Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1183 insomnia

Wang Ke was very embarrassed.

The words on his lips are like a thousand pounds. Every word he utters seems to be exhausted.

"What is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked, his expression motionless.

Instead, Wang Jing was curious.

Wang Jing looked at Wang Ke with eyes full of light: what would he ask from sister Gu Qingzhou, the six elder brothers who are always silent and don't associate with people?

Wang Ke, pondering over and over, finally said what she thought: "I want to ask Mrs. Si to treat insomnia for me."

"Insomnia?" Wang Jing was stunned and surprised. "Why?"

Wang Ke is too fussy. Insomnia is not a common disease. As for how mysterious it is!

Wang Jingbai looks forward to a scene and glances at Wang Ke with a little resentment.

Gu Qingzhou carefully looked at the child in the second room of the king's family. He was very thin, with little flesh on his cheek. Now he was black and blue, and his pupils were muddy. He didn't sleep well for a long time. But his symptoms are different from insomnia.

Gu Qingzhou can "look at its shape and know its disease". Wang Ke has poor sleep, but it is not insomnia caused by physical reasons.

Pathologically, he has no disease.

"Have you seen another doctor?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't know the details of the other side, so his words are reserved.

"No." Wang Ke shook his head. "I don't trust those people, whether they are traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine."

"Then why do you trust sister Gu?" Wang Jing interposed.

Gu Qingzhou also listened, waiting for Wang Ke's answer.

Wang Ke is a little eccentric.

His appearance, his behavior and words are very strange. However, where is the blame? Gu Qingzhou can't tell why.

"I just think Mrs. Si can be trusted." Wang Ke said a word, then looked at Gu Qingzhou and said eagerly, "in fact, looking for Miss Gu Qingzhou to treat the disease is the second thing. I have always been very interested in traditional Chinese medicine. This little ten is known. Mrs. Si, I want to learn traditional Chinese medicine from you. "

When he said this, his face was red with excitement, and the enthusiasm and urgency of his eyes were revealed without any disguise.

There was a sudden silence in the room.

Wang Jing embarrassedly said to Gu Qingzhou, "sister Gu, I don't know six elder brothers..."

"It doesn't matter." Gu Qingzhou smiled at Wang Jing, then looked at Wang Ke and said in a low voice, "I will not accept you as an apprentice."

She's always clean.

He who has ulterior motives will not provoke others. This kind of person's good will she does not feel, malice she does not fear, only does not have the heart to revolve with it.

Wang Ke listened, as if expecting. Just face of the fanaticism into disappointment, silence for a long time after saying a word Oh, no reason for questioning.

Gu Qingzhou has no mood for tea.

After drinking all the newly poured tea in the cup, she said goodbye to Wang Jing.

"I'll check your mother in two days. If you're still at home, I'll bring you a German pen." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Jing immediately forgot the embarrassment brought by brother Liu's request and said happily, "I'll wait for you at home, sister Gu. Don't forget."

He is not going to school these days.

There was a servant at home who chewed his tongue and said he was at odds with his stepmother. The stepmother kept his father in the dark and asked him to check. It was trust in him.

Wang Jing doesn't want to disappoint his stepmother's trust or let villains succeed.

When Gu Qingzhou comes, he can touch it.

He is like a child, interested in fresh little gifts, but looking forward to Gu Qingzhou coming early.

Wang's family is a wealthy family in Taiyuan. They have all pens. It seems that the gifts given by others are not interesting, and they are given by Gu Qingzhou. Wang Jing is looking forward to them very much.

"Good." Gu Qingzhou nodded, "then see you in two days."

After saying this, Wang Jing led her out of the door and got on the car prepared for her by the Wang family.

Wang Ke followed Wang Jing and watched Gu Qingzhou stop talking.

Gu Qingzhou did not squint and slammed the door.

Seeing the car leaving, Wang Jing frowned and turned to look at Wang Ke. "Six elder brothers, you told me that you just wanted to see sister Gu. Why don't you first tell me that you want sister Gu to treat insomnia for you and still want to learn from her?"

Wang Ke tightened her lips, ignored her younger brother's questions, and turned away.

"Six brothers!" Wang Jing chased up, a little worried, "you have insomnia, why don't we all know?"

"It's not a good thing. Do you want to be known all over the world?" Wang Ke didn't return either. She left such a word coolly and hurried back to her yard.

He has always been such a character. Wang Jing was angry with him and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Back outside the small flower hall, Wang Jing stopped a passing maid and said, "there are tea sets for the guests. Go and clean them up."

The maid said yes.

Wang Jing was about to go back to his yard when he heard a call from someone behind him: "little ten."

He immediately frowned, his heart was very agitated, he would hate to leave when he heard the voice, and he was very reluctant to see the people behind him.

The reason suppressed the mood, he did not leave, but looked back, saw a tall and beautiful man, wearing a fashionable suit, carrying a muddy wine jar in his hand, which was not dirty at all.

"Second brother." Wang Jing bore the annoyance and said to the visitor, "I really can't drink, let alone you drink such strong wine. If I drink with you, I will be killed when my father comes back! "

"It's not easy for you to have a holiday. How can you not come to drink with me?" Wang Cui, the second elder brother, smiled. "Do you still remember the last time's revenge?"

"No." Wang Jing can't lie. Talking is like gambling. She is alert to Wang Cui.

"Not yet? Last time, it's really not my fault and nine younger sister's fault. We don't know which words caused four aunts to cry. " Wang Cui sighed.

Last time, Wang Cui and Wang Yushu went to pick up Qin Sha under the pretext of saying no disrespect to Gu Qingzhou. After they came back, they were taunted by Qin Sha.

Before they fought back, Qin Sha cried into tears. Wang Youchuan and Wang Jing's father and son were all changed at that time.

Wang Cui suffered a heavy loss. Knowing Qin Sha's strength, she dared not touch the nail again. She hadn't gone to the fourth room for several days.

Wang Jing is ten years younger than Wang Cui, and because Wang's parents died earlier. After his fourth Uncle Wang went to Sichuan and became the head of the family, Wang Cui and his brother Wang yunian were always unconvinced and often asked for trouble from fourth uncle. Wang Jing didn't like the two cousins in the long room since he was a child.

Later, Wang Cui was sent to study abroad by Wang yunian, who came back not long ago and was ready to work in the family.

Unexpectedly, Wang yunian died just a few months after he came back, which hit Wang Cui a lot.

After returning to China, Wang Cui unexpectedly put down her previous discord with Sifang and got close to Wang Jing.

If he hadn't provoked Qin Sha, Wang Jing would have forgotten his evil deeds.

Wang Jing deliberately keeps away from this cousin, but Wang Cui seems to want to get close to Wang Jing.

Just Wang Jing went to make tea and didn't come back for a long time. It was because Wang Cui had to pull him to drink some northwest wine, which delayed his time. At that time, he managed to find an excuse to avoid. Unexpectedly, Wang Cui came back.

"The scented tea made by ancient methods tastes like sour water. You really treat people!" Wang Cui said with a smile, "Mrs. Si didn't pour tea on your face?"

"Sister Gu is not such a person! Scented tea that many people like to drink, how can it become rancid water! " Wang Jing frowned. "Second brother, you don't speak well."

"Did she really drink your tea?" Wang Cui has some accidents.

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