Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1141 tacit understanding

Gu Qingzhou was pulled back two steps by Si Xingfu.

He is very sharp.

He waved to Huo Yue and Cheng Yu: "step back, step aside carefully."

Four of them crept back fifty meters.

There is just a slope. Si Xingfu points to it.

Gu Qingzhou would like to slide down the slope first. Huo Yue and Cheng Yu are the same.

He stood on the slope and picked up a stone.

He threw it hard and then rolled down the hill quickly.

A roar.

At the gate of the mountain stronghold not far away, a small thunder exploded, as if a bomb had been buried. The bomb is not big enough to kill four of them.

Cheng Yumu gapes.

She clapped her chest.

Gu Qingzhou and huoyue look at Si Xingfu.

"I smelled gunpowder," explains Si

He is very sensitive to guns and ammunition. He smelled it before he came near. He only looked at it carefully when he came near.

Indeed, there are ambushes here.

"There's dynamite in this mountain?" Cheng Yu said to them, "where's the dynamite from the bandits?"

"Don't worry, there won't be too much dynamite." "If you follow me, it will be OK. I can smell it," said the secretary

Smell it?

Cheng Yu turned around and asked Gu Qingzhou, "is this the essence of your dog?"

Huo Yue laughs first.

The mood of Gu Qingzhou is a little lighter.

Four people found their way again.

They walked in the mountains for another two days, looking for traces everywhere, only to find that they were like headless flies and could find nothing.

Cheng Yu loses his temper first.

"My leg hurts so much." She said, "there are so many blisters under my feet that I can't stand the pain. I haven't had a decent meal in days

Si Xingfu squinted at her and said, "don't be pretentious."

Cheng Yu is in a hurry.

She accumulated the temper of the eldest lady for several days, and all of them broke out. She kept saying that she was suffering here and wronged there.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Huo Yue said

These days, Gu Qingzhou has never been carried by Si Xingfu, and Cheng Yu has never found an idea.

Her eyes brightened.

"It's a long way to go." Cheng Yudao.

She climbed onto the back of the axe.

At night, they found a place to stay. Fortunately, it wasn't very cold at night, and we lit bonfires together to keep warm.

Cheng Yula Gu Qingzhou: "you accompany me to walk."

She's here for convenience.

Every time, she can only pull Gu Qingzhou, which can be accompanied by Shi Xingfu.

"Well." At the same time, Gu took the small pistol in his hand and checked the bullets. Make sure the bullet is full, she opened the insurance, and then stood up.

She and Cheng Yu go to the back of the tree.

Cheng Yu said, "go a little further."

"Why?" Gu Qingzhou holds the gun tightly and asks Cheng Yu.

She really doesn't want to go far.

Cheng Yu said: "there's a voice..."

how embarrassed the clattering sound of water is when you get rid of it. If it's stool, it's still tasty. It's very embarrassing if it's passed on.

Gu Qingzhou: "....

GU Qingzhou follows Cheng Yu and moves forward a few steps. The full moon is like ice, hanging in the blue sky, and Qionghua falls like white frost.

Walking under the shadow of trees, everything can be seen vaguely.

Cheng Yu finds an old tree and squats down behind it.

Looking at the distance, Gu Qingzhou could see the figures of Si Xingfu and Huo Yue, and her hands on the gun relaxed a little.

At this time, Cheng Yu stands up.

She learned that Suo had put on her clothes and said, "Gu..."

the word "light boat" has not been exported, and her voice stopped abruptly.

A foot fell on the leaves, a slight crackle.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly turned around.

She saw several figures under the shadowy trees. One of them, a thin and delicate one, tightly covered Cheng Yu's mouth and aimed a gun at Cheng Yu's head.

Cheng Yu is the young lady of junvalvi. She knows how powerful the gun is. When the barrel of the gun reaches her head, she is honest and only whimpers like a small animal from her mouth.

"Who is it?" Take care of the boat and drink.

Her voice was very loud. Si Xingfu and Huo Yue were shocked and ran over.

The man under the tree took a few steps forward.

The moon sprinkled all over the man's face.

It's a woman.

Her hair has been combed into ponytail, her sideburns are in perfect order, her mouth and nose are covered in the mask, and she has only one pair of eyes, which contrast the moonlight and have the shadow of streamer.

There were two people behind her, but they didn't move.

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

These eyes are so familiar!

"Ah Jing?" Her breath was slightly disordered, her voice changed its tune, her hands and legs drained their strength for a while, and she almost failed to stand firm.

The other side is speechless.

Cheng Yu's mouth and nose were covered by the other side's death, and he had fainted.

She still takes Cheng Yu with her, and takes Cheng Yu as the shield on her chest.

"Ah Jing!" The sound of Gu Qingzhou has been raised a little.

When she wanted to walk, Shi Xingfu had already rushed to her and held her arm.

"Ah Jing, is that you?" Huo Yue also opened his mouth behind him.

At this time, we can see the gap. Like Gu Qingzhou, Huo Yue misses Huo Fengjing, but his voice is calm and steady, with no emotion at all.

The woman did not answer.

Her body shape, her eyebrows and eyes are obviously Huo Fengjing.

"Ah Jing?" Huo Yue opens again.

The woman still did not answer.

At this time, the man behind the woman suddenly came forward, and shot at Si Xingfu and Huo Yue.

Gu Qingzhou is hugged by Si Xingfu and rolls to the back of another tree.

Huo Yue hides behind a nearby tree.

Gu Qingzhou knows that their target is Si Xingfu or Huo Yue or her, but it is not Cheng Yu who has been in a coma.

Cheng Yu has fainted, she will not move without danger, Gu Qingzhou's heart is a little relaxed.

"Light boat, you follow me, don't disturb." The Secretary whispered.

"I understand," Gu said

In a shower of bullets, Huo Yue killed the two men with two accurate shots.

"Don't come here." Huo Longjing finally spoke, his voice was hoarse.

Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu and huoyue came out from behind the trees one after another.

"Ah Jing, don't be afraid. We won't hurt you." Huo Yue's voice was as gentle as possible, and he took a few steps forward.

"I'm your brother. Do you remember me?" Huo Yue said.

Huo Shoujing suddenly fired.

This gun is aimed at Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu holds the light boat and flashes to the back of the tree.

"Ah Jing, listen to my brother. We will not hurt you." Huo Yue continued, "don't shoot, you're obedient."

Huo holds Cheng Yu in his arms and still uses Cheng Yu as a shield.

She didn't speak again. Her eyes were full of vigilance. She was on guard against Huo Yue.

After a moment, Gu Qingzhou stands out.

Huo took a step back.

Si Xingfu keeps up with Gu Qingzhou and carefully protects her.

Huo Yue and Huo Lanjing talk, at the same time, they get close to Huo Lanjing for a few minutes. At the same time, Gu Qingzhou also moves forward a few steps.

When they got closer to each other and Si Xingfu was also close, Huo Fujing suddenly raised his hand and aimed at Si Xingfu.

At the same time, there were two gunshots in the forest, which made the eardrum ache.

Huo Fujing falls down slowly with Cheng Yu after the gunshot, and there are two blood holes in his forehead.

Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue shot at the same time, killing Huo Fengjing, who was about to attack Si Xingfu.

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