Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1177 a drunken man

Cheng Yu is drunk.

It happened to be seen by Gu Qingzhou.

Besides, it's just dark at the moment. Drinking in the daytime is always a little strange.

"Mrs. secretary, we went to a new restaurant today. Red wine and white wine are not foreign goods, but they are better to drink than foreign ones, so she drinks a lot. "

Cheng Yu has a strong personality.

When she meets food, she will not stop until she is full, and so will wine.

The new winery is a red wine made by a winery.

Since the Tang Dynasty, China has its own wine technology, which is no worse than that of foreign countries. However, many restaurants are in fashion and purchase goods from foreign countries.

It's wonderful to meet a good winery.

"You can buy it and drink it slowly." Gu Qingzhou said, "do you want to drink like this?"

Don't stop smiling.

After Gu Qingzhou finished speaking, he felt that it was not right: if he could plan his life, Cheng Yu would not live like this.

She has no self-control.

"Take care of the boat!" When he was talking, Cheng Yu seemed to wake up from his ignorance and chuckled at Gu Qingzhou, "where have you been?"

"We went to Beiping for roast lamb chops." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu's eyes widened.

"You went to Peiping to eat roast lamb chops, but you didn't take me with you?" Cheng Yu asked.

Zhuo Mozi thought, isn't the point of Mrs. Si's remark that he went all the way to Beiping to eat roast lamb chops?

"You date every day, I can't find your man." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu wants to scold her for being backward, but her thinking and tongue are not obedient.

She went to Zhuo Mo Zhi's arms and felt soft. She just pointed to the light boat and mumbled something. She couldn't hear it clearly any more.

She couldn't hear it.

Zhuomozhi said: "when you wake up, I will take you to Beiping to eat. I know which family has the best roast lamb chops."

"Good, good!" Cheng Yu rejoiced.

Gu Qingzhou reluctantly shakes his head and turns back to his yard.

Zhuo Mozi also carried Cheng Yu to the West Cross Hospital.

Cheng Yu is full of wine, which makes her intoxicated. Zhuo Mozi kisses her lips gently.

But she slightly slanted her head and said in a low voice, "bastard little Japan, I said no kissing."

Don't stop your eyes from sinking.

He kissed her hard, choked her, and held her tight.

In a fierce battle, Zhuo Mo was satisfied. At the same time, he also wondered: does Cheng Yuzhen like Gao Qiao and Xun?

He inquired that the past of Cheng Yu and Gao Qiao Xun was not as good as that of her and Zhuo Mozi. When I met Gao qiaoxun by chance, her indifference was reassuring.

But when she is drunk or confused, she always feels that her partner must be Gao Qiao Xun.

This kind of very strange thought, Zhuozi can't guess.

Later in the middle of the night, Cheng Yu woke up and climbed onto zhuomozhi himself, saying she was cold.

She kicked the quilt and woke up from the cold.

Zhuo Mo stopped holding her cool body and whispered: "I'm awake anyway, it's better to be simple..."

so he tossed again in the middle of the night.

After the end of this time, Zhuo Mozi's mood, unprecedented relaxation.

"You can't relax too much," he told himself

However, the good mood can not be suppressed, he is happy and happy, even tired, the pressure of the spirit is gone, he fell asleep.

He is very relaxed.

The next day, Cheng Yu got up first.

She wanted to scold Zhuo Mozi when she got up, because the boy didn't do anything good last night.

"I hate it. It's like I haven't seen a woman before." Cheng Yumai gets out of bed with a sore leg.

Dromo didn't wake up until half an hour later.

When he woke up, he found Cheng Yu sitting at the dinner table, drinking rice porridge while reading the newspaper.

He rubbed his head.

"Did I live here last night?" Never stop asking Cheng Yu.

Cheng yubai glanced at him, and he was hurt all over. There were many traces. He was rude to him: "how many drinks have you drunk? How can you be drunk? I still remember how we came back, but you don't remember? "

Zhuo Mo Zhi pinched his ears.

In this way, he can be sober.

"That could be drinking too much." Zhuo Mo stops, then he laughs and sits next to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu looks at him suspiciously: "how can you be so happy?"

"Ah?" Zhuo Mo Zhi was a bit confused and smiled again. "What's the pleasure?"

Cheng Yu frowns, because this kid's face is full of gentle smile, like the spring breeze, as if there is something great.

"You're secretly having fun, aren't you?" Cheng Yu rolled the newspaper and beat him with a wave. "You tortured me last night and stole music in the morning!"

Zhuo kept away and laughed at the same time.

Cheng Yu is determined that he has taken advantage of it and is too happy to close his mouth.

She didn't want to pay any more attention to him.

After breakfast, Zhuo Mozi said to her, "do you want to ride in the morning or go to the cinema?"

"What kind of movie do you watch in the morning?" Cheng Yu is not happy. "Go to see it in the evening."

"I have to go back to school at night." Zhuomozhi road.

Cheng Yu asked, "what are you doing at night? No classes at night. Besides, aren't you both going to be resting today and tomorrow? "

"Oh, is it two days' rest?" Zhuo Mozi rubbed his head again. "I must have been very drunk last night. Now my brain is still fragmented. I can't remember it."

Cheng Yu stabbed him: "silly you!"

Zhuo Mo Zhi smiled again and hugged her waist.

Cheng Yu didn't stay him overnight for several days. He said several times that he wanted to stay, but Cheng Yu refused.

This time he succeeded, so happy.

Cheng Yu thinks that a man is too superficial. She really doesn't want to deal with him.

"Go boating?" She suddenly thought, "I remember a small dock in the countryside. It seems that you can row."

"OK, then go boating." Dromo said with a smile.

Cheng Yu looks at him: "what do you always laugh at?"

"Happy." Zhuomozhi road.

Cheng Yu pours.

They went to the outskirts.

There is a mistake in Cheng Yu's information. There is only one sightseeing boat at the suburban wharf, which has already left. As for rowing, it's special for March 3 outing. It's hard to see in normal season.

When they were ready to go back, someone nearby said, "wait another half an hour and the boat will be back."

Now that we are here, Cheng Yu and Zhuo Mozi are going to have a day's play. It's not good to go back empty handed.

Cheng Yu felt that someone was looking at her several times.

She pushed zhuomozhi: "is someone following us?"

Zhuo Mozi didn't notice: "who is following us?"

"Yunnan people." Cheng Yu said, "those last time."

"Last time?" Zhuo Mo Zhi is at a loss, "which time?"

Cheng Yu is angry. When she wants to hit him, her hands are all raised. Her brain suddenly stops in the air.

"Don't you remember?" she asked tentatively

The tension and even fear in her eyes were all seen by ZhuoZhi. Zhuo Mo stopped what flashed in his heart and laughed: "I'm teasing you, how can I not remember?"

Just at this time, the ship came.

He pulled Cheng Yu: "hurry up, let's get on the boat! Are you seasick or not

The words were interrupted.

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