Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1150 expulsion of students

Wang Yu came over in the spring breeze and said hello to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's surprise was deep, he smiled and exchanged greetings with him: "open class, they are nothing more than catching up with something new. I'm more than happy. "

"It's too modest. President Gu is the attitude of learning." Wang yunian is very surprised. It seems that the younger generation doesn't know the height of heaven and earth. It's self-knowledge to look at the boat alone.

He is very cheerful today.

Gu was wary of the boat.

Wang yunian not only changed his attitude, but also people didn't hate it. After saying a few words, he let go of the light boat and knew the current affairs very well.

Back home, goo kayaks in the living room.

The servant brought her tea, and she didn't take it.

Si Xingfu stretches out of the inner room, sees her like this, and sits beside her: "what's the matter, today's class is not going well?"

"No, the class went well." Gu Qingzhou said, "however, I met Wang yunian..."

Si Xingfu was cold at once.

In his indifferent eyes, a fierce light burst out: "he's looking for trouble again?"

"I can understand if he's in trouble again." Gu Qingzhou said, "on the contrary, his attitude is excellent this time, which is perfect."

Si Xingfu understood the meditation of Gu Qingzhou.

Wang yunian's attitude shows a problem.

Si Xingfu pointed out the problem directly: "he has thought of the way to deal with you?"

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou is not lucky at all.

She has gone through so many things that she has no idea of innocence and innocence.

She knows that this society is dominated by men. How can Wang be calm when she is a woman who has made Wang yunian lose so much face?

It can trace back to the source. Isn't it Wang yunian who first made her look ugly?

He is the first to flirt.

At that time, she happily accepted his invitation and went to school to give a speech, but he wanted Gu to lose his reputation.

Gu Qingzhou will not easily fail, so Wang yunian failed.

He must not be reconciled.

He will regret. Of course, it's not to regret that I hurt Gu Qingzhou, but to hate that I despised the enemy too much, and that I didn't understand Gu Qingzhou and went out.

With such remorse, he will make a comeback again.

"If he hasn't figured out a way, he won't be so happy." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu nodded and thought it was true.

He asked Gu Qingzhou what he planned to do with it.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm going to school these days. I'll find an excuse to see what's wrong with the school."

"I'll accompany you," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou smiled slowly: "no need. I'm now walking on campus. I'm a celebrity. Everyone is watching me. If you go, add more topics. "

"I'm afraid it's too much."

"It's not appropriate. School is a sacred place. It's harmful for us to go out and enter." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu pinches her face again: "are you still so old-fashioned?"

"I've always been rigid."

Si Xingfu is very busy recently. He has no time to compete with Gu Qingzhou. Gu Qingzhou won't let him go, and he won't go as expected.

After two days, Gu Qingzhou first called the teaching secretary and said that he would go to school today. He might attend several classes and didn't need to prepare anything.

"Don't be prepared. You know it. Don't make a fuss about my appearance." Gu Qingzhou road.

The Secretary said yes.

Gu Qingzhou went to school as expected.

The teaching secretary greeted her at the gate.

Gu Qingzhou took several books in his hand. When he got off the bus, he didn't hold one firmly and fell down. The teaching secretary subconsciously wanted to pick it up. Then he showed his teeth in pain and didn't bend down for a long time.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "does it hurt your back?"

Adjutant Mali picked up the book.

"Yes, Dean Gu," said the teaching secretary, "I was knocked down when I was in the building of the previous world, and I fell very hard."

"By whom?"

The expression of the teaching secretary changed a little, and his expression became cautious. He smiled cautiously: "a reckless student."


"Of course, can I still deceive you?" Teaching secretary said.

Gu Qingzhou said nothing more.

She went to the office.

Only the teaching secretary knew she was coming, and they were surprised when they met several professors at the stairs.

"Why is the Dean here? There are classes today?" They exchanged greetings with Gu Qingzhou.

They are very friendly to Gu Qingzhou. After all, Gu Qingzhou is famous and worthy of respect.

Gu Qingzhou said, "no, I just have a look."

Wang yunian also saw her.

He was slightly surprised.

Compared with the last time's enthusiasm, he turned back to his office in surprise and didn't say hello to Gu Qingzhou. He was very indifferent.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes turned a little, motionless.

She went to several classrooms and labs and didn't disturb the students.

Return to the office building at noon.

The Secretary of teaching beat up the meal and Gu Qingzhou asked him while eating: "your back, I'll help you see. If it's not serious, I'll prescribe some plasters for you."

The secretary is very happy.

"Thank you, Dean." He said.

Gu Qingzhou asked him to eat first.

The adjutant also has a meal, which he eats in the chair beside him.

Gu took two bites, and she heard the noise outside, as if the students were talking.

She put down her chopsticks and left the office, followed by the teaching secretary and adjutant.

Standing in the corridor on the fourth floor, you can see clearly the movement downstairs.

Several students surrounded a man.

The student was talking loudly, with an eager look: "it's not that I plagiarize, I'm just..."

he said, "I never smoke opium, nor bring opium to school. Vice president, I am really wronged! "

Everyone else will take him away.

Some students also said that they believed in Lin Zicheng.

The following riotous student, Lin Zicheng, became hysterical: "I am wronged, don't fire me."

All the other professors stood up and looked.

Wang yunian alone did not.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the students downstairs and another Vice Dean.

The vice president moved a few steps to her side.

"What's the matter, do you know?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Vice president really knows.

"A student was dismissed today." He told Gu Qingzhou.


"In the last exam, he got the answer, even the mistake was the same, it was a very bad plagiarism and cheating; yesterday in his schoolbag, the students found opium smoke; there was a cigarette gun in his drawer." Said the vice president.

It's very serious in school to buy a bad problem; it's a crime of expulsion to smoke opium openly and bring it to school.

Gu Qingzhou looked down at the student: "he said he was wronged."

"... generally guilty people will say they are wronged." Said the vice president.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingzhou suddenly asked the vice president, "what's the child's name?"

"Lin Zicheng."

"What does the family do?" Gu asked again.

The vice president was perplexed by this question. He thought to himself, does the honorary president want to ingratiate himself with the powerful?

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