Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1182 strange tea

Qin Sha recently heard a lot of gossip, some shocked her.

Gu Qingzhou asks what happened.

"When I said that I was pushed, some servants said that he must be a junior ten. He said that Xiaoshi didn't like my stepmother and hid behind me. Although Xiaoshi brought me and Youchuan together, he would not be kind to my stepmother.

These words, I listened to the heart, who can know there is such gossip at home? Small ten won't hurt me, I see people most accurate, I believe him. That person can't be a little ten either. He looks much higher than a little ten. "

Gu Qingzhou also frowned: "is there such a rumor?"


"As expected, rumors are vicious and explosive, regardless of logic. How can I doubt that the young ten who took the initiative to match you had come to his head? " Gu Qingzhou road.

"Alas, it's hard for the old lady to do it." Qin Sha said, "how do you know if someone said that to me? The boy of the tenth grade has a good mind, otherwise something must have happened at the moment.

Even if not now, there will be in the future. Taking advantage of this, I need to rectify it and cut off the symptoms so as not to have a gap with xiaoshisheng in the future. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Qin Sha pressed the matter down. She didn't want people to guess Wang Jing.

They know that Wang Jing will not reject this stepmother, but other people's thoughts, often with interests, will become malicious.

There are many malicious provocations, and the three become tigers. It is inevitable that they will provoke the feelings between their mother and their son, and they will not have a good reputation for Wang Jing.

Thinking of Wang Jing's strange look when he just entered the door, Gu Qingzhou thought that he had heard something.

In addition, he was very anxious to flatter Gu Qingzhou. Instead of flattering Gu Qingzhou, he flattered Qin Sha.

And a poor boy.

He tried to prove his kindness.

"In that case, you can turn this matter over to Xiao Shi." Said Gu Qingzhou.

This shows the stepmother's trust in Wang Jing. No matter what is finally found out, the feelings of the two will not be provoked, but will be more intimate.

Qin Sha nodded: "I think so, too."

After a while, Wang Jing came to Gu Qingzhou for tea.

As time passed for a while, even though Gu promised him before, he was worried that Gu had left the Wang family.

"Sister Gu, is my mother's feet all right?" Wang Jing asked, "do you still drink tea?"

"I'll have a rest and you can play." Qin Sha laughs.

"Well, I'll come and see you tomorrow. You should be careful yourself." Gu Qingzhou told me that there was no more words.

Wang Jing took Gu Qingzhou to the small flower hall. He said, "sister Gu, sit for a while, and I'll come right away."

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Jing came back with a tray and a teapot.

He is not alone.

He was followed by a tall, thin man with a five or six point similarity between their eyebrows.

Gu Qingzhou has a little contact with the Wang family, but he has never met this man.

"Sister Gu, this is my sixth brother, Wang Ke, a cousin of the second room." Wang Jing said, "he heard that his sister's medical skills are very good, so he always wanted to meet her."

"Mrs. secretary." Wang Ke looked gloomy. When he was looking at the boat, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

It's like the prey sees the delicious food and would like to pounce on it.

Gu Qingzhou thought to himself that Wang Jing was not such a person who didn't know the right thing. If he had planned to introduce Wang Ke to her, he would ask for her advice first.

Now, he brought people to her without revealing it to her. He said that Wang Ke had found it himself. Wang Jing had no choice but to bring him to her.

Gu Qingzhou nodded to Wang Ke, then smiled and said to Wang Jing, "don't you want to give me your tea, tea?"

"Yes, sister Gu, you must try my new tea to make sure you like it." Wang Jing is like a treasure offering child. "Sister Gu, you must have never drunk such a good tea."

He said, he rinsed the cup with water and poured tea for Gu Qingzhou.

Wang Ke saw that Gu Qingzhou was not warm to him, and some chatted up. For a while, she did not know what to say, so she put her head to look at the tea in the cup.

"This is scented tea." "It seems that it was made by ancient methods. It has become popular among female students somehow recently," Wang Ke said. Little ten, the man is not going to buy this scented tea, you are in school to make a girlfriend? "

"Of course not!" Wang Jing's ears turned red and said angrily, "six elder brothers, Ashan has not been found yet. How can I make a girlfriend?"

"Oh, Miss Ye's second daughter?" Wang Ke said something lukewarm.

Looking at his appearance, Gu Qingzhou suspects that Wang Jing is told that ye Shan, his sweetheart, loves his father Wang Youchuan.

Such a ridiculous thing will surely defeat Wang Jing.

"Is the tea ready?" Gu Qingzhou interrupts Wang Ke.

"Not yet." Wang Jing smiled, showing a beautiful little white teeth, carefree. Even for ye Shan's worry, it's just a floating cloud in her mind.

Gu Qingzhou takes back his sight and looks at the scented tea in front of him.

Scented tea production began in the Southern Song Dynasty. After thousands of years of inheritance and improvement, today's scented tea processing technology has been very mature. Compared with the scented tea processed by ancient methods, the taste is more mellow and the color is more beautiful.

No one knows how the scented tea made by the ancient method has become popular recently.

Huo Yue likes tea.

Last time I went to huoyue and came back from Yuecheng, I said I brought them good tea, that's the tea.

Huo Yue asked Gu to drink, and sent him two boxes. Gu Qingzhou tried, but he was not used to drinking.

"All right. Here, sister Gu. " Wang Jing's words interrupted Gu's thinking.

"Little ten is ready." Gu Qingzhou didn't mention scented tea in his house. He took the cup of tea in front of him, blocked it with a handkerchief and took a sip.

When she was drinking tea, she observed Wang Ke, and found that his eyes were more pressing than his previous fanaticism, which made her feel awed.

"Six brothers, here you are." Wang Jing also gave it to Wang Ke.

"I don't like this kind of thing." Wang Ke dislikes it and doesn't want to take it.

Wang Jing disagrees.

After drinking the tea, Wang Ke refused to leave. Gu Qingzhou asked, "six young masters, do you have anything to tell me when you come to see me?"

However, Wang Ke was shocked as if she had been greatly frightened.

Gu Qingzhou murmurs in his heart: it's really strange that he came to find her. It's a surprise, as if the nagging person is her.

"I..." Wang Ke hesitated and gave Wang Jing a look. The meaning was obvious. He wanted Wang Jing to go out first.

But Wang Jing did not get the sign of Gu Qingzhou, so she sat still and ignored Wang Ke.

Wang Ke could not help but hesitated for a few times. Seeing Gu Qingzhou reaching for his handbag, he seemed to say goodbye, so he made up his mind.

First, the servants were sent out, and then the door of the small flower hall was carefully closed. Then, mysteriously, he said to Gu Qingzhou, "Mrs. Si, I know that your medical skills are very good, so I want to ask you something."

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