Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1176 dropping

Cai Changting went for a moment and picked a bag of wild fruits. He took off his suit and wrapped it in it.

In late autumn, fruits can be seen everywhere.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know what it is.

"It's wild dates." Cai Changting said, "it's sweet."

Jujube, in fact, is as big as plum. Gu Qingzhou has never seen such a wild one.

"Try it." He ate one himself and put his pocket next to the boat.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "I dare not eat."

Cai Changting doesn't demand it.

He asked the other adjutants if they would eat.

Although he had a delicious meal, the adjutants were afraid to take it.

So Cai Changting ate seven or eight of them.

By four o'clock in the morning, the plane was finally repaired.

When they got on the plane, Cai Changting didn't move.

Gu Qingzhou looks back, looks at him and asks with a smile, "don't you go?"

"You've made up your mind to throw me down. I'm sure you'll choose a height that won't kill you. Come on, I'd rather be frozen than hurt. " Cai Changting's face is pure.

His smile, against the orange campfire, is also gentle and clear.

It's better to wait than to break hands and feet.

Cai Changting, like Gu Qingzhou, is a practical man, and he has no hope for Gu Qingzhou's husband and wife.

His people came to this mountain forest. He really wanted to see if he had noticed that, so he invited Gu Qingzhou and Gu Xingfu to pick wild fruits.

Gu refused.

It's nothing to eat some wild fruit. Besides, I'm indigestion.

She refused because she and her husband had noticed.

They realize that the killer is following, how can they treat Cai Changting kindly?

Don't kill him, but the plane just took off soon pushed him down and broke his ribs. Gu can still do it.

Cai doesn't want to lie in bed for months.

"It's the heart of a villain, the belly of a gentleman!" Gu Qingzhou sighed.

Cai Changting raised his face: "will you take me back?"

"Of course not." Gu Qingzhou said, "we can do that, but you can't think that first."

Cai Changting: "...

when the plane took off, Cai Changting left temporarily and didn't want to be rushed by the air.

The fire was still there, getting smaller and smaller until the plane got into the clouds and was completely invisible.

Gu canoe sat upright and said to the Secretary, "that old fox!"

Si Xingfu laughs at her: "didn't take advantage of him, was not comfortable?"

"I'm not a winner in everything." Gu Qingzhou said, "he must have set a trap in the forest just now, and planned to rob our plane. He didn't stop until the plan failed. "

Si Xingfu pinched her face.

"It's hard for him." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu raised her chin: "how do you always mention him? Don't think about him. Sooner or later he will be a dead man. "

Gu put his head on his shoulder.

When the plane returned to Taiyuan, Gu Qingzhou forgot about it.

She knew that Cai Changting would come back, only one or two days later.

They got home in the morning and Huo Yue came back in the afternoon.

"Any news from Yuecheng?" The Secretary asked him.

"The news of our gang has nothing to do with your army." Huo Yue said, "I brought some good tea. Would you like to try it?"

"Am I like an old man?" He asked, "you can bring wine. Who can drink tea?"

Gu Qingzhou laughs beside.

Hearing this, she demolished the stage of Xingfu: "Huo ye, give it to me, I'll drink it."

"Well, canoes have taste." Huo Yue Road.

Si Xingfu turned a white eye.

They had something else to do in the afternoon, so they went out.

Gu Qingzhou went to the governor Ye's mansion again to visit Aunt Liu and her children and inquire about the situation of leiran and governor Ye.

Ye Wu went out for a date.

Governor Ye is not here either.

Gu went directly to Aunt Liu's side.

"Is the young master asleep?" Gu Qingzhou asked Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu sits on the bed, bored, and happens to take care of the boat to be a guest. She is full of joy.

"Don't call me young master, Mrs. Si. As for your friendship with the governor's office, just call him by his name. His big name is Ye Xiu and his small name is Qiong Ying. " Six aunt too smile way.

Gu Qingzhou said, "how are qiongying these days?"

"An experienced nurse. She said that children's health depends on eating, drinking and defecating. These days are very normal. Qiongying seems to be a little white. " Six aunt too smile way.

At the moment, Qiong Ying is sleeping, so she doesn't bother him.

and aunt six chatted a few words. Just in time, the maid came in and gave the six aunt too much fish soup.

The maid, who knew Gu Qingzhou and had a lively personality, stood by and talked with him.

Somehow, the maid herself said Fang leiran.

"Since my aunt gave birth to a young master, Miss Fang hasn't come back. I'm sorry to see her." The glory of the maid's face.

In this way, Aunt Liu has forbidden them to talk more, but the effect is very little.

The maids who work here think that Aunt Liu is going to rise to the sky step by step.

"Oh, she hasn't come these days?" Gu chuckled.

At the same time, she said to Aunt Liu, "did Miss Fang come to see qiongying alone?"

"No." Aunt Liu said, "I have never seen Miss Fang since I came back from the hospital."

"Miss Fang, I look good." Gu chuckled.

"Miss Fang is really very good," said Aunt Liu

Such hypocrisy, they say natural and harmonious, women acting, acting skills are all perfect.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "it's strange that I have a person I don't like very much. When he talks about Miss Fang, it's like knowing her."

Aunt Liu is too worried.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile: "it's nothing, everyone has their own communication, isn't it?"

Aunt Liu is too smart. In a word, Gu Qingzhou makes her understand that Gu Qingzhou is the identity of Fang Youran.

"Mrs. secretary, have you told the governor about it?" Aunt Liu asked with a smile.

They were still smiling, with soft expressions and low voices.

At least the maid didn't hear half the sound.

"Little thing, what shall I say to the governor?" Gu chuckled, "who hasn't had many friends?"

Six aunt too understand: Gu Qingzhou also has no evidence, she just guessed.

She is reminding Aunt Liu not to let Fang leisurely approach the child.

Take precautions.

"Yes, even if someone like me is in the inner court every day, there are several card friends. But now I'm free. I only have children. In fact, at least the mind is on the child, and it can't be relaxed for a moment. " Six aunt too way.

This is her assurance to Gu Qingzhou that she will watch her children all the time and be careful everywhere.

"Well, I'm leaving." Gu Qingzhou said, "you need more rest."

Aunt Liu nodded too much, and then said to Gu Qingzhou, "thank you, Mrs. Si."

Then she added, "thank you for coming to see me."

Gu Qingzhou smiled and went out.

Just back home, Gu Qingzhou met Cheng Yu at the gate.

Cheng Yu is drunk.

Zhuomozhi helped her.

"What are you doing? How can you drink so much?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

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