Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1174 fear of taking care of the boat

The words of Si Xingfu make Cai Changting laugh only as anecdotes.

If he could kill him, would he endure to this day?

The killer is the most difficult, and Cai Changting has a whole killer organization. They can be distributed in different places, in different fields, or even for many years.

He is sharp, but he cares about the boat, and will have children in the future. He also has friends with his life.

These people are all the weak points of Si Xingfu.

He is no longer the commander in chief that King Kong didn't urge.

To kill Cai Changting, the only way is to take over his killer organization, so that they will no longer obey Cai Changting's orders, and take the bottom line.

"You may kill me, but the boat is reluctant, isn't it?" Cai Changting smiles and her eyes flicker like sugar in the sun, sweet and warm.

Gu Qingzhou said, "yes, how can I give up? You are so good. "

After that, she gave sixingfu a look.

He doesn't speak much anymore. It seems that speaking more to Cai Changting has lowered his status. He sat by indifferently, with only his eyes on the boat.

Gu Qingzhou asks Cai Changting to sit down.

When he sat down, Gu Qingzhou said, "you can come back with us, but I have a condition."

Cai Changting's bright eyes and slight gaze: "what are the conditions? First of all, I'll think about it. "

"I want to ask you two questions. You have to answer them. However, your answer can be either a lie or a truth. Just answer as you like. " Gu chuckled.

He took a glass of whiskey and took a sip.

He looks like a good actor.

He used to think women were delicate. Since knowing Gu Qingzhou, he has changed his mind.

With Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu is in a relaxed mood. He just needs to make good time to watch the theatre and wait for Gu Qingzhou to kill the four sides.

He likes the lightness.

Love a person, need to be happy. Gu Qingzhou has unique charm and makes people happy.

Cai Changting accepted the challenge of Gu Qingzhou: "you ask."

"First, do you love your wife? Second, do you know Fang leiran? " Gu Qingzhou road.

Her two questions, the first one is too mean, and the second one is unknowable.

Cai Changting chuckled: "first, I regard my wife as my mother. She is my most beloved person. My love for my wife is respect, not blasphemy; secondly, Fang leiran is governor Ye's girlfriend. I know her, but she doesn't know me. "

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are moving.

Si Xingfu looked at her and Cai Changting and asked, "which question did he lie?"

"Where do I know?" Gu chuckled, "I'm just having fun after dinner. Just ask, I don't care about the answer."

Cai Changting's mind was tight. He suspected that he had stepped into the trap of taking care of the boat.

After thinking over the two questions and the answers, he didn't have any flaws.

Thinking about this, when he raised his eyes, he found that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu were looking up and down, and they were making eye contact with each other.

Cai Changting is just a trap.

He was silent.

Gu Qingzhou shouted to the waiter, "another plate of roast lamb chops."

"Are you going to die?" "This is the third set," he asked with a smile

"It doesn't matter. Changting will have a taste, too." Gu Qingzhou said, "I can't stand it."

Si Xingfu reached out and pinched her face: "greedy cat."

"Isn't it a pig? How can it become a cat again?" Gu Qingzhou asked.

According to Cai Changting, she is coquettish.

This woman is ruthless and treacherous. She looks like a harmless little white rabbit in front of the manager. She is very soft.

Cai Changting also wants to enjoy her coquetry. Unfortunately, the time has not come.

"You have a great relationship." Cai Changting said, "ordinary husband and wife are not as good as your love."

The manager was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you see more than one thing. There are thousands of couples in the world. People like us are just one of them, not more loving than others. "

Cai Changting also smiled.

The hot roast lamb chops come up, and Gu Qingzhou eats two more, which is enough.

"The mutton in my stomach has reached my throat," she said

"Do you want to go to the countryside? It helps digestion. " Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou said: "no, I'm exhausted. Just walk along the street for half an hour. "

Out of the door, at the end of September in Peiping, it began to be cold.

Through the cracks in his clothes, he drilled into his skin and seeped into his bones.

Gu Qingzhou shuddered and said, "it's really cold."

"You're wearing too little." Caichangting road.

Then he took off his cloak.

"No," Gu chuckled

Didn't reach for it.

At the same time, Si Xingfu took her to her bosom, wrapped her with his broad cloak, and stuck her in his bosom.

Peiping is a strange place.

Every time I go to a strange place, I feel relaxed and bold.

For example, people on the road turn around to pay attention when they are wrapped in the arms of Si Xingfu. They look after the boat and press the brim of the hat to keep their faces from being exposed. Other, she can't see.

Cai Changting follows them.

Si Xingfu rented a car in Peiping, and the coachman was not far behind.

After walking for a while, Gu's feet hurt.

"It seems that the high-heeled shoes have worn the skin of the back foot, so I can't leave," she whispered to Si Xingfu

Si Xingfu holds her up.

Cai Changting followed them and looked at the foot of the boat.

The weather suddenly cooled, but the young women still wore single high heels. The leather shoes were frozen hard, a layer of glass stockings could not resist.

"Women are not easy." Caichangting road.

By this time, the car has arrived.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu arrive at the back seat, and Cai Changting sits in the passenger seat.

Just now the topic continues, Gu Qingzhou way: "your man, winter is not also leather shoes?"

"We can wear a pair of slightly thick socks." Caichangting road.

"Well, you won." Gu chuckled.

She took off her shoes and was checking her heels.

The car soon reached the open space on the outskirts of the city.

Si Xingfu still hugs Gu Qingzhou and gets on the plane. Cai Changting follows him closely.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu sat at the front, and the adjutant arranged Cai Changting at the back.

Everyone could hardly hear each other.

Si Xingfu takes the potion and spreads it on Gu Qingzhou.

Goo's feet rested on his legs.

After flying for about half an hour, the plane suddenly bumped.

"Is there an air flow?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Last time I flew, it was the same, which made her make a false alarm. Later, Si Xingfu told her that bumps are very common when encountering strong airflow.

"It should be." "Don't worry," he said

Gu didn't worry at first.

But later, the turbulence became more and more severe. The plane even turned over in the air. When the face of Si Xingfu was dark, she was worried.

Adjutant stumbled into: "division seat, to be forced to land, before the mountain forced to land."

Si Xingfu's face is livid. Gu Qingzhou is more worried.

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