Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1152 showing off your husband

Gu Qingzhou looked at the books all over the room, with a happy face, full of smiles, which made her a little more colorful.

Si Xingfu felt cheated.

"I'll tell you, my wife is so old-fashioned, and would you like to show me around the campus? I was asked to be coolie. " Si Xingfu bites his teeth. He is as fierce as a wolf. He wants to swallow Gu's boat.

He bared his teeth at her.

Gu Qingzhou feels that he will go back tonight. He is afraid that it will be hard to be clean. He shivers and laughs with him. "Nonsense, coolie has an adjutant. Who can see your coolie?"

Adjutants stood beside them in tears: Madam, we are still there. Can you speak in a low voice?

With his aides, Si Xingfu cleans up the study for Gu Qingzhou and talks with him.

The couple didn't flirt in front of the adjutant, but the words were sticky, and the manager was downcast everywhere, and had no prestige in front of his wife.

The bolder adjutant began to snigger.

Si Xingfu slaps the adjutant's head and says, "laugh, fart, laugh!"

The adjutant couldn't help laughing, silly.

Gu Qingzhou also smiled and said, "don't bully people. If you want to work and get beaten, who cares less about your army food? You're going to put the books in order for me. The students are going to move them later. "

Si Xingfu did come to do coolie.

He is not afraid of coolie. He is very strong. During the day, this coolie adds some resentment. At night, it will all attack Gu Qingzhou.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou would let him take whatever he wanted.

He has the courage to know that he can take advantage of it. He only grinds his teeth, and doesn't make trouble in school or in the boat.

An hour later, Gu Qingzhou stood in the corridor and chatted with his colleagues. His study was clean.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desk are all received in the drawer, so the desk is full of books.

In addition to the desk, the bookshelf is also full, and closed the cabinet door lock up, very careful.

The ground has also been swept clean.

Si Xingfu comes out, greets the teacher beside Gu Qingzhou, and pulls out his cigar.

He held it in his mouth, reached for the lighter, and guqingzhou snatched his cigar.

"Don't smoke in school." Gu Qingzhou said, "no, I will set a bad example to the students."

Si Xingfu smiles and looks like a warm fire when his wife tries to make progress. However, Si Xingfu is the fire-fighting insect. When he looks at this fire, he will be happy.

"OK, no more, no lack of this one." Si Xingfu road.

At eight o'clock, the students came.

A total of ten boys, Gu Qingzhou put on the desk of the new teaching materials, all moved to the classroom, to the students.

The teaching secretary came over and whispered a word to Gu Qingzhou.

"What's the matter?" he asked

"There is a new vice president of the Ministry of health. He went to the school to check today. It is estimated that he will go to my classroom." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si xingxu blinks at her.

Gu Qingzhou smiles, completely motionless.

She took Si Xingfu to her open class.

Compared with the previous times, there are fewer students and teachers, but there are also more than 20. However, many of our students have escaped, and the big classroom can sit down.

A classroom full of students and teachers.

They are looking through the new teaching materials that Gu Qingzhou sent them, and talking about them one after another. Suddenly, Si Xingfu comes in and makes the classroom quiet.

Si Xingfu is a very big man. Although he is wearing a suit today, he is also dignified. He was so tall and big that he set off the guqingzhou beside him.

His appearance is beautiful, but at the same time not overcast and soft, is very resolute and beautiful. With wide shoulders and long legs, he put on a suit in a tangible and aggressive manner.

There are only a few female college students in the school, and less than ten students in the classroom. They look silly.

Never seen such a handsome man.

The male students are also stupid. They secretly compare themselves with this man and find that they are too tender, a little childish and lack of charm.

Everyone stopped talking.

Gu Qingzhou coughs gently.

A lively student representative asked Gu Qingzhou, "Dean, who is this, the new teacher?"

Gu Qingzhou said, "no, this is my family. He came to attend."

The classroom exploded.

Some of the students even whistled to Gu's boat.

The manager is not upset.

He was in such a high mood that he stood by and looked at the group of students.

He used to hate these half grown children, but now he thinks they are lovely. They are lovely, lively and healthy. They are all good children. They are his wife's students.

"All right." Gu Qingzhou made a few hard taps on the table top, which put down the chaotic atmosphere.

He took the first row of seats and sat down.

Gu Qingzhou begins to teach the students.

Because of the arrival of Si Xingfu, the children were not quiet. They had to talk about it from time to time. There was no real solemnity in the school.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't care. She doesn't take exams in this course, so she doesn't have to restrain her students.

Thirty minutes after class, the teaching secretary came.

He waved to the light boat.

Gu left the classroom temporarily and went to the corridor.

She saw the president, Wang yunian, another vice president of the medical school, and several teachers surrounded by a middle-aged man.

"Vice President Nie, this is president Gu." The principal introduced with a smile.

The new vice president, with a kind attitude, complimented Gu Qingzhou: "President Gu is really young and promising."

Gu Qingzhou smiled and exchanged greetings with the second chief.

The end result is that these people want to listen to the lesson of taking care of the light boat.

This is also common.

Last time Gu Qingzhou inspected, he also listened to several teachers.

"Come in, please." Gu chuckled.

She asked the students in the first row to move back and squeeze in the back to make room for the seats in the first row.

The Secretary didn't move.

The headmaster looked at him, and they only felt that he was not like a student, with extraordinary bearing, and even less like an ordinary person. They secretly wondered who he was.

"Sir, are you here?" Wang yunian opened his mouth, and he was still in a good mood.

And they all knew that this was the husband who took care of the canoe.

"Yes, he's here." Gu chuckled.

He stood up and shook hands with the others. Because in the classroom, everyone sits down after simple politeness, without delaying the teaching time.

Gu Qingzhou also found that the headmaster had textbooks in their hands.

They were going to come to the class at the beginning.

Before in the office, it was Wang yunian who put the textbook of Gu Qingzhou aside and turned it over by himself, which aroused the interest of the second director.

"... president Gu's own book, which was delivered by the workers in the morning, I asked the Secretary for some, and I'll have a look at it myself." Wang yunian said so.

Therefore, the vice president of the Ministry of health also said to have a look and asked about Gu Qingzhou by the way.

Knowing that Gu Qingzhou is free now, vice president Nie brings it up.

They all took the teaching materials given by Wang yunian to the classroom.

If they attend, they won't listen to the whole class. Most of them will leave after 20 minutes.

After about ten minutes, suddenly someone raised his hand.

Gu Qingzhou took a look, not students, but a young teacher, following Wang yunian.

"Dean Gu, is this book really made up by you?" The teacher stood up and asked questions like a student, but in a suspicious voice.

"Yes," Gu said

The teacher frowned slightly: "on page 109, there are 18 reactions in this prescription for insomnia!"

Everyone was shocked.

The students, the principal, the dean and so on, all looked down and flipped through the books.

Including Si Xingfu.

There are "18 anti" in traditional Chinese medicine, which is a taboo in dispensing. If two of the 18 anti Chinese medicines are used together, they will be extremely poisonous and will kill people.

Even if it's a newly graduated Chinese medicine, it's impossible to have 18 counter reactions in its own prescriptions.

If someone prescribes 18 prescriptions, it's blatant harm to life. Let alone dishonour. I'm afraid it's going to end up in prison.

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