Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1173 satiation

The doctor was puking.

Gu Qingzhou has a thin sweat in his palm.

Si Xingfu whispered to her: "relax, boat, we have yuzao."

Even if they can't, they have a daughter.

Gu glanced at him and said, "you can't comfort me with this."

The doctor raised his eyes and looked them in the eye: "Sir and madam, there is no disease or defect in fertility. Normally, you should have had children.

However, I don't know what it is that you are not pregnant for two years, but you have no disease. I'm sorry, but I can't help it. "

It turns out that the doctor's uncertainty stems from his inability to explain the problems of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

There is no problem but not pregnant, is the biggest problem, because it can not be cured.

It's too tricky.

The heart of taking care of the boat is like falling into the ice cellar.

The doctor spoke very clearly, and she heard very clearly. Although she wanted to confirm it carefully again, she was able to suppress her inner feelings.

"Farewell to the doctor." She stood up and took Shi Xingfu's hand.

Out of the hospital, Si Xingfu smiled and whispered to her, "am I right?"


"Providence." "Our children have aura," he said with a smile. We have no problem. They are not coming. They are waiting for reunification. "

In the despairing mood of Gu Qingzhou, a flower opens.

Dark clouds gradually dispersed from her heart, and she also smiled: "it's probably heaven's will."

"Indeed." Si Xingfu took her hand. "Boat, my beloved wife, promise me, this is the last time I'm worried about it."

Love your wife, sweet enough.

Gu was embarrassed and said, "OK, I see. You can call me by my name. Don't say anything about meat and hemp. Is it disgusting? "

Si Xingfu laughed again.

After a day's tossing, they were very hungry.

Si Xingfu takes Gu Qingzhou to the restaurant he ate last time.

In the restaurant, Gu encountered an acquaintance, the third young master of Zhuo's family. However, the girl beside him is no longer the ruby singer, not even beautiful.

"Zhuo San is totally out of favor." In a low voice, Si Xingfu said to Gu Qingzhou, "look at his companion. She is wearing an old cheongsam."

"Maybe they are low-key?" Gu Qingzhou deliberately raises the bar.

Si Xingfu took a sip of wine and slightly raised his eyebrows, as if he wanted to bet.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't gamble with him, just turns his head with a smile and doesn't go to see Zhuo San and them any more.

Can't imagine, Zhuo three saw Gu Qingzhou.

He came over with a poor look and a sneering voice: "how are you, Mrs. Si?"

"My wife is fine. You're worried." Si Xingfu's eyes were sharp and fell on Zhuo San.

Zhuo San was forced to step back by his anger, and his heart was scared.

"Now that the fifth brother is in Taiyuan, he can still control the affairs of Peiping. Are you very proud?" Zhuo San is like a mad dog. "If you don't get complacent, he'll be unlucky."

Si Xingfu's eyes are cold. He glances at Zhuo San and says, "roll away!"

In a hurry, Zhuo San pulled out his pistol.

He quickly loaded the gun and aimed it at Si Xingkai: "are you arrogant?"

The people around were frightened. Many people ran away screaming, leading to the sound of collision.

Zhuo San also wants to poke the Secretary Xingfu, but he doesn't want to stand up neatly. The wind like palm hits him, and Zhuo San's wrist is numb.

Two seconds later, his pistol came into the hands of schenger.

Zhuo San was shocked, frightened and scared.

"You... You......"

Si Xingfu dismantled the gun and threw it on the ground. He slapped Zhuo three times: "you can't even hold the gun stably. You can't even throw it in your face. Do you have Zhuo? Get out of here or I'll shoot you! "

Zhuo's face was numb, and he hurriedly rolled out. He did not dare to provoke again.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Si Xingfu and his lips are slightly cocked.

She drank a glass of wine and said to him in a low voice, "I was so handsome just now."

After all, she was ashamed first.

She is not used to express her feelings. Even if she adores Si Xingfu very much, she looks light. She is not as good as Si Xingfu in case.

The Secretary smiled: "thank you for your praise. Then this meal, madam please? "

"Do you have a soft meal?" Gu Qingzhou made fun of him.

"Eat it, my wife will eat it for me." "As long as my wife is happy," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou couldn't help laughing, his shoulders shaking.

She is really happy and in a good mood.

He thought that the difficulties had passed for the time being. It was the best thing for Gu to let go of these troubles.

"What else would you like to eat?" The Secretary asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I want to have roast lamb chops."

Si Xingfu asked the person, and knew that a restaurant with roast lamb chops was very authentic. When he paid the bill immediately, he and Gu Qingzhou went there to eat.

Gu Qingzhou ate half of the dish by himself, as if she were hungry for the first time.

"It's delicious." She puffed up her cheeks and said to the secretary.

Si Xingfu took the handkerchief to wipe her hands: "haven't you eaten meat for a long time?"

He didn't eat much, he was just drinking.

Gu Qingzhou is embarrassed to tell him that he didn't feel well yesterday. He just had some rice porridge and didn't eat much this morning. He was hungry for two days.

After a farce, her mood gradually calmed down.

She has a very important thing at present. She can't get ahead of her in giving birth. She doesn't need to be worried about it.

Her marriage with Si Xingfu will not be damaged by the presence or absence of children. As Si Xingfu said, they already have jade algae.

And Gu Qingzhou has a long life to study this subject.

When the matter of Taiyuan government is settled, she will concentrate on tackling the childbearing problem. At that time, she was both attentive and free.

"No, I'm in a better mood." Gu chuckled, "this roast lamb chop is delicious. I've never tasted this delicious before."

Si Xingfu smiles and reaches over to touch her head.

"Another set?" He asked, teasing.

Do not think, Gu Qingzhou nods hard: "OK, another set."

"I've changed my cat into a pig," Si Xingfu laughed

Gu Qingzhou also smiled.

Before he finished eating, Gu Qingzhou caught a glimpse of a man coming in from the restaurant's gate.

Dressed in black, but decorated with roses on his chest, it is Cai Changting.

He also saw Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is happy to eat. His hands are full of oil. He has never tasted it before.

Cai Changting smiles.

"Canoe?" He said hello.

Si Xingqi looks back and sees him.

Gu put down his food and wiped his lips and hands: "Changting, why are you here?"

"I passed by by by accident." His tone was flat, as if he was telling a real thing, and he told Gu Qingzhou easily.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Passing by?

How could it have happened?

"What are you doing in Peiping?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Cai Changting said: "there is something, but it has been done. How do you do? Can I go back to Taiyuan by the plane of division? "

"I'm not afraid to throw you down in the middle of the sky?" Si Xingfu looks at him coldly.

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