Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1189 immorality

The night snack that Si Xingfu asked the kitchen to prepare for Gu's boat was three pieces of silverfish soup. When she said that she wanted to drink the hot silverfish soup at dinner, he fell in love.

Silver carp is transported from Taihu Lake. It's fresh. It's cooked slowly with mushrooms, shepherd's purse and shark's fin. It's very delicious.

Gu Qingzhou finished a bowl and couldn't help burping.

"I'm going to be fat!" She murmured.

Cheng Yu is drinking the third bowl. Hearing this, he almost can't swallow it. He scolds Gu Qingzhou: "don't show off! Let me have a good supper! "

Gu Qingzhou said, "you should also eat less."

"What do you care?" Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou then said, "it's like raising a girl to raise you. Apart from fighting with you every day and getting angry, it's useless to fart at all!"

Her words became vulgar.

If her mistress is still there, she must be hit in the palm of her hand.

Cheng Yu has exhausted the cultivation of Gu Qingzhou.

"You take advantage of me!" Cheng Yu reaches out to pinch her face, and they almost fight.

The maid washed the fruit for Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu.

Seeing that Cheng Yu still has a stomach to eat fruit, Gu Qingzhou can't help admiring him.

The two men sat on the sofa and talked for a while. Si Xingfu sent someone to invite them.

When I returned to the prison room, I saw that Wang Cui had changed his clothes. The blood in the prison room had been wiped clean, and Wang Cui had also been wiped clean, hunched and hung there.

If I had not known the method of Si Xingfu, I could not have seen that Wang Cuigang had been tortured.

"Light boat, you ask, now no matter what you ask him, he will answer honestly." His expression was pleasant and relaxed.

If you distinguish carefully, you can also distinguish the meaning of asking for credit in his words.

"Hard work for you." Gu Qingzhou laughs and pats the hand of the director Xingfu. It's a reward.

At the beginning of Cheng Yu's departure, they were always so kind to her that she didn't see them.

Gu took a few steps forward and stood in front of Wang Cui.

Before she spoke, Wang Cui first said, "Why are you not poisoned?"

Wang Cui, who had just been tortured without a drop of tears, burst into tears: "my eldest brother... Is the pillar of a country rich in learning, you..."

he must kill Gu Qingzhou for the sake of Wang yunian.

Wang yunian is not very nice, but his younger brother is very well raised!

Gu Qingzhou is unmoved. She didn't kill Wang yunian. Everything in Wang yunian deserves it.

She looked at Wang Cui coldly and wept bitterly. She asked, "did you push her to fall behind the fourth lady?"

"It's me." Wang Cui accepted the tears and admitted honestly, "how can she lead you to the Wang family without being hurt?"

Gu Qingzhou asked this, not for Wang Cui, but for Wang Ke.

Sure enough, in this case, Wang Ke was innocent. As Cheng Yu said, he is a troublemaker.

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

"Gu Qingzhou, he is so bad, no wonder he and Wang yunian are brothers!" Cheng Yu said

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are not very angry. Cheng Yu is furious.

"What are you going to do with him?" Cheng Yu stares at Wang Cui, but asks Gu Qingzhou, "if you want me to say that you should use the same poison to feed him. If he can survive, it will be his creation! "

What is silver nitrate? How can silver nitrate survive when it's eaten in a large dose!

Cheng Yu is so angry with Wang Cui that he doesn't want him to live.

For the first time, he saw Cheng Yushun's eyes, and said to Gu Qingzhou, "take an idea."

According to his meaning, it's better for Wang to die than to live. He is satisfied. But he is used to taking care of the light boat first. He has just beaten Wang Cui out of his temper. So how to deal with Wang Cui? He is willing to let Gu light boat take the lead.

Gu Qingzhou pondered for a moment: "write down his crime, ask him to sign the picture, and then send people to the king's house tomorrow."

"To the Wangs?" Cheng Yu's eyes widened. "He will kill you, but you will let him go?"

"Well." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Well, what do you mean?" Cheng Yu said angrily, "take care of the boat. Don't be merciful! He is going to poison you! "

"Go out and talk." Gu Qingzhou road.

The torture room is cold, not a place to stay for a long time, and Gu Qingzhou is numb with cold.

Gu Qingzhou has already spoken, and she has the support of Si Xingfu, so even if Cheng Yu is not willing, she can only give up!

"I'll take good care of him, and not allow him to die," he ordered

Out of the cell, Cheng Yu is still muttering, not very happy.

"I have my purpose," Gu said

"What purpose?"

"I want to woo Wang Youchuan." Gu Qingzhou said, "I have no loss. If I can sell my personal feelings to the Wang family, our military factory will not lack steel in the future."

The Wangs are industrial.

Governor Ye is a warlord. He can only compete with him in business and can't take too much advantage.

But the Wangs are different.

For the Wang family, business seeks wealth; for the Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou, steel is strength and dependence, and they can get what they need.

"I will send back Wang Cui." Gu Qingzhou said, "the reason why Wang Youchuan can be the master of his family is that he followed his eldest brother since he was a child.

His eldest brother is also a brother and a father. He cultivated and taught him. So when his eldest brother died, he was young enough to overpower other brothers and accept the property of the royal family.

Wang yunian and Wang Cui's brothers have been fighting against Wang Youchuan all year round. Wang Youchuan has been patient with them. In this case, we will send Wang Cui back, and he will try to keep Wang Cui.

As long as he wants to keep Wang Cui, he will owe me. Then I'll ask him again. " Gu Qingzhou said, "this is the victory. What is the ability to kill a man? "

Cheng Yumu stared at him and said, "philistine."

Si Xingfu smiled: "my wife has vision."

Cheng Yu is convinced, but not very willing. She went back to her West Cross Hospital with some reluctance.

Gu Qingzhou looked at the way she had gone away and said to Si Xingfu, "we need to send more people to the dungeon. Cheng Yu looks more angry than us."

Si Xingfu didn't care. "What can she do?" he said? But she's really interested in your business. It's not bad. I didn't support her for nothing. "

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Although the Secretary didn't care, he also worried about Cheng Yu's blundering.

Cheng Yu's hypnosis can only be performed with the consent of the other party.

Therefore, Si Xingfu explained to the adjutants that as long as Cheng Yu came, no matter what kind of rhetoric she used, she was not allowed to enter the dungeon, nor was she allowed to use hypnosis.

After that, the couple lay down and went to sleep.

The next day, Gu Qingzhou just got up, dressed in green silk, but his face was not powdered, but his skin became more and more white. She wants to wake up and look confused.

Si Xingfu's heart is fretting.

When Gu Qingzhou saw that he was like this, he moved back, and the man woke up completely: "I will go to the king's house later. You are not allowed to do anything wrong now!"

"It's a matter of waiting. It's a matter of waiting." Si Xingfu coaxes her with a soft voice.

By the time of breakfast, the bell had been ringing for ten times, and Gu Qingzhou was eating while staring at his wife. The secretary is cheeky, does not put his wife's white eyes on his heart, and grins to please her.

It's over eleven o'clock when I mention Wang Cui going out to the Wang family.

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