Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1172 drunkenness

Ye's family is very happy and lively.

Governor ye set up a running water table for three days. He invited the local gentry and celebrities in Shanxi and the dignitaries and celebrities in Taiyuan government.

Gu Qingzhou is a little drunk.

She has always been on her own, but this time she was drunk and unconscious.

Si Xingfu was slightly surprised: "is Ye's wine so good to drink?"

Gu Qingzhou chuckles.

She is very lovely drunk, the past smart gentle all disappeared, a little childish temper.

"It's not ye's wine, it's my mood." Gu Qingzhou kept giggling.

She felt very safe and hugged his neck: "I'm really strong, Si Xingfu, I'm really strong, there's no disease I can't cure."

Si Xingfu thought of what she was going to say.

He carried her to the bathroom. The new bathtub is very slippery. She fell into the bathtub and almost broke her head if she was not careful.

When the cheongsam was stained with water, it immediately changed its appearance and closely adhered to her.

The secretary went to get her in a hurry.

When she fished her up and tried to unbutton her cheongsam, she hit Si Xingfu's hand and turned her body.

"Good boy, don't make any noise," said Si Xingfu in a low voice

Gu Qingzhou is just laughing, but still fighting for a while.

"You are so drunk that you grind people like this?" said Si Xingfu

"I know in my heart that I only grind you." "I'm awake," Gu said

The words often used by drunks are hung on her lips.

Si Xingfu couldn't help shaking his head: "OK, you are very conscious. Come, take off your clothes and take a good bath. "


"I'll tear it if I don't let it go," said the secretary

"No, No." She hurried to protect, hands folded in front of her chest, to protect the lapel to death, not to let Si Xingfu succeed, "cheongsam sent by my husband."

"Sir?" Si Xingfu cried and laughed, "you call me that outside?"

"Well." She nodded seriously.

She would not tear or take off. She sat in the bathtub and giggled and told Si Xingfu that she was not drunk, so she asked him not to worry.

The first time he saw her like this, he couldn't help her.

He bowed his head and kissed her.

She knew the response and put her arms around the neck of sixianfu.

When Si Xingfu quietly untied her cheongsam again, she did not quarrel.

She had to be coaxed to take a bath.

After washing, she was a little silent.

"What's the matter with the boat?" asked Si Xingfu? You are not happy today. Next time you are unhappy, don't drink so much wine secretly. "

"It's ironic," Gu sighed

"What irony?"

"I'll cure others. I'll get it. I've been married for nearly two years and I'm still not pregnant. " She said.

Here she cried again.

Si Xingfu has hardly seen such an upset wife.

Under the drunken state, her emotions are all out of control, but she is very willful and happy.

He let her cry and make trouble.

When he got up early the next day, Gu had a splitting headache.

She sucked in the air, rubbed her head, and asked Si Xingqi, "when did we leave last night?"

"Do you remember?" she said

Gu Qingzhou closes the collar of his nightgown.

She first used words to suppress Si Xingfu: "my wine is very good, you don't want to slander me for being drunk crazy."

He laughed.

"Not bad. The wine is really good." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him: "you seem to be holding some bad water."

"No, I just got your handle." "The next time you want to toss you around, you'll be drunk to see you look good."

Gu Qingzhou has no bottom in her heart. She vaguely remembers that she seems to keep laughing.

That's not a normal look, let alone wine.

"Don't try to deceive me." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu told her all about her last night.

Because he said it too truthfully, without adulteration, and Gu Qingzhou slowly remembered that he was embarrassed and buried his face in the pillow seat, laughing all the time.

Si Xingfu also smiled, hugged her and said, "you are so lovely."

"I'm not a little dog or a cat. What kind of praise is cute?" Gu Qingzhou gave him a white look.

She did not know whether she was smiling or ashamed, and her face was red. The skin was originally white, especially beautiful when it was ruddy, and she was knocked down by Si Xingfu.

"It's not about cats and dogs, it's about children. You will always be my child. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou is in a hurry: "you take advantage of me again!"

Two people fight, but did not eliminate the haze in Gu Qingzhou's heart.

She was silent for a moment and said to Si Xingfu, "I was not happy last night because governor Ye gave birth to a son, and we haven't seen any movement yet."

Si Xingfu said, "I know."

He gently leaned his head against his arms: "we have agreed to have children after reunification. Children are sensible, so they don't come. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "it's not like this. It's not something you can control by thinking about. Let's go to the West hospital to have a look. "

The doctor does not cure himself, so he can't treat himself.

Although she couldn't see for herself, she also roughly estimated 70-80%.

There is not much problem with her body.

She herself is a traditional Chinese medicine. Since she can't see it, it's better to see Western medicine. Maybe there will be a turning point.

"Well, it's all up to you." Si Xingfu kisses her on the forehead and treats her with all kinds of obedience

Gu Qingzhou thought: "I want to go to Peiping."

"The West Hospital in Peiping is not necessarily better than that in Taiyuan. Peiping's successive changes of president and commander-in-chief have resulted in a fierce fight and inadequate medical development. On the contrary, Taiyuan is stable, ye dujun does not waste taxes, and there are many talents in the western hospital. "

Gu Qingzhou shook his head. "I didn't mean that."

She told her worry to Si Xingqi: "many people in Taiyuan know me. I'm a celebrity now. The little things of celebrities will also cause discussion and gossip. I don't want to be talked about to the two of us. "

He laughed.

It's not like this for a day or two.

"OK, then listen to you. Let's go to Peiping." "You get up and change clothes. We'll go now," the manager said with a smile

"No, no, I'm still full of alcohol, and I can smell it on you. We'll go tomorrow. " Gu chuckled.

The Secretary pinched her nose.

After that, they stopped for a day. They flew to Peiping early the next morning and arrived in the morning.

Due to the early time, there were not many patients in the West hospital. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu soon met the doctor.

The doctor is an Englishman.

He did a series of inspections first. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu waited for a long time until 4:00 p.m. and all the inspections turned out to be successful.

The doctor looked very embarrassed and frowned and asked them, "how many years have you been married?"

"A year and a half." Gu Qingzhou said, "nearly two years."

"How old are you, madam?" The doctor asked again.

The doctor's Chinese is very poor. He asks hard, and Gu Qingzhou listens carefully for fear of listening wrong.

"Twenty two." Gu Qingzhou road.

"And sir?"

"Thirty." He said.

The doctor seemed to have difficulty in concealing his words, and his expression was very tangled.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are all rattling in their hearts, and some bad premonitions have climbed to their hearts.

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