Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1163 dangerous loneliness

Wang yunian's funeral was over, but it didn't stop.

Rumors are flying all over the world. Of course, Gu Qingzhou is not involved. She has gained countless sympathies.

As for Wang yunian's death, the focus of discussion is on his and Zhao Wujiu's husband and wife. Only those details can interest the public.

According to the law, the murderer Zhao 599 needs to pay for his life.

The students pleaded for him, and continued to smear Wang yunian by the way, hoping that France would be gracious.

Governor Ye never spoke.

If he doesn't speak, the police don't dare to judge.

"What does governor Ye mean?" Cheng Yu is concerned about this every day. Seeing that the police department has been silent, she is a little worried.

When she had a problem, she asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou thought for a moment: "the governor is afraid that he sympathizes with Zhao Wujiu. Recently students are petitioning and workers are supporting. He wanted to wait for things to start, and then he took out a "forced" attitude, and went down the donkey to alleviate Zhao's crime, not only appeasing the students and workers, but also not breaking the law. "

After hearing this, Cheng Yu thought it was true. At the same time, he felt that being an official was really a technical job. If you want to be a clear and popular official, you have to work hard.

Governor Ye has been garrisoning Shanxi for many years. His wisdom and small people are incomparable.

"Awesome, awesome!" Cheng Yu exclaimed. She thought of the old events in Yunnan, and couldn't help crying. "My father was so powerful at the beginning, but it's a pity..."

"your mother is so powerful, so is your brother. You're the only one waiting to die. " A knife is mended by the driver's side.

Cheng Yu is so angry that he wants to kill people.

"Gu Qingzhou, he always bullies me!" Cheng Yu tells Gu Qingzhou, "I'm a woman, don't you care?"

I'm sorry to ignore Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu is really a bully.

"Don't bully her, you can bully me." Gu Qingzhou leads the way to the secretary.

Si Xingfu immediately picked up her face and kissed her: "that's good."

Gu Qingzhou blushed.

Cheng Yu is more angry.

At first, she was only bullied by Si Xingfu. Now they show their love and the couple unite to bully her. How can they do that!

She turned to look for Huo Yue.

It's a pity that huoyue has returned to Yuecheng.

Without the news of Huo Fengjing, Huo Yue didn't often stay in Taiyuan. He went back for several days.

Cheng Yu lost his help.

Just then, the adjutant sent in a telegram.

The telegram was translated and sent from Nanjing. Gu Qingzhou's father-in-law asked them to go back for a weekend and missed her very much.

"I miss Abba, too." Gu Qingzhou took the message, mixed feelings, "let's go to Nanjing for a few days, do our filial piety."

Si Xingfu said: "well, it's time for me to go back to Pingcheng. When I get to Nanjing, I'll put you down and I'll go back. "

He is not going to accompany the superintendent.

Besides, the chief inspector only said he wanted to take care of the boat, not him.

They left Taiyuan.

As soon as they left, Cheng Yu suddenly found that the house was very empty and terrible.

Huo Yue has gone, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have gone, and Cheng Yu understands one thing: Taiyuan mansion is not their home.

When they were all there, Cheng Yu had a comfortable and comfortable life. When they leave, Cheng Yucai feels lonely.

She plans to go out in the afternoon and has an appointment with Ye Wu.

As a result, Kang Yu came. When passing by a coffee shop, Cheng Yu and Gao Qiao Xun met unexpectedly.

Cheng Yu is in a bad mood, jealous of Ye Wu and Kang Yu, and even more depressed. When she meets Gao Qiao Xun again, her mood collapses.

"Sister Cheng, shall we play cards at night?" Ye Wu asked her.

Cheng Yu shook his head. "I'm tired and I'm going home."

It's hard to go home.

At this moment, Cheng Yu is very lonely, but he doesn't want to go back to Yunnan.

Kunming used to be her home. Since she was married and her father died, the family seems to have changed. At least now, the family has left her with no attachment, just upset.

Trouble her mother, trouble her sister-in-law.

Cheng Yu goes back to his room and lies down, unable to sleep. After looking at his watch, it was only eight o'clock in the evening, but Cheng Yu felt that his bones were going to be crisp and his whole body hurt.

"Time flies so slowly!" She got angry.

Changing clothes and making up again, Cheng Yu took an adjutant and went out for a drink.

She alone, let the adjutant sit by.

The adjutant is plain clothes, more like her boyfriend. Cheng Yu has enjoyed himself without any fear.

"I'll go to the bathroom." She drank for more than an hour, and felt drunk, saying to the deputy.

The deputy said yes.

He wants to see her over, but Cheng Yu stops him: "you are waiting for me here. You are not my boyfriend. You are not allowed to go anywhere."

The deputy said yes.

When Cheng Yu came out of the bathroom, his mind became more confused.

She suddenly lost sight of the door.

Looking for light, Cheng Yu walks forward, the air suddenly cools.

Her whole body is hot, and the coolness of her face makes her feel refreshed. Cheng Yu finds himself walking on the street.

She was not familiar with the scene in the street, it was not like she had just entered the door.

She came out the back door.

But which door did she come out of? She had no impression.

"Where is this?" Cheng Yu is staggering.

She couldn't help shouting, "take care of the boat, take care of the boat!"

She cried three or four times in a row, but didn't answer, which made her brain confused again. There was a kind of incomprehensible confusion.

She slowly sat on the steps. It took a long time to remember. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went home.

They went back to see their family.

"Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are two people; ye Wu and Kang Yu are also two people; I am the only one." She mumbled to herself.

She was approached.

Cheng Yu thought he was an adjutant, but when he was about to lift his eyes, he saw a car parked on the opposite side. In front of her, there were three men, all of whom were tall, strong, and swarthy, like soldiers.

She doesn't feel much.

In the courtyard of Si Xingfu, most of the people come in and out like this.

"For what?" Cheng Yu narrowed his eyes and tried to see them more clearly, but suddenly he was in the air.

Someone picked her up.

Cheng Yu screamed, not feeling well.

Before she was sober, before she had organized her language, there was another whirl. She was crammed into the car, and the car sped away.

Cheng Yu vomited.

She didn't know where she vomited. No one brought her water to wash her mouth, but there was a dirty and sour rag blocking her mouth.

She almost had to throw up again.

She struggled hard.

At this time, her brain is still confused.

"There's a car in the back." Cheng Yu hears a familiar saying, "someone has come after him."

This is Kunming's accent. She's used to it.

"Get rid of him!" The man beside pressed Cheng Yu's shoulder and shouted.

The car drove faster.

In the ups and downs, Cheng Yu is going to explode.

What's the matter?

"Hello." She wants to talk.

She thought it was someone sent by her mother or brother to take her home.

She didn't want to go home. She just wanted to break free of the rope that tied her hands, and then she took off the rags in her mouth, and vomited in pain.

She wanted to vomit, and her remaining consciousness told her that if she vomited now and the rags in her mouth were still there, the consequences might be very disgusting.

She tried to hold back and struggled at the same time.

Maybe she struggled so hard that she was beaten in the back of her neck and Cheng Yu was completely in a coma.

The moment before she fell into a coma, she woke up a little bit: "it can't be someone sent by my mother or my brother. If it's my family, I dare not hit. It's the enemy. I'm done. "

Then she lost consciousness.

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