Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1162 fox spirit

The servant leads the way.

When entering the door, Gu Qingzhou saw the surprise and anxiety on the servant's face.

"Madam, sir, and a young lady are also here to pick up Mrs. Wang." Servant road.

When I knocked at the door, there was only one gentleman.

I don't think so. After the servant's report, when he went out to invite the guests in, a young lady came down from the car.

In general, people don't tell me twice.

It was a young lady who came out more frequently. Young lady is not dangerous, and the wife is also a young lady, not too rude.

The servant was worried and brought the gentleman and miss into the door.

I haven't seen either of them.

Qin yarn also slightly frowned.

She whispered to Gu Qingzhou, "it's the second and ninth in the long room."

After saying that, Qin Sha straightened her waist a little and said to the visitor, "ah Cui, Yushu, why are you here? Your fourth uncle is not free? "

"The fourth uncle is going to take his friend to the station. I happened to meet him at the door. He said he would come to pick up the fourth aunt, so I came for him." Man way.

He is tall and slender, with a face similar to that of Wang yunian, but younger, whiter and more handsome.

Gu estimates that his age is about the same as that of Si Xingfu, maybe one or two years younger than that of Si Xingfu, not more than 30 years old.

"Hello, sir." The man reached out and wanted to shake hands with Si Xingfu.

"Is that you?" he said

"Ah Hui, this is the second young master of our family. His academic name is Wang Cui. He and Yu Nian are brothers." Qin Sha is busy.

Si Xingfu's eyes did not change, and his hands did not work hard, as if he didn't understand, he said quietly, "nice to meet you."

Wang Cui also said "nice to meet you" and then met Gu in the light boat.

Behind Wang Cui is a woman in white.

She is Wang Yushu. At the beginning, she tried everything to take Kang Yu away, but she was put together by Ye Wu.

Gu Qingzhou looks at her.

Wang Yushu also looked at Gu Qingzhou.

She didn't say anything but looked back and forth at Gu.

Qin Sha looked alert and said with a smile, "I have to leave now. Next time, I will invite you to be a guest. "

She said she was leaving.

Wang Yushu does not move.

She looked at Gu Qingzhou, and then looked at the eye Secretary Xingfu. She smiled and said, "the teacher seat and his wife are really matched, just like the golden virgin."

Although this is a kind words, but with some strange meaning.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't care.

The enmity between her and Wang yunian is well known throughout Taiyuan. Today's Wang Cui and Wang Yushu are all relatives of Wang yunian's compatriots. It's human nature for them to have ideas.

Besides, Gu Qingzhou never regretted anything. She looked back at Wang Yushu.

"Miss Wang has a sweet mouth." Gu Qingzhou's bright eyes slipped on Wang Yushu's body and fell on Qin Sha's face, as if he praised children among his elders.

She didn't talk directly with Wang Yushu.

No need.

Wang Yushu's face changed a little as expected.

Wang Cui coughs softly, and then gives Wang Yushu a stern warning look.

"Small nine mouth is sweet." Qin Sha smiled, as if she didn't know the tension of the sword on the scene.

Qin yarn is very good. If she is no longer bewitched by the royalists, Gu can continue to be her little apprentice and accept her as an elder.

After that, Qin Sha takes away Wang Cui and brother and sister Wang Yushu.

Back to the Wang family, Qin Sha let them go to their own yard.

Before Qin Sha changed, she was gentle and kind, her face was solemn and her eyes were cold: "what are you two doing?"

Wang Yushu plays drums in his heart, but pretends to be confused: "what to do?"

Wang Cui is 28 years old this year. He knows more about the world than Wang Yushu. He then said, "four aunts, we just want to see Mrs. Si. I heard that my eldest brother was fired because of him."

"We don't speak ill of the dead." Qin Sha's face was colder. "How many relatives and friends did you remember your elder brother's funeral?"

Wang Cui's expression was suddenly gloomy.

Wang Yushu lost control: "isn't it just people walking in the cool of tea?"

"Who walks in the cool of tea?" Qin Sha said coldly, "everyone has a steelyard in mind. Mrs. Si is a friend of the governor's office, and the Wang family is the in laws of the governor's office. If the Wang family is in charge, why do relatives and friends only send silk and gold instead of going to the door in person? "

Wang Yushu is very angry.

Qin Sha's words, every word in saying, their eldest brother did a scandal, was the whole Taiyuan people spit.

If it is Gu Qingzhou who has harmed eldest brother, then eldest brother should be sympathized and someone should come to mourn.

But no!

Big brother is the wrong person.

"That Secretary's wife is your adopted daughter, of course you are partial to her! Do you know? You are married to our king's family now! " Wang Yushu roared loudly and tears rolled down.

This is serious.

Qin Sha is a woman who has opened casinos and brothels. What scene hasn't she seen?

Niece a few words, can't set off the waves in Qin Sha's heart at all.

She said lightly: "you Wang family? I'm married in. You are going to marry out. Who is the real Wang? "

She did not say anything unpleasant or loud, and she was always calm and stabbed Wang Yushu and Wang Cui.

After Wang Yushu married out, he would follow his husband's surname. Her surname is not long Wang.

The brothers and sisters are not her rivals.

"Four aunts, you don't get to know the same thing as children." Wang Cui said in a sarcastic tone.

It seems that Qin Sha's counterattack is to bully children.

Qin Sha is not anxious but not angry: "all children want to teach. You don't have elders. I have to teach you well. Otherwise, in the future, others poked at my spine and said that our Wang family had no tutor. It's not called "one mind, one mind, one mind."

All of a sudden, Wang Cui was hurt.

Their parents died early.

The child whose parents died early, who was placed in a large family, was generally in a miserable situation, depending on his uncle's face.

But four uncles are very kind to them, they have never suffered half grievance.

I don't think I've had enough here in Qinsha today.

"Four aunts, what's the matter with you today? How can you talk so hard?" Wang Cui asked with a cold face.

Qin Sha said, "do you know I'm an aunt?"

Wang Cui is also forced to say nothing.

Their brother and sister understood that the fourth aunt valued her apprentice's taking care of the boat more than the Wang family.

Wang Cui and Wang Yushu went to see Gu Qingzhou with malice, which infuriated Qin Sha.

Qin Sha speaks softly, but she has said everything she should, and has no half kindness.

"You must help outsiders?" Wang Cui's voice can't help rising.

Just at this time, Wang Youchuan and Wang Jing came back.

Qin Sha has always been calm and self-sustaining, dealing with Wang Cui and Wang Yushu is more than enough. But she suddenly threw them in tears and asked Wang Cui with a lump: "what do you mean? Am I wrong? "

Wang Cui and Wang Yushu are shocked.

The woman's tears are coming.

Their brother and sister were still surprised, but they heard Wang Jing's anxiety: "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

Four uncles walked in.

Qin Sha immediately jumped into Wang Youchuan's arms and sobbed. She was both graceful and pitiful.

She is so duplicitous that Wang Cui and Wang Yushu are stunned and open their eyes at the same time.

Fox spirit, is that a woman like Qin Sha?

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