Gu Qingzhou guessed the reason why Qin Sha asked her.

She didn't pour out half of her full-fledged questions, and she didn't speak for Qin Sha.

She suddenly reached out and pressed it on Qin Sha's ankle. Qin Sha's cold sweat came down immediately because of the pain. She couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

"Does it hurt?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Qin Sha says.

Wang Youchuan tightly pursed his lips, but he felt more painful than Qin Sha.

Wang Jing observed: "father, don't worry too much. Sister Gu is a miracle doctor."

Wang Youchuan was all over Qin Sha's injured foot. He was impatient with his son. He pushed the man away: "it's crowded in this room. Go out first and make a pot of tea for your sister Gu."

Wang Jing agreed, very obedient.

Just before he left, he was speechless. Hesitated repeatedly, he called Gu Qingzhou: "sister Gu..."

"what's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou looks back and asks.

Wang Jing thought for a moment and said, "don't go ahead. I've brought a new kind of tea back. It's something that all the girls in our school like to drink. You can go back after you drink my tea."

He is a little flattering to Gu Qingzhou.

It's like a kind of small child's flattery, hoping that his partner can play with him, so he is willing to share his sweets; it's also like a small child who has done something wrong, a little guilty, and intends to show his good will and admit his mistake first.

What is Wang Jing's mood at the moment? Gu Qingzhou doesn't know.

She looked back at him again.

Wang Jing's expression slightly converged and her heart was worried.

Gu Qingzhou's mind was soon pulled back from Wang Jing and returned to Qin Sha's feet.

Qin yarn's feet are more important.

"Don't worry, I won't go." Gu Qingzhou smiled at Wang Jing, then turned his head to Wang Youchuan and said, "four uncles, this is the bone dislocation, you need to get the bone back. It hurts when you get the bone."

They've got down to business.

Wang Jing wants to say something to Gu Qingzhou, but she can't get in. She goes out angrily.

Qin Sha is a strong one. Gu Qingzhou believes that she can bear the pain of bone grafting. She said this to Wang Youchuan, afraid that Wang Youchuan would feel hurt when he saw it.

Looking at Wang Youchuan's appearance, he is more painful than Qin Sha.

"Fourth uncle, if you can't stand it, just leave it to the beginning. When you turn around, the teacher will be ready. " Gu Qingzhou looks at Qin Sha's ankle. Her voice is smooth and steady. It seems that she can recover from any disease in her hands, which is especially reassuring.

Qin Sha's forehead is full of sweat, and the pain is very painful. She can resist it, and she also says to Wang Youchuan, "otherwise, would you like to go out?"

"No, I'm here to watch." Wang Youchuan led the corner of his lips and smiled if nothing happened. However, his face was too worried and stiff for him to smile.

He looked at the boat, nodded at her, and signaled that she could start.

Gu Qingzhou no longer said anything. He grabbed Qin Sha's foot and began to straighten her bones.

For western medicine, there may be a small operation for bone grafting, but for traditional Chinese medicine, it is a small one.

Almost all traditional Chinese medicine can learn this skill, let alone Gu Qingzhou is the best doctor in the world.

I'm familiar with light boats and cars.

"All right." Gu Qingzhou said to Qin Sha, who was sweating from the pain, "move and look."

Qin Sha moved her foot doubtfully, and then she said with a smile of surprise, "light boat, you're really too strong. It won't hurt immediately!"

She said a piece of rubbish.

The whole world knows that Gu Qingzhou is very good.

People in extreme joy, is incoherent, Gu Qingzhou chuckle: "do not hurt."

"Is that all right?" Wang Youchuan asked tentatively.

"It's all right." Gu Qingzhou nodded, "if you are not at ease, you can go to the West hospital again and let the instrument take a picture. Everyone is at ease.".

These two days, the teacher should stay in bed and try not to walk down. I'll check if the bones are all right in two days. "

"Can we still not believe you?" Qin Sha laughs.

"Thank you very much, canoe. If you say it's OK, it's OK. But for you, your master is still in pain! " Wang Youchuan also smiles, and the smile is finally natural.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The pain in the feet is Qin Sha, the pain in the heart is Wang Youchuan.

When Gu Qingzhou touched the scene, he thought that Qin Sha would be reliable for life, and that it would be complete.

Qin Sha smiled and said to Wang Youchuan, "it's OK. I'll see what you're worried about. I'm all right. Are you busy with your business, too? Go ahead, I can talk to my son and daughter easily. "

Wang Youchuan wants to meet some very important friends today. If Qin Sha hadn't broken her leg, he would never have delayed.

Gu Qingzhou assured Qin Sha that she was OK and gave Wang Youchuan a reassuring pill.

"Well, speak up. I'll be busy first." Wang Youchuan looks at his watch. It's too late to leave. He gets up to leave.

He also said goodbye to Gu Qingzhou, "your master's feet are not convenient. If you need anything, please tell Xiao Shi. Little ten these two days off, nothing to do. "

"Fourth uncle is busy first." Gu Qingzhou nods.

Qin Sha asked people to drink water to wash their hands for Gu Qingzhou.

When Wang Youchuan left, Gu Qingzhou asked Qin Sha what was going on.

Qin Sha acted calmly and broke her leg in the middle of the night. Naturally, there was a reason.

She asked Gu to come here to cure her illness. It's true to tell Gu about this.

Gu Qingzhou understood the meaning and asked himself when she sent Wang Youchuan away.

"Last night I walked the night road. Think of just a few steps, nothing will happen, there is no servant with a light to follow. " "Qin Sha said," who knows to be pushed from behind

Gu Qingzhou frowned and asked, "at home?"

Qin Sha nodded, "well, it's in the back yard."

Gu Qingzhou has already made some guesses. The relationship of the big family is very complicated. Gu Qingzhou is not easy to talk nonsense. He just asked, "do you see the person pushing you?"

Qin Sha shook her head: "when I got up, he had already run away, only saw a shadow, which was very tall."

As the fourth wife of the king's family, she was pushed and broke her leg on the night road, which is absolutely not a prank.

Wang men are mostly tall.

Qin Sha saw this clue, almost equal to nothing.

"Four uncles don't know this matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"He didn't know. I told him I was careless. In the recent eventful autumn, you also understand. Said he innocent suspicion, if has wronged the good person, I am not to blame Qin yarn road.

After a pause, Qin Sha said, "only a few people know about this matter, and I've sealed it."

"You guessed it should be similar to mine?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Qin Sha had a tacit understanding and nodded, "well."

At this point, she smiled bitterly: "but the thoughts of other people scared me."

"What's the matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

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