in front of her eyes, and his voice rose: "what's the matter? I'm going, too. How many guards do you three have? "

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes. His eyes were clear without emotion. He calmed down and said, "without guard, we are the three."

"Are you crazy?" "What's the matter?" cried Cheng Yu? Tell me, or I'll go crazy. "

Si Xingfu mends the knife nearby: "you are no different from crazy now."

Gu Qingzhou smiled and did not embarrass Cheng Yu: "all three of us think that Cai Changting will not be kind enough to give us the news of ah Jing.

This time, it's the route provided by Cai Changting. As long as we send people, Cai Changting may know the speed and way of our spy's action.

Next time we have the news of ah Jing, our people will come out. With these intelligence supports, Cai Changting will stop or transfer in time.

He knows that we are in a hurry to find ah Jing. We will go no matter whether the news is true or not. We can't fall into his trap. We won't give him our details, so the three of us will go out in person. "

Cheng Yu and ye Wu are dumbfounded.

Is there such a big plot for a small thing?

Cai Changting is terrible.

Of course, Gu Qingzhou and others who can see his mind are also terrible.

Once again, Cheng Yu and ye Wu feel that they are not the same breed as them, and they are totally unable to keep up with their thinking.

"I'll go too!" Cheng Yu said, "take me! Otherwise, I would be bored to death alone at home. The four of us are a family. "

"Don't put gold on your face." Si Xingfu road.

Cheng Yu was numb by his anger and didn't bother to quarrel with him. He just stopped Gu Qingzhou and said, "I can help you if something happens to you in the mountains. More people, more winners. "

Si Xingfu continued to hate her: "you are a drag, not to increase the odds."

Cheng Yu's sideburns are down. They were beautiful at first. At this moment, she feels like a prelude to her madness. Her hair is in disorder.

Huo Yue made the round in time.

"How is your endurance, Miss Cheng?" Huo Yue asked.

Cheng Yu immediately pointed to Gu Qingzhou: "much better than her."

Huo Yue smiled: "you can't do this. Once up the mountain, he will carry the boat when he is tired. Si Xingfu's physical strength can be carried on a boat for seven or eight hours without stopping. I can keep up, can you? "

Cheng Yu is stunned.

"... I'm not as good as Si Xingfu. Maybe I can't carry you at that time." Huo Yue continued, "I'm afraid I can't come out for ten and a half days. In the golden autumn, the grass is full of mosquitoes, snakes and insects. It's impossible to get a bite. We're not going on a spring outing. There are so many questions that you have to think about it. "

Cheng Yu shook his head: "I'm going."

"That's OK. When you can't walk, we'll leave you on the mountain road. Since you want to make the beast's lunch, you will follow. " Si Xingfu has spoken.

Cheng Yucai doesn't care.

She is not really playful, but the more she listens to Huo Yue's description, the more dangerous she feels about them.

Cheng Yu wants to share weal and woe with them. They live and sleep outside, their lives are uncertain, and Cheng Yu can't sleep on his own high bed and soft pillow.

In this way, it's better to follow.

Cheng Yu feels that these are the few people who really make her feel free in her life. She didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Well, you should go back and put on your riding clothes, and your shoes should be soft." Gu Qingzhou finally said.

Cheng Yu is very happy.

Ye Wu seemed to want to open her mouth, and Gu Qingzhou said, "you can't go. Don't worry about your family affairs?"

Leaf Charm sighed.

After a simple dress up, four people went out.

They drove a car and went to town first. From Taiyuan mansion to the town at the foot of the mountain, the car walked for two days.

There was no rest all the way. Si Xingfu and Huo Yue took turns driving and resting.

When he drives, Gu Qingzhou sits in the back seat with Cheng Yu. When Huo Yue drives, Cheng Yu sits in the passenger seat.

"Canoe, sing a song." Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou are in the back seat. He is half lying down, resting on the legs of Gu Qingzhou and facing Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou patted him gently: "can't sing."

But Cheng Yu has opened up.

She has learned. She has a gentle voice and a beautiful voice. They sang Italian songs. Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu and Huo Yue could not understand the lyrics, but they were all moved.

Cheng Yu sang all the way and worked hard. At last, Si Xingfu said, "well, if your family is down, there will be a bowl of rice to be a singer."

Gu Qingzhou hit Si Xingfu hard.

It's very hard.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xing chuckled and got up to kiss her.

Cheng Yu also spits in his words: "if I fall down in my family, I'll watch you two eat for a lifetime, and I won't be self reliant!"

Huo Yue drives carefully, without reply or words.

Two days later, at midnight, they arrived in town.

After getting off the bus, Si Xingfu looks for an inn and asks the waiter to buy a midnight snack overnight.

After a hot meal, we had some spirit and slept all night. In the morning of the next day, they added some candy biscuits to the town. Several people spread out their stomachs to eat, fill themselves up and maintain their physical strength.

Then they went up the mountain.

After two days in the mountain, they found the village that Cai Changting said.

Obviously, there is no one in the village.

Gu Qingzhou still wants to go in. Si Xingfu suddenly tugs at her: "be careful!"

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