Zhuo Mo stops in Cheng Yu's yard to recuperate.

When he fled, he admitted that he had a problem, but back home, he began to deny it.

No matter how forced Cheng Yu is, he will not admit it.

"I'm fine." He explained, "when I was on the boat, I was in a panic, thinking that they were too many and too many. Isn't it the safest way for me to turn around and find someone to save you?

Later, I thought again that if you go far, you will not catch up. It's better to take a risk together and take you. Where is one person with two personalities? "

"Bullshit!" Cheng Yu scolded.

Zhuomo said: "Ayu, you believe me. Don't you believe what I mean to you? "

Cheng Yu doesn't believe a word.

She tried to hypnotize him.

Zhuo Mozi than she has a plan, pretending to agree but secretly stabbed his finger with a needle, so that he can keep his mind.

Cheng Yu's hypnosis didn't work.

She was so angry that she wanted to beat him, but his foot was not healed, and Cheng Yu felt soft again.

When she had nothing to do, she thought of taking care of the boat.

"Help me with this." Cheng Yu said, "if you don't help me, I will die in his hands, and I will not let you go as a ghost."

Gu Qingzhou said, "why do you rely on me for everything?"

"Who else can I expect? My brain is not a match for Zhuozi. Besides, aren't you a miracle doctor? " Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou stares at her: "he is not ill. What's the use of my miracle doctor?"

"He's dissociative."

"No such disease." Gu Qingzhou said, "all the traditional Chinese and Western medicine, even the witch doctor, do not have this disease name. I haven't seen it. What do you want me to do?

What's more, even if there is a real name for this disease, I'll listen to your analysis. It seems that it's a kind of psychiatry. I'm not good at psychiatry. "

After hearing her words, Cheng Yu knew that she was right.

She was so reasonable that Cheng Yu became even more angry and decided to pour: "I don't care, you have to help me! If I die, I will die at your door. How can you explain to Yunnan then? "

"Go away!" Gu Qingzhou is also angry. "Aren't you making trouble for nothing?"

Two people are quarreling, quarreling fiercely, the maid comes in to report.

"Madam, the servant of the king's family came outside and said," four ladies, please. " The maid said.

Fourth lady, it's Qin Sha.

Gu Qingzhou said to Cheng Yu, "don't make any noise. Go and play. I have a serious business."

Cheng Yu has no choice but to go first.

Before she left, she changed her strong attitude and looked at Gu Qingzhou pitifully. "You can think of something. You have a better brain than me."

"Well, let me think about it." Gu Qingzhou road.

In Cheng Yu's mind, she remembered that a long time ago, when she was studying hypnotism, one of her classmates taught her a little skill.

That little skill, can achieve deeper hypnotism.

It's just that the teacher is very resistant to it and says that's absolutely not OK.

"Maybe I should try? Once I succeed, I have a way to deal with zhuomozhi. " Cheng Yu thought, "but he's too cunning. If he fails, he won't have a second chance. It's better to find someone to practice. Who are you looking for? "

She was lost in thought.

That rusty brain, also by her whet disorderly turn.

After Cheng Yu left, the servants of the Wang family came in.

This servant is about forty years old. He is thin and white. He looks very anxious. When he saw Gu Qingzhou, he was a little speechless.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou looked at him, and his eyes were shining slightly. "Are you the servant of the fourth wife?"

The servants of the Wang family were a little cramped: "yes, yes. Four madam asks you, the car has already been prepared, Secretary madam if have nothing to do, please move to see four madam? "

The relationship between Qin Sha and Gu Qingzhou is slightly sensitive. In other words, Qin Sha always feels guilty when she is looking at the light boat. She is a little afraid of looking at the light boat. If there is no big deal, she will not rush to send someone to take care of the boat.

The servant of the Wang family who came to spread the word did work beside Qin Sha. No one dared to pretend to be Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's mind turned a little, and he decided to go and have a look: "have a cup of tea, I'll change my clothes and follow you."

She changed her clothes for going out, and was afraid that Si Xingfu would not find her when she came back. So she told the maid at home and got on the car of the king's family.

Along the way, Gu Qingzhou beat around to find out what was wrong with the servants of the Wang family, but the man couldn't tell himself. So, Gu Qingzhou closed his mouth and half narrowed his eyes.

But her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her mind could not be covered: she felt anxious.

Fortunately, she was in a hurry. The servants of the Wang family were even more worried. They urged the driver to drive fast and soon arrived at the door of the Wang family.

As soon as I entered Wang's house, I saw Wang Jing waiting there.

Wang Jing looks decadent with a bit of anxiety, but he looks at Gu Qingzhou, his unhappiness converges, and smiles to welcome him: "Gu elder sister!"

He was only 19 years old. Since Qin Sha married into the Wang family, he regarded Gu Qingzhou as his own sister.

"What happened to your mother, little ten?" Gu Qingzhou walks in and asks Wang Jing.

Wang Jing is still a child who is not familiar with the world. She sighs and worries: "she fell down and hurt her bones, so please come and have a look at her sister Gu."

She listened to Gu Qingzhou's mind.

Just a fall?

The fact may not be as simple as Wang Jing said. Or, Wang Jing only said half, and the other half was hiding.

Now that she has come here, Gu Qingzhou doesn't ask Wang Jing anymore. When she meets Qin Sha, she will know the other half.

In the room of the fourth wife Qin Sha, I saw Qin Sha lying half on the bed, with no quilt, and one leg hanging unnaturally.

Wang Youchuan, the fourth master, accompanied her. He took the ice and wrapped it with a towel to help her with the ice. He was very worried.

Qin Sha's face was pale, so it was very painful. Seeing Gu Qingzhou coming in with Wang Jing, she tried to squeeze out a smile and said to Wang Youchuan, "here comes the Qingzhou. You know her medical skills. I'll be better soon. Don't worry about it."

The couple just got married. It's the time of affection. Let alone the other side's broken leg. It's just a bruise the size of a fingernail on their arm, which will hurt them for a long time.

In front of the younger generation, Wang Youchuan is a little embarrassed, while Qin Sha is very calm.

Wang Youchuan coughs softly, claps Qin Sha's back of hand, stands up and puts the towel wrapped with ice in a basin aside.

He called Gu Qingzhou: "Qingzhou, it's hard for you to come here. You show her. Her face was white with pain, and she would not even cry out because she was afraid of my worry. "

Gu Qingzhou nodded, walked forward, bent over and looked at the leg carefully, only to see that the ankle was swollen.

The fall is not serious, and now the West hospital is very popular. How can we not send it to the hospital, but we have to delay the time to invite Gu Qingzhou?

Gu Qingzhou is confused.

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