Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1147 coercion

Zhuo Mozi returns to Cheng Yu.

He brought a bunch of roses.

"I saw it by the flower shop. It's very fresh. I'll bring you one." He laughed.

His voice returned to its original state.

Cheng Yu looks at him, trying to see his face and his eyes.

Zhuo Mozi was confused by her: "what's the matter with you?"

See Cheng Yu still lying on the bed, "it's almost dusk, can't you get up?"

Cheng Yu got nothing and sighed slowly: "I'm so tired, I don't think of it."

"Why are you tired?" asked zhuomozhi

"Not yet you?" Cheng Yu is in a hurry. "What was your madness last night, rubbing me like that?"

After that, she pulled back her collar and let Zhuo Mo stop to see the kiss on her clavicle and shoulder.

Zhuo Mo stopped rubbing his head.

Cheng Yu's skin is soft, delicate, fair and plump, just like blowing a bullet. Zhuo Mozi cherished her very much and refused to give up her heavy hand. Besides, he was not that urgent person.

He is more gentle.

Seeing such a serious kiss mark, he felt ashamed and thought: "I haven't seen her for a long time, so eager..."

he didn't know why, but he understood the woman's heart.

Cheng Yu didn't mean to quarrel with him. He had to explain and argue. He would only kill Cheng Yu and make his holiday a mess.

Zhuo Mo stops making amends: "I'm sorry, how many times do you hit me?"

Then he sat on the bed, took her hand and stroked his cheek.

He had the rose in his other hand.

The rose is next to Cheng Yu. Her cheeks are more delicate than the petals. Her heart is in full bloom at the same time.

He likes Cheng Yu's character, as well as her face and body.

Cheng Yu is not a top beauty. At first glance, she seems to be no more than that. Can get along with for a long time, can discover her advantage come, also can appreciate her appearance.

She is patient. The more she looks, the better she looks.

Dromo looked and wanted to kiss her.

Cheng Yu slapped him in the face: "no, I'm still suffering. I don't want to be intimate."

Zhuo Mo Zhi is good-natured to her. He rubs his lips on her cheek and gets up.

Cheng Yu also got up.

One day's training, she has no pain, but the matter of the bed boring.

Last night, the voice of ZhuoZhi changed. It was uninteresting. He used brute force blindly, which made Cheng Yu feel sick. He was afraid to go to bed with him again.

"Go and have some good food." Cheng Yu doesn't want to stay in the house and wants to lead Zhuo Mozi out.

Zhuo Mozi said yes.

Two people sat down in the western restaurant, Zhuo Mozi took out a pack of cigarettes.

He took out one, and when he was ready to order, he saw Cheng Yu still looking at him, and he asked with a smile, "do you want one?"

Cheng Yu is not addicted to smoking, but it's OK to smoke and have fun. Anyway, she never swallows cigarettes in her stomach, so she spits them out in a circle around her mouth. Even the best cigarettes are monstrous to her.

"Well." She nodded her head.

Zhuo Mozi held the cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath, then handed it to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu holds it. He is still staring at zhuomozhi.

"What accent do you speak?" Cheng Yu suddenly asked, "tell me something about Jingqiang."

Zhuo Mo stopped to smile: "then I can say not good, our family is just a few days ago into the Lord of Peiping.". I'm from Anhui, and I can't speak of Jingqiang. "

Zhuo Dashuai, the founder of warlords of Anhui Department, has been occupying the area of Jiangsu and Anhui Province. He really entered the capital only a few years ago.

"Then you can learn two sentences at will. You are not honest in Peiping. Don't pretend to me. I know you have many girlfriends. " Cheng Yudao.

Zhuo Mozi repeatedly begged for mercy: "it's all social. When you go out to play, anyone who doesn't have a girlfriend will be laughed at. You know that, too. It's like playing cards. You have to have a partner. Otherwise, it's out of place. Who wants to contact me? You can inquire about it. My absurdity is limited. I can guarantee that. "

Cheng Yu's mouth is curled and he doesn't believe it.

She took a few puffs of cigarettes. Although zhuomozhi's cigarettes were all high-grade goods, Cheng Yu was bored and put them in the ashtray.

She didn't speak.

Zhuo Mozi is still in a time of deep affection for her, and naturally responds to her needs. Besides, she doubted his past, and Zhuo Mozi dared not take her past as a shield, so he had to comply.

"Let me say something. Don't laugh at me. It's all card table school." Dromo said with a smile.

He pondered, and indeed opened his mouth, saying a few words about Jingqiang.

When he said Jingqiang, his voice was slightly different from that of the usual speech, but different from that of last night.

Cheng Yu thought of dissociation again.

However, Zhuo Mozi is not a fool like Gao Qiao and Xun. Cheng Yu doesn't know whether he is really crazy or is cheating her and plotting.

The other side refused to disclose, and Cheng Yu also restrained his mind.

She was thinking, "it's time to get rid of this kid. I can't hold him because he's too clever and clever."

How to speak?

Seriously speaking, Cheng Yu hasn't dumped anyone yet. Her husband's infidelity was not abandoned by her; Gao qiaoxun's own escape was not her proposal.

It's the first time I want to leave zhuomozhi.

Inexperience made her feel a little stage fright.

"I'll write to him." Cheng Yu thought.

When the holiday is over, Cheng Yu will write a letter to Zhuo Mozi to break up, and then go to Tianjin to hide for a few days, and then come back when he is dead hearted.

It's not that he's bad.

If he is a normal person, Cheng Yu is willing to play with him for a year and a half. It's good to have a boyfriend to compliment and please her every day.

However, it is obvious that dromedge began to deviate from the normal category.

Cheng Yu is full of worries.

So is Zhuo Mozi, because today's Cheng Yu seems to be the abnormal one. What she said and what she did was beyond Zhuo Mozi's comprehension.

They had a dinner of their own and went dancing again.

After returning home, Cheng Yu said that he was not comfortable. Zhuo Mozi kissed her tenderly and then fell asleep with his arms around her.

Cheng Yu also slowly fell asleep.

I don't think she woke up in the middle of the night by Zhuo Mozi. She did not know how to be gentle. She was like a young boy who was just in love. She felt it out of order.

Cheng Yu is annoyed, and reaches out to hit: "you are sick, tossing in the middle of the night? Do you want to die? "

The other side didn't speak, and pressed her down.

He kisses her, even if gnaws, does not have the skill, the lip also does not know extends.

Cheng Yuyi wakes up and has a cold sweat on his back.

If he is schizophrenic, he does not know his condition.

"Who are you?" Cheng Yu squeezed words from the teeth, "who are you?"

This time, there is no answer.

Cheng Yu was held down by him, unable to move, so he began to scratch and bite, and wanted to fight him to death.

However, her hands and feet were easily subdued by him and were not his rivals at all.

He doesn't talk, just her.

At the end of the scene, Cheng Yu completely lost her fight. She had no strength to scold others. She did not know whether she was faint or sleepy. She lost her consciousness.

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