Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1175 the ghost of CAI Changting

Cai Changting untied his safety buckle and ran to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

"What's the matter?" His face was pale, too.

"We're going to crash land when we're in the air." Gu Qingzhou answers him.

Cai Changting stared at her face.

He was estimating the possibility of his own death here.

This is on the plane. Once it falls down, there is no chance that he will survive.

Will Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu do this? Do they want to hide royalist killers forever? Do they think Mrs. Hirano can control those people?

"Canoe, I love you. In order to love you, I'm ready. I don't want to die. " He said in a loud voice.

Sikang glanced at him.

They all recognized Cai Changting's insinuation.

"Don't worry, it's just the air flow. Don't you think we're afraid of it?" Gu Qingzhou angrily spoke to him, his voice almost roaring, "this is the same plane, we have to die if you die. Are you worthy of our funeral?"

She was angry.

Cai Changting smiled: "boat, don't get angry! It turns out that you get angry when you're afraid? "

He seems to have found a defect in taking care of the light boat.

Gu chuckled.

Si Xingfu clenched her hand and said, "save your strength. What's the fight?"

Then he turned to Cai Changting and said, "you can sit still. We'll settle the account when the forced landing is successful. "

Gu Qingzhou's palms are sweating all the time.

She is not afraid of intrigue, but she is afraid of disaster. Natural disasters are not man-made, uncontrollable and unpredictable.

They had used the plane for nearly two years, and for the first time she was so frightened.

"I'm here, canoe." Si Xingyao kisses her earlobe and whispers to her, "don't be afraid, darling, I'm here!"

Gu Qingzhou holds his hand back.

In the end, the plane made a forced landing.

After landing, the people on the plane did not move for a long time, almost enjoying the afterlife, and seemed to suppress their inner ecstasy.

Sixingfu stood up first and took care of the boat.

"You can go down or wait." Si Xingqi turns around and says to Cai Changting.

Cai Changting said nothing.

Si Xingfu went to the engine room with Gu Qingzhou.

"... it's broken. It will take a little time to fix it." The driver said to the driver, "Sir, you can have a rest first. It can't be repaired in a few hours."

"Don't worry." Si Xingfu road.

They got off the plane first.

When he got to the door of the engine room, Gu Qingzhou shrunk his head and wanted to step back.

Because it's cold.

At the beginning of the cold, people's bodies have not yet adapted, especially afraid of the cold. Moreover, the temperature on the mountain was several degrees lower than that on the land.

Gu Qingzhou seems to have entered the severe winter at once.

Her clothes were not enough to resist the cold current. She shivered.

"It's cold." She said.

The Secretary nodded: "it's really cold. But in a moment it's colder in the cabin. We have to make a fire. "

He replaced Gu with a pair of cotton slippers.

Although he changed his shoes for Gu Qingzhou, he still carried her on his back because slippers were not easy to walk on the mountain road. Accompanied by two other adjutants, they looked around.

The mountain here is still stable and can run up and take off.

"As long as the plane can be repaired, take-off is not a problem." "We'll have to wait a few hours before we can go home," said Si

"A few hours?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"There was one time before, and it took more than seven hours to repair," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou was stunned: "did you make a forced landing before? Why don't you tell me? "

"I have come back safely. I told you not to worry for nothing? Besides, forced landing is normal. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou rubbed on his short hair and touched his face again. He was very compassionate.

Si Xing chuckles.

After walking for a while, the terrain is clear, and Si Xingfu is ready to go back.

As he approached the plane, he saw a pile of dead branches.

Cai Changting is collecting firewood.

"Very diligent." "We are still trying to pick up some firewood," Gu said

Cai Changting said, "you didn't throw me out of the air. I have to repay you a little."

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

"You're not that important," he said

He disdains to deal with him by mean of despicable means, and Huo Fengjing is still in his hands.

This man is a bully, but also got cheap to sell.

After thinking about it, Si Xingfu said to him, "one day in the future, you are very important. I will personally chop you, don't worry."

"I'm not in a hurry." Cai Changting's smile was bright and bright. "I'm looking forward to the winner."

Gu Qingzhou looked at the Yan Si Xingfu and Cai Changting. His lips were slightly pursed, and he said, "go and pick up some firewood, you both go."

Then she went back to the cabin herself.

When he got to the cab, Gu went to ask the pilot and two prepared pilots, "when can they be repaired?"

The function of the plane is complex. One or two sentences cannot be explained clearly. Moreover, it may not be explained clearly at last. So the pilot said simply and comprehensively: "madam, the problem is a little big. It will take several hours. We may spend the night on the mountain tonight. If all goes well, we can take off at dawn tomorrow. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's hard."

She went back to the cabin, found a blanket and wrapped herself in it.

Looking at the busy Si Xingfu and Cai Changting outside, Gu Qingzhou's mind quickly turned, and never stopped.

She is thinking that if she wants to kill Cai Changting, then...

these thoughts will hover in her mind, plan and reconstruct the details a little bit.

In the end, she put the whole plan into practice, quietly took back her eyes, wrapped in blankets and took a nap.

By the time she woke up, the fire was on.

And what Si Xingfu said is true. It's really beginning to get cold in the cabin. It's freezing to the bone.

Gu couldn't sit down and put on a blanket.

"Come here." Si Xingfu is having a barbecue. Gu Qingzhou has eaten too much in Peiping, which has not been digested yet.

Seeing the barbecue, she was disgusted and shook her head: "no, I can't eat it."

"At this time of year, the most important thing is wild fruit." Cai Changting said with a smile, "there is a military flashlight on the plane. Take a light. How many wild fruits shall we pick?"

Gu Qingzhou said, "this one in the middle of the night?"

"Don't be afraid. I can protect you." Caichangting road.

"No, I don't want to eat wild fruit," Gu said

Cai Changting smiled, "when I'm full, I'll find some for you."

The cold eyes of Si Xingfu swept by.

He wanted to talk and was stopped by Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou secretly kicked her husband.

She just takes the dead branch to burn, plays and warms herself, and watches Si Xingfu and others eat barbecue.

The canned bacon is the dry food prepared on the plane, which can be eaten when opened. Of course, it's better to bake a layer of burnt yellow.

After eating, Gu Qingzhou relied on Si Xingfu.

Cai Changting asked again, "really don't want to pick some wild fruits?"

"Why don't you go on your own?" Gu asked with a smile.

Cai Changting said, "well, I'll go."

After that, he stood up and left with a flashlight.

As soon as he left, Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingfu in a low voice, "there was someone in the forest just now, wasn't there?"

"Well." He replied, "you arrived a few minutes before you came down, but you have already left."

Gu Qingzhou understood Cai Changting's intention of inviting him to pick wild fruits.

She leaned back to the arms of Si Xingfu and scolded in a low voice: "damn killers, they are like rats, making holes everywhere, everywhere."

He laughed, then leaned over and kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Darling, sleep for a while." He said, with no regard for it.

At the same time, he had an idea.

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