Wang Jing is puzzled by Wang Cui's problem.

He invited sister Gu to have tea. Of course, sister Gu would. If you don't drink, you will refuse.

Basic etiquette, don't you understand? Are you confused about studying abroad?

"Of course. Second brother, I'm going to do my homework. If you want to drink, please find someone else to drink with you! " Wang Jingdao.

Wang Jing finished saying this and left with her feet raised.

This time, Wang Cui did not detain him any more. Looking at Wang Jing's back, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his mouth were raised, and the expression of sinister animals flashed across his face.

The expression is very strange, like ridicule, also like disdain.

Wang Cui takes the jar of wine and strides towards her yard.

The maid who just heard Wang Jing's order to go into the small flower hall to clean up the teapot and tea cups came out in a daze, and was stopped by another maid with long pigtails and asked why.

The maid was full of doubts and whispered, "just ten young master asked me to clean up the teapot and tea cups for the guests, but I went in for a long time and didn't find the teapot and tea cups he said."

"What's the matter? Most people see it and clean it up." The long braided child servant said indifferently.

"What if I ask you back? I don't know where the teapot has been received. "

"If you ask who did it, you'll know."

"Elder sister, I'm new here. I don't know many people. Would you please ask for me?" The maid said pitifully, "if I'm fired because of this set of tea cups, how can I explain it to my family?"

"Our Wang family is a generous family, how can we casually quit?" The long braided maid said helplessly, "OK, I'll ask for you. If you ask, it's enough. If you don't ask, don't pester me."

After that, the maid who said thanks repeatedly asked for help.

However, after asking for a long time, no maid other than the two of them came here.

No one else is responsible.

The maids were frightened, afraid of losing money, and the more serious ones were driven out.

There is not such a rich and generous master's home as the king's.

"Go tell master 10. Young master, he is soft in face. He will not be so good. " The long braided servant made an idea, "if I don't say it now, I can't find it later. When the young master lost his temper, he couldn't explain."

The maid thought so deeply that she immediately went to find Wang Jing.

Wang Jing is also surprised: "but other people to accept?"

"No, we are on duty today. No one else is going there." The maid was worried and worried, full of anxiety.

"Strange." Wang Jingdao.

It's rather strange.

It's just strange.

This kind of tea set, his king ten little more is, not to hurt God for it, casually said: "except you, is not the guest and our three brothers to that side?"

The maid didn't answer.

"Forget it. It's no shame to ask second or sixth brother for a set of tea set." Wang Jing said again.

Looking at the trembling maid, he waved: "go ahead and get busy. If you lose it, you'll lose it. I'll buy a new one later. If you find it, you can play by yourself. Don't give it to me again, or the new one will come and the old one will not leave. How embarrassing it is. "

The maid said, "I think this ten young master is really strange.".

But who took the tea set? The maid thought that she should make it clear, otherwise she would lose other valuables. Would she have to pay for it?

Ten young master don't care, maid care.

"Is it the second young master?" The maid thought, "or six young masters."

However, will the two young masters steal a set of tea sets?

The maid felt that her idea was ridiculous again, so she had to turn around and get busy.

When Wang Cui walked through the courtyard, he saw Wang Yushu coming towards him face to face. He smiled and asked, "Yushu, who are you provoked by? Didn't you go climbing with your classmates? Why didn't you go? "

Their eldest brother, Wang yunian, died, leaving their elder brother and sister to live together.

Wang Cui has always been in love with her sister, but now she has to compensate her sister for her brother's concern.

"Where to go, where to think? Second brother, I heard that Aunt four broke her leg. I asked Gu Qingzhou to treat her leg. " Wang Yushu looks at Wang Cui and frowns, "you come over there, haven't you met her?"

"Of course not." "What's the matter?" asked Wang Cui

"What can I do for her?" Wang Yushu didn't have a good way of speaking. "She's such a black hearted girl. We'll have bad luck when we meet her. I'm afraid you'll lose money in front of her again!"

"What can I do for her?" "I'm not going to look for her. Besides, even if she is more powerful, she is just a woman!

There are also many powerful female students and teachers in foreign schools, but in front of men's great wisdom, they are only willing to bow to the wind. "

Wang Cui thinks that she has been studying abroad for several years and has seen the world. So although she knows that many people have suffered losses in Gu Qingzhou, she doesn't pay attention to Gu Qingzhou.

He's going to deal with her. It's a random thing.

He's not in a hurry. He's going to plan his revenge slowly.

"Second brother, you look down on women when you say that." Wang Yushu made a little grumpy. "If it's another woman, I'm not afraid of my second brother's loss, but there are some evil people who take care of the boat."

Gu Qingzhou's reputation in Taiyuan has almost been concealed, and his reputation is all over the world.

But Wang Yushu knew that she was cruel.

"You see, our eldest brother is so clever and powerful. Sometimes even the fourth uncle can't help him. But the eldest brother must have suffered losses and lost his life in the hands of Gu Qingzhou. " Wang Yushu's eyes were hot, and he was so angry that his silver teeth were broken.

Wang Cui sighed, but he was not angry with Gu Qingzhou. He comforted his younger sister: "Yushu, don't be discouraged, we will take revenge for elder brother. You're still young. You haven't seen any sinister people. Naturally, you think she's weird and unpredictable.

I should say that she was able to deal with elder brother before, but because she had the help of her school and Ministry of health, as well as governor ye, and elder brother had no embankment. We need to be careful

Wang Yushu nodded: "there are still traitors in our family. That Qin Sha is the help of Gu Qingzhou. "

Wang Cui answered.

When facing Wang Yushu, Wang Cui's words are very easy. But when Wang Yushu is perfunctory, Wang Cui's brow will wrinkle up and his face will show a kind of grim and solemn look.

He strode back to his yard, but the jar of Northwest liquor in his hand was not opened, but left in a corner.

He was going to drink to celebrate.

However, Wang Yushu's words give Wang Cui a wake-up call. Gu Qingzhou is an evil woman. Before the dust settles, he can't take it lightly.

In order not to waste a lot of time, it's better to keep the wine as a celebration after revenge.

He did a great thing today.

Of course, it's about taking care of light boats.

He needs to see the results.

Thinking of this, Wang Cui went out of the yard again and walked towards the gate of the Wang family. When he planned to wait for the driver of the Wang family to come back, he would set about asking Gu about the situation of the light boat.

Fortunately, the driver of Wang's family came back very soon. Seeing the second young master who had just returned home and had nothing to do, he didn't have any doubts. In three or two words, he was told what Wang Cui wanted to hear.

"Mrs. Si got out of the car in a hurry, and her face was a little ugly. But she was a doctor and a woman's family. I don't know what to ask. It's probably nothing."

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