Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1185 uncomfortable Gu Qingzhou

Wang Cui's heart moved a little.

Mostly nothing? What does that mean?

But he could not ask. Too many questions add to the burden. He pulled two more lines and let the driver go.

Gu Qingzhou told Xiaoshi that she would come back to check with the fourth wife in two days.

"Two days later, I will hand in today's test paper, and then there will be scores." Wang Cui thought, "hope is full mark."

Wait another two days for the dust to settle.

Wang Cui declined the invitation of the old friends for the next two days and focused on the situation of the four rooms.

Soon, he found that besides him, Wang Ke was the one who closely watched the four rooms.

Wang Ke's cousin, Wang Cui, doesn't know much now.

Before he went abroad to study, Wang Ke was a lively young man. She liked to make friends with her brothers and sisters. I heard that she was very popular with female students in the school.

Among the brothers and sisters of the Wang family, in addition to his brother Wang yunian and his sister Wang Yushu, his favorite is this cheerful cousin.

However, today's Wang Ke is quite different from that of that time.

Wang Ke was gloomy, thin and soon out of shape. In ordinary times, she spoke surprisingly little. She did not socialize with friends, nor with family members. It was impossible for people to get close to her.

Wang Cui heard Wang Yushu tell him gossip: "six elder brothers in school, there is a very good classmate, heard that they are... Is that kind of relationship. However, the man abandoned him and lost his trace. Six elder brothers are now like this. "

This is mostly a rumor, which Wang Cui doesn't believe.

But Wang Ke has changed completely. He doesn't talk to anyone anymore.

Why does Wang Ke, who lives in his own world, suddenly pay attention to four rooms?

Wang Cui is alert. Instead of looking for Wang Ke, he secretly looks for the servants in the mansion and asks.

Soon, he found out the reason.

On the day Gu Qingzhou came to cure the fourth wife's legs and feet, Wang Ke wandered for a long time outside the courtyard of the fourth room, and then let Xiao Shi introduce him to Gu Qingzhou.

When he saw what the purpose of taking care of the boat was, and what they said between them, the servants knew nothing.

After thinking about it, Wang Cui goes to set Wang Jing's words.

It's a pity that Wang Jing is busy checking his mother's wrestling these two days. He is so busy that he doesn't have the heart to be intimate with Wang Cui at all. So Wang Cui can't ask Wang Jing what he wants to know.

However, it's nothing. Wang Ke can't know Wang Cui's plan. It's good and harmless for Wang Cui to sneak around the door of the fourth room.

In this way of thinking, Wang Cui is reassured.

Two days later, it was the day that Gu Qingzhou came to visit the fourth wife Qin Sha for reexamination.

Wang Cui didn't hear that Gu Qingzhou went to the door from morning till noon and from noon till evening.

At dusk, a message was sent to the fourth room by the person beside him: "my wife is not very well, so I won't come for further consultation."

Four wife's feet have been completely well, she can't feel anything different, so if she doesn't recheck, she doesn't care. She just heard that Gu Qingzhou is not comfortable. She is worried and wants to visit her.

"Why didn't she give me a call?" Qin Wen asked.

The adjutant who came to deliver the message said: "my wife said that I can't make it clear on the phone. I'm afraid you are more worried, so I'll let my subordinates run. She said that she was a small thing. The fourth wife didn't have to worry about it. She will be fine in two days. "

Qin Sha was always a little awed by Gu Qingzhou and didn't dare to take it seriously. Gu Qingzhou refused to let her visit, and she was too embarrassed to argue hard to go.

Only Wang Jing was disappointed. He also remembered the German pen that sister Gu Qingzhou promised to bring to him.

The maid of four rooms, who was bought by Wang Cui, told Wang Cui all these things.

Wang Cui was very excited.

"Sure enough!" He nodded with satisfaction. "My paper, full marks. It's said that Gu Qingzhou is powerful, but that's all. "

The adjutant who came to Wang's family to tell the story was the person beside Si Xingfu, not the servant beside Gu Qingzhou, which means that Gu Qingzhou must be in a very serious situation, so serious that Si Xingfu should help her deal with these matters.

At the same time, he felt some regret.

Although he guessed that the situation of Gu Qingzhou was serious, he didn't know how serious it was. If Qin Sha, the fourth wife, insisted on visiting Gu Qingzhou, he would know everything.

It's a pity that the fourth wife is not persistent in this matter.

In addition, Wang Cui has some doubts.

He didn't go back to China for a long time, but he also heard that although he was a rude man, he cherished his wife very much.

Recently, his wife is suffering from pain and suffering. How can he still have the energy to notice that Gu Qingzhou promised Qin Sha, the fourth wife, to recheck such details?

And even sent someone in person?

Is there any problem in this?

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Cui suddenly felt uneasy.

Without seeing with his own eyes the situation of Gu Qingzhou, he could not come to a conclusion!

However, he is not a doctor, and he has nothing to do with Si Fu. How can he go to see Gu Qingzhou in Si Fu?

Wang Cui regrets.

He regretted that he had not abetted his sister Wang Yushu to make friends with Gu Qingzhou. It's always easier for them to get on well with each other than for a man to get on with each other.

If Yushu and Gu Qingzhou make good friends, at this moment, he only needs to let Yushu go to the Si mansion in a fair way under the name of visiting.

Unfortunately, the relationship between Yushu and Gu Qingzhou is not good. If he wants to know the real situation of Gu Qingzhou, he has to think of other ways.

Wang Cui sighed and sent the maid away.

As soon as he sent the maid away, he saw Wang Yushu coming towards him with a face full of displeasure.

He is thinking about how to use Wang Yushu to meet Gu Qingzhou.

So he called Wang Yushu.

"Didn't you go out with your classmates today? Who made you unhappy?" Wang Cui stops her.

Wang Yushu shook his head and said, "it's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal, it's something." Wang Cui is concerned, "tell the second brother."

Wang Yushu didn't want to say, but when her second brother asked, she wanted to say it again.

Her voice is decadent and sad: "today, when we go out to play, Kangyu comes, and she also brings leaf charm."

"Oh, why aren't you happy?" Wang Cui asked.

Wang Yushu clenched his lips.

Wang Cui immediately understood: Wang Yushu fell in love with Kang Yu, and Kang Yu's fiancee is Ye Wu.

Is there harmony between rival lovers?

"Ye Wu doesn't speak to me at all at ordinary times, but today she asks my six brothers from time to time. It seems that the whole world knows that there is a cousin of tuberculosis in our family. She just wanted to make me lose face. " Wang Yushu's teeth itch with hate.

Wang Ke has no flesh on his face and no spirit in his eyes. Wang Yushu is afraid when he sees him, so he always secretly calls him a TB ghost.

He looks like this, but he's almost like a consumptive!

"Ask Wang Ke?" Wang Cui's heart moved.

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