When Cheng Yu wakes up, someone gently touches her face.

She was lying on her warm thighs, flat in her arms.

She opened her eyes.

The light was dim and shadowy, and she saw a familiar face.

"High bridge?" She asked in a low voice.

The man froze.

Cheng Yu's brain aches, his neck aches, and he is still drunk.

She was very upset. But when the warm hand touched her face, she felt a little happy.

She found comfort.

"... how did you find me?" Her words are not clear, and her consciousness is not so clear. "It's the old enemy of Yunnan. Send a telegram to my brother, saying that they are coming to catch me, and let him be careful."

The other side is silent.

Cheng Yu closed his eyes slightly.

"High bridge." Like a dreamer, she called again, as if looking for a response.

No response.

"Takahashi, I'm cold." She said.

The other side was silent, then took off his coat and covered her.

She mumbled, rolled over and hugged him around the waist, and went on sleeping.

She is too hard, let alone thinking, is simply open her eyes, all exhausted her physical strength.

When she was fully awake, she smelled the disinfectant in the hospital.

Cheng Yu opened his eyes again and saw the white ceiling.

And a drop bottle.

A little bit of liquid medicine, along the dropper down, flowing into her body.

The nurse is giving her an injection.

Cheng Yu is a little confused about reality and dreams. She looked blankly for a moment, and the nurse noticed her, but only smiled.

"Where is this hospital?" Cheng Yu asked.

"It's the hospital in Taiyuan," said the nurse

Cheng Yu is relieved.

Fortunately, she was just drunk last night.

What kidnap, what Gao Qiao Xun, is her dream.

"And my... Entourage?" She asked the nurse.

The nurse was slightly surprised: "is that your follower? I thought... "

I thought it was her boyfriend.

The other side is very handsome, like an officer, and very intimate with Cheng Yu. At the beginning, the nurse saw the man kissing the patient.

So, is it just an entourage?

The nurse was a little out of her mind, so she went out and said to the man at the door that the patient was awake.

The heavy footsteps of the boots.

Cheng Yu looks at the door.

The other side came in, his face against the light, until he came to his hospital bed, Cheng Yu seemed to be burned and shrunk his shoulders.

She looked at the man in surprise.

It's not an adjutant, it's not Gao qiaoxun, it's zhuomozhi.

"You... You..." Cheng Yu didn't know what to say. He couldn't catch up for a while.

Zhuo Mozi spoke.

He smiled at her with a stiff smile, as if he was not used to it: "there were some thieves who wanted to kidnap you last night. I sent them all to the police station. You're drunk. I'll take you to the hospital for a glucose injection. "

Cheng Yu was shocked.

It turns out that everything last night was not fantasy, but real.

She calmed down quickly.

"Thank you." She said, "I was drunk last night, or I wouldn't have been kidnapped. By the way, are those people from Yunnan? "

"You can go back to the police station and ask. I said it was your case." Zhuomozhi road.

Cheng Yu hum.

She couldn't help looking at Zhuo Mo Zhi. She seemed to want to see something in his face.

They haven't seen each other for nearly half a month since he went mad last time.

She felt that he was a little thin.

Although he was smiling and good-natured, his eyes were cold, not quite like the old Zhuozi.

Cheng Yu tentatively asks him again, "how are you doing recently?"

"Very good," dromo said

The voice is a little hoarse, but it's no longer Beijing accent, but a little Southern Anhui accent. It's like zhuomozhi's original voice, but it shows more traces of time.

"Are you still ill?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Dromo stopped and said, "I'm... I'm not really sick. I shouldn't have frightened you last time. I just wanted to have fun. "

When he said these words, the smile was naturally gone, not the old attitude.

But Cheng Yu didn't know him for a long time and didn't know him very well.

Leng said he was not right, and Cheng Yu was not sure.

Besides, she was saved.

"And you?" He stared at her with deep eyes and a cold charm. "Would you like me to be your little boyfriend?"

Cheng Yu's heart moved.

She thought, if it's dissociation and they don't know each other, then another soul of ZhuoZhi doesn't know their conversation.

"I asked you, what did I tell you when I was in Peiping?" Cheng Yu asked.

"You asked me if you would like to be your little boyfriend, and asked me if you dare to kiss you," dromo said

Cheng Yugao's heart, hanging high, returns to his place unhurriedly.

He remembers.

"Am I too thoughtful?" She reflected on herself.

What dissociative disease is just a random guess of some unknown scholar, which has not been confirmed yet. Why does she believe it?

If it is Gao Qiao Xun, can she have the heart to kick her opponent away directly?

Cheng Yu thought about it. Maybe she was on deep guard against Zhuo Mozi and had no feelings. She wanted to find an excuse to kick him off.

"You remember, that's good." Cheng Yudao.

Dromo reached out and took her hand.

Cheng Yu has no objection.

She's been so lonely lately.

Maybe she didn't want to admit that she would think of Gao Qiao Xun when she was lonely.

However, a good horse doesn't eat the grass. Her past experience with Gao Qiao and Xun's is not enough to be consumed by sadness.

People's feelings can't be controlled.

Cheng Yu's suffering is beyond his control. However, she tried not to look back, add any burden to herself, or destroy the life of Gaoqiao Xun.

She and Gao qiaoxun have no future. There are too many problems before them.

They are not here.

Zhuo Mozi came back to her and saved her life.

She can't kick the other side any more.

"You said, is that right? I'm still your little boyfriend?" Asked Zhuo mo.

Cheng Yu nods.

"Thank you for saving me." She said.

Dromo smiled.

The smile is restrained. It's not the warm smile that used to be. It's a bit of sophistication.

Cheng Yu didn't know him, and his feelings were too thin, and he didn't pay too much attention. His difference was ignored.

In the afternoon, zhuomo stopped taking Cheng Yu home.

Back in the West Cross courtyard, zhuomozhi kisses Cheng Yu as soon as he enters.

Kiss hard.

His old kisses were gentle.

Today's kisses are always a bit eager and rude, and certainly not as clumsy as last time.

Cheng Yu plays drums in his heart.

However, her brain and intelligence, such a drumming is just a knock on her, listen to a sound, and it is left behind.

They just kissed and didn't rush to bed.

"Are you resting today?" Cheng Yu asked Zhuo Mozi.

Chomo said yes.

"Go back to school at night." He said.

Cheng Yu nods.

After two hours together, he was almost the same as usual, but there was a little gap.

Cheng Yu is too tired to sleep. He is too lazy to notice.

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