Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1149 unusual politeness

Taiyuan government has had an autumn rain.

After the rain, the air was bleak and desolate, and the leaves of the courtyard gradually changed color.

It was cold at night, and Gu almost curled up in the arms of Si Xingfu.

He warm, chest like a fire, warm her, let her down to earth.

The love between Ye Wu and Kang Yu is very strong. Because ye Shan's disappearance, the two people bear the pain, but internal stability, not angry.

Cheng Yu does not see Zhuo Mozi.

Gao Qiao and Xun came to visit Gu Qingzhou once. He wanted to see Cheng Yu and was rejected by Gu Qingzhou.

And here comes zhuomozhi.

He asked for leave in the school. He came during the day and was turned away. Then he went over the wall at night.

He was caught by the executioner.

Just about to be killed, an adjutant recognized Miss Cheng's boyfriend.

Si Xingfu went to see him, and Gu Qingzhou also went to see the excitement.

Dromo hung his head down and did not speak.

"She doesn't want to see you. If you want to go back to her, you should be fair." Si Xingfu taught him a lesson.

Don't stop saying nothing.

Gu Qingzhou looks on. Several times, Si Xingfu scolds him for wanting him to talk, but he doesn't talk.

It's not very much like zhuomozhi's character.

"What do you want me to convey to her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Zhuo did not pay attention to her.

He is the son of commander Zhuo and a distinguished guest of governor Ye. He went to the Military Academy for further study. If he was locked up, governor ye would have trouble finding the chief executive in the morning.

Ye dujun is bored recently. Ye Shan's whereabouts are still unknown. If Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingkai provoke him at this time, they may not have good fruit to eat.

"You go, this is the last time. If you dare to climb over the wall again, my adjutant will kill you. " Si Xingfu road.

Zhuo Mozi should have understood that the guard of Si's house is very strict. As expected, he didn't go over the wall again.

Cheng Yu heard about it the next morning.

Her expression is very tangled, ask Gu Qingzhou: "how do you look at him, like not like a madman?"

"He doesn't speak," Gu said

Cheng Yuli said: "the last night I talked to him, he didn't talk either. It was probably the first day that I found the clue. Gu Qingzhou, do you think he is dissociative? "

It's hard to take care of the boat.

She doesn't know about dissociation.

She also sent a telegram to Dr. Arnold in Yuecheng, asking him about his problem of dissociation. Dr. Arnold wrote back that he had never heard of such an academic theory.

I don't know the new discovery. Gu Qingzhou can't say anything.

"Do you have any academic data on dissociation?" Gu Qingzhou asks Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu said, "that's a word invented by my teacher's friend. It's just discussed in a small circle. Where is the information?"

Gu looked at her and said, "in that case, I can't help you with this problem. There is a specialty in the art industry, but you have a lot of research in this field. You can do it by yourself. "

Cheng Yu sighed.

She's a little scared of madness.

Especially in bed, the madman rubs Cheng Yu repeatedly, just like a child who gets his beloved baby and plays over and over again, hoping to bite him.

Cheng Yu can't stand it.

"Look again." She said.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Mrs. Chua Changting and Mrs. hepingye have also looked for Gu Qingzhou. It's no big deal. They just drink tea together and talk about trifles by the way. They also stay in Gu Qingzhou for dinner.

After the meal, Gu went to the yedujun mansion.

Ye Shan's family still has no news, and ye Wu is at Aunt Liu's side.

Gu Qingzhou also went to see Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu has been fat again recently, but she is a round white face. She is more plump and lovely when she is fat. When she smiles, her eyebrows are curved and sweet.

Ye family atmosphere is a lot more serious, but not to the point of personal danger.

People's lives have changed a little, but they are adapting to these changes.

It's Monday again.

Gu has an open class every morning. Her open class is not only available for medical students, but also for other majors.

Because she is a famous person, young and beautiful, coupled with the false name of the honorary Dean, students and even teachers are very interested in her, all will come to listen to her class.

Most of the open classes of other teachers are cold and quiet, but the classroom of Gu Qingzhou is full of people.

Medical students can't even squeeze in.

That happened last time.

Gu Qingzhou discussed with the teaching secretary and asked him to arrange and sign in.

Medical students are advanced, others are waiting. They will be let in five minutes before class. If medical students are late and unable to enter, they will bear the consequences.

She also comforted the teaching secretary: "find some students to help register. Don't worry, everyone is trying to make a fresh picture, at most two or three times, it will be normal later. Besides, we all have our own classes. "

Teaching secretary smiles.

This time, there are a lot fewer people than last time.

Gu Qingzhou had three hours of lessons. He was thirsty and tired. He knew that the teacher was hard.

She thought of her lack of concentration when she was studying, and suddenly felt sorry for her teachers.

Near the end of the class, Gu said to the students, "some of the basics are interesting, almost all of them have been finished. Next, we need to learn some serious things. From the beginning of a class, I will give you a textbook with medical records and prescriptions... "

the students don't answer the questions and even begin to discuss in private.

Gu Qingzhou knows the students' thoughts best. She also came from her student days and said immediately, "no exam is needed."

Cheers broke out below.

Gu Qingzhou continued: "the teaching materials don't need money. I gave them to you."

Cheers went up again.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

After class, Gu went to his office. Although she is an honorary Dean, the school has arranged a personal office for her very generously.

Her office is on the top floor of the medical college building, the fourth floor.

The teaching secretary followed her to the office.

"This is the manuscript. Take it to the publishing house and let it print a thousand copies." Gu Qingzhou takes out his original.

Then she took the money to him: "this is a box of silver dollars, you take it."

Teaching secretary said yes.

He took the manuscript and the silver dollar, counted the pages of the manuscript, then counted the silver dollar, and wrote a receipt for Gu Qingzhou.

The attitude of business is very reassuring.

When it was finished, Gu Qingzhou was tired and lay on the sofa in the office. He didn't get up for a long time.

She fell asleep for a moment.

When the spirit is almost recovered, it's 1:30 p.m.

The sun is warm outside.

Gu Qingzhou leaves the office.

She met Wang yunian head on.

Wang's office is also on the fourth floor. However, he has moved the place, and the former dean's office has been sealed up, neither letting Wang continue to use it nor giving it to Gu Qingzhou.

"Dean, today's class is quite a sensation." Wang yunian smiled and said hello to Gu Qingzhou in a friendly voice.

He had difficulty in walking, but came quickly.

Gu Qingzhou was surprised at his attitude.

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