Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1153 eighteen contraries

The teacher's questions set off another storm in the classroom.

The teacher himself was on the spot.

He really found out the problem, not the problem. In this textbook, there is a prescription for insomnia. It says "five dollars for American ginseng" in the front and "two dollars for Lilu" in the back.

The reed and all kinds of ginseng are opposite, so they can't be used together. It is the opposite of American ginseng.

There are twenty-one medicines in this prescription. Is it possible that President Gu made a mistake in writing?

After all, it's impossible to write such a large book without any mistakes.

However, other mistakes are easy to say. If we make the "18 anti" mistake, it will be serious.

It's in black and white, and the books have been handed out to so many students. If Dean Gu doesn't leave school this time, he can't be dismissed.

The teacher is not sure whether it is good or bad, so he is nervous.

"Is it?" He heard that President Gu said the same, but her face was not half flustered, as if she was determined that she would not make mistakes.

She also turned to page 109, then smiled and didn't speak.

Her appearance, is mixed not to care about, seem to have what concealed feeling.

The teacher was even more flustered.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look at the Vice Minister of health beside his eyes.

Nie's face changed, embarrassed and angry. He seemed to want to talk. The headmaster also saw it. He was embarrassed and gaped at the book. Other people who followed him and the headmaster also lost their blood color.

In the first row of them, only Wang yunian could control his expression a little.

But his expression was strange.

It seems that Wang yunian is not controlling his shock, but controlling his joy, because he is dying and pinching his lips, but his eyes are bent, like he wants to laugh.

The teacher is a little steadfast.

However, his steadiness has not passed three seconds, and the students in the back have talked about it.

"Where is the 18 anti?" A student asked.

"Yes, which two drugs have committed 18 rebellions?" The students next to me.

They are noisy and ask each other what's wrong on page 109.

"President Gu, where did you commit 18 crimes?" There is a bold boy, stood up and asked, "what and what 18 anti?"

None of them study traditional Chinese medicine.

There are even people who don't know the 18 anti, just listen to the name and feel intimidating.

Si Xingfu closed the book and his lips were slightly cocked.

The teacher, whose face was burning, was not sure whether he was nervous or angry: why didn't these students know the 18 anti?

He looked at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou is still indifferent and silent, waiting for the leader below to speak.

The teacher couldn't help but turn around and face the students in the back Classroom: "Eighteen anti drugs are taboos of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a specific list..."

then he recited eighteen anti drugs.

The teacher studied traditional Chinese medicine for several years as a child, and then went to learn western medicine.

Eighteen is the basis of the eyes, plus the knowledge that I recited when I was a child, it is the root of my mind, and I can blurt it out without much thought.

He recited the 18 words in reverse, and then said to the students, "in the textbook compiled by President Gu, on page 109, there are American ginseng and Lilu in the treatment of insomnia. Lilu is against the American ginseng, which is eighteen

The students suddenly realized, nodded together, and then buried themselves in looking for mistakes.

The teacher breathed a sigh of relief.

He just wanted to turn around. The students in the back row were impatient and handed over the book directly: "teacher, what's the 18 opposite? Where is the reed? My eyes are dazzled... "

the teacher is stunned, reaching out to take the student's book, and at the same time hearing other students say:" yes, where is Lilu? Is that page 109? Not before or after. "

It's a little weird.

Let alone the teachers, the vice president and principal of the Ministry of health, could not help turning their faces.

The teacher snatched the book from the student.

When he looked down, he almost fainted: in the student's textbook, the prescription had no Lilu, and it suddenly said "two money for Pueraria", not "two money for Lilu". It was totally different.

The teacher doubted his eyesight and picked up his book again.


In his teaching materials, he wrote Li Lu Liang Qian, while in the students' teaching materials, he wrote Ge Gen Er Qian.

Gegen didn't commit eighteen crimes.

The teacher turned the book over again.

It's the same book, the title page is the same, only this page is different.

The teacher was confused.

The second minister of the Ministry of health was also full of doubts. In the teaching materials he saw, he did commit 18 rebellions, and the students were all asking where they were.

So, Nie also asked the students, "show me the book."

He also saw the teaching materials of the students. There was no mistake in the teaching materials. There was no Lilu, only Pueraria.

"No, it's impossible!" There was excitement around.

It's the year of Wang Yu.

He stood up, grabbed a student's textbook and turned to page 109.

There are no errors.

He took another one.

There are still no mistakes.

He was sweating all over his head, and his hair was suddenly scattered. He seemed to be going mad. He dragged his legs and didn't care about using crutches. He stood up to rob the students' textbooks.

He snatched five copies at a time and found that there was nothing wrong with each student's textbook.

His heart began to cool, cold breath out of the breath, are cold.

He's a little scared. His hands and feet are shaking.

When he was so cold and quiet, he found that all the students and leaders were looking at him.

He lost his temper.

In the eyes of leaders, there seems to be understanding. Each of them is holding the teaching materials brought by Wang yunian's office and the teaching materials of the students.

In comparison, only what Wang yunian gave to the leaders was wrong.

This mistake is vicious and cruel. It will ruin the reputation of Gu Qingzhou, not unintentionally.

"Here..." Wang yunian wanted to explain, "what's the matter?"

One student was bold enough to take the book the teacher put on the desk.

"Oh, Dean, their books are different from ours. They are wrong." The students finished reading it, high voice.

Now, the students' guess has been confirmed.

"Isn't it the same batch of printed books? How could it be wrong? "

"Whose other book is wrong?"

"No, our books are all right. The president and the vice president are wrong."

The students began to talk, the classroom was full of sound, even to the point of noise, the next classroom had students slip over, lying at the window to watch.

"Headmaster, why is your book different from ours?" Some students asked directly.

The principal was asked.

He was confused, not that he thought the problem was difficult, but that these students were stupid.

Can't students see such a simple question?

The whole school knows Wang yunian's and Gu Qingzhou's grudges. The students have seen Wang yunian's reaction just now.

What else can Wang yunian do!

As for Wang yunian's ghost, why it's so unreliable and why it's two different teaching materials, the headmaster doesn't know.

"The students are very manipulative. It's naive and stupid." The headmaster's thinking split and temporarily made a small difference.

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