Cheng Yu is scared.

She got up early in the morning and had a fight with zhuomozhi.

Zhuo Mozi was confused. She beat her for dozens of times. Her arms were red and blue. Her stomach was full of confusion and pain.

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Cheng Yu is hysterical.

She tugged dromo hard and pushed him out.

Zhuo Mozi pressed her hand, and she kicked with her feet. In a word, she was very angry.

He could not hold on to her and could not fight back, so he had to withdraw first.

In fact, he himself is quite strange.

In the morning, he woke up first. He hugged Cheng Yu, put one hand around her waist, and put the other hand on her abdomen. It was like he couldn't let go.

Cheng Yu's body is very beautiful, but zhuomozhi is not so greedy for her.

It's not that he knows a lot, it's that he doesn't like sex.

In addition, the kissing marks on Cheng Yu's body were added. His clothes were not neat and he was totally happy. But zhuomozhi slept soundly last night.

"What happened to her?" Zhuo Mozi wants to.

It can't be someone else.

He will not sleep so dead. If someone acts with Cheng Yu in his bed, he will surely wake up.

But he slept so sweet last night that he hardly woke up. He must be the one who works with Cheng Yu, but he has no impression.

He left muddleheaded, but Cheng Yu was frightened and made people pack up.

She sent another servant to look after the boat.

This time, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu came together.

"He's crazy." Cheng Yu panicked and packed his suitcase. "He's really crazy. I'm going to Tianjin to hide for a few days."

Seeing the appearance of Cheng Yu's hair, Si Xingqi thought to himself who is crazy?

Zhuo Mozi didn't see him. Cheng Yu seems to be crazy.

"Gu Qingzhou, he is definitely dissociative." Cheng Yu said again, "this kind of thing can't be cured. I just want to have fun. I don't want to be strangled by psychosis in the middle of the night."

Gu Qingzhou did not see zhuomozhi, nor did he go mad.

Like the feeling of Si Xingfu, Cheng Yucai is more like a madman. Gu Qingzhou stood by for several times and wanted to open his mouth. He didn't know where to start.

"Well, who are you going to Tianjin to join?" The Secretary opened the chamber coldly.

"Stay in a hotel."

"You are Cheng Zhihong's daughter and Cheng Meng's sister. If someone catches you and threatens your brother, what can you do?" The Secretary asked again.

An earthquake struck Cheng Yu.

At the moment, she was just a little quiet.

Last night I was scared. When he got up early to fight Zhuo Mozi, Cheng Yu was scared to death when he saw that he was still at a loss.

A word from Si Xingfu woke her up.

She was in Taiyuan, and was protected by governor ye, because she was a friend of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou. If I go to Tianjin, who can guarantee her safety?

"Since you are afraid, will you go back to Yunnan?" Gu Qingzhou said, "better than going to Tianjin. I can't rest assured that you will go to Tianjin alone. "

Cheng Yu thought about it. It's not right to go back to Yunnan.

Her brother married her sister-in-law, who worked with her mother to punish her. Even sister Zhou, who followed her back to Yunnan, now rebelled and became her mother's school.

The point is that both her mother and her sister-in-law are intelligent women, and Cheng Yu is pinched to death in their hands, unable to move at all.

She doesn't want to go home.

"Then..." Cheng Yu hesitated.

Seeing that she had a little conscience, Si Xingfu knew that she was thinking for her brother's sake, and his attitude was more relaxed.

He said to Cheng Yu, "what are you afraid of? Taiyuan mansion is not Zhuo's territory. I forbid him to enter. Does he dare to break in? But Tianjin is different. Do you know how long it is from Peiping to Tianjin? "

Cheng Yu asked foolishly, "how many roads?"

Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou: "..."

There was silence in the room. Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou didn't expect Cheng Yu to run without knowing anything.

Running to Tianjin, Zhuo Mozi went home to dispatch troops. Catching her was like catching chickens. When the emperor is far away, it will be difficult for Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu to save her.

"You are so stupid!" "If you are my sister, I have to kill you first, so that you don't lose face."

"Bah! You are a bandit. Can you raise such a noble girl in your family? " Cheng Yu is also angry.

Gu Qingzhou didn't expect the situation to change so fast. In a moment, the situation became totally different - things didn't work out. They quarreled first.

"Shut up!" She drank like a fish.

Cheng Yu is a little afraid of taking care of the light boat and getting angry. He is afraid for no reason. Anyway, he is very afraid.

There is no principle for Si Xingfu to spoil his wife. His wife's anger seems to him very lovely and beautiful. He was scolded by his wife, but he didn't feel ashamed. He just obeyed and turned Cheng Yu's eyes in silence.

"It's a good thing that you're on guard." Gu Qingzhou takes a deep breath, turns away the anger on his face, and calmly says to Cheng Yu, "just don't let him in, or be safe around us."

Cheng Yu had a fight with Zhuo Mozi in the morning, and now he has a fight with Si Xingfu. He is really tired.

Gu Qingzhou decides for her. She nods and sighs and goes back to her room.

The servant was still stunned and asked Gu Qingzhou stupidly, "are you still cleaning up?"

The servant has been with Cheng Yu for a long time, and he is also a bit foolish.

Gu Qingzhou waved to her.

When the servant went down, she took care of the boat and asked the Secretary to leave first. She had to comfort Cheng Yu again, so that Cheng Yu would not feel unhappy.

"Don't connive her," said the Secretary, "if you fight, you will fight, and if you scold, you will scold."

Gu chuckles.

She felt that she could not beat Cheng Yu, nor scold him.

She nodded, "go ahead and do it."

After Si Xingfu left, Gu Qingzhou went into the inner bed and saw Cheng Yu lying in bed sighing. She was really afraid this time.

"Don't worry, since you don't want to do anything with him, don't do it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu nods.

In the afternoon, Zhuo Mo Zhi came back.

He was a little surprised that the gate couldn't get in, but he didn't bother. Instead, he turned to the nearest coffee shop and called Cheng Yu by phone.

Cheng Yu didn't know it was him. He took it.

After that, she hung up again.

Zhuo Mozi thought for a long time, but still didn't come up with an eyebrow. However, he still loves Cheng Yu very much recently. His love is at its peak, which makes him leave Cheng Yu as if he were in deep pain.

He knows that Cheng Yu blamed him because he did things with her last night.

Zhuo Mochi can't remember.

He vaguely remembered that once upon a time, a girlfriend said that he was abnormal at night.


"apologize first." There is a way to coax women.

When a woman is angry, she apologizes first and admits everything she says.

He called Cheng Yu again and said, "I shouldn't be fooling around with you. In fact, I've been a little violent, afraid you won't allow me to pretend that I don't remember... "

Cheng Yu hesitated and hung up.

Zhuo Mo stops fighting. The servant answers.

He didn't pester, leaving the name of a restaurant. If Cheng Yu is relieved, he can go to him.

He went to the hotel and opened a room. He said to the waiter specially that if anyone wants to see him, he should be called downstairs to listen to the phone.

However, Cheng Yu has not found him, and his vacation is over. He needs to go back to school.

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