Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1190 unbelievable

It's past eleven.

Gu Qingzhou looks at his watch and complains to Si Xingfu: "look, this time is too late! It's like we're rushing to the Wangs for lunch. "

"Or in the afternoon?" Si Xingfu said with a smile.

He looked at the time himself, and then raised his eyebrows.

Well, he's not old enough.

Gu Qingzhou is proud of this. He is ashamed and angry: "point your face!"

He laughed.

After much deliberation, Gu Qingzhou said to Si Xingfu, "well, let's go! I've always had some problems in my mind. It's a good thing to do earlier. "

"Yes, it's just a meal." It doesn't matter how many people in Taiyuan are waiting to invite you to dinner

As soon as he spoke, Gu Qingzhou saw Cheng Yu in a light green smoke shirt, a pleated skirt embroidered with a crane, and a small brown leather shoe running towards him.

Gu Qingzhou was stunned.

Si Xingqi also said, "what kind of ghost do you wear?"

Cheng Yuqi: "Gu Qingzhou often wears this way. Why don't you say she looks like a ghost? If I don't wear cheongsam by chance, you won't get used to it? "

I'll fight again.

Gu Qingzhou hurriedly persuades him to fight in the middle, saying, "it's very beautiful, classical and beautiful."

"I'll go to the Wangs with you!" Cheng Yu also doesn't have the same understanding with Si Xingkai, and says the purpose directly, "I have to see how the Wang family will bully you."

"Forget it." Gu Qingzhou laughs, "when have you seen me lose?"

"I don't care. I'll watch." Cheng Yu said, "I don't feel relieved if I don't look at it."

Cheng Yu is good at playing tricks.

She's dressed up. She'll go. If you stop her, you will waste countless words, and you may not succeed in the end.

Treating her, taking care of the boat is a little like treating her silly daughter.

What else can I do? I can only spoil her.

"All right, let's go together." Gu Qingzhou then asked Cheng Yu, "are you bored these days?"

Zhuo Mozi recovers at home. Cheng Yu can't leave him alone to play, but he is angry at his denial and doesn't want to face him every day.

Therefore, she was entangled in the light boat.

"Yes." She took it for granted.

When it's time to get on the bus, Cheng Yu goes out again and says, "I don't want to take a car with you. I'll take a car with Wang Cui. I have to watch, lest he run away. "

"With my people watching, where can he go halfway!" Si Xingfu couldn't stand it. "Get out of here."

What's more, Wang Cui was beaten half dead last night. That's to say, he didn't have the strength to run.

"I don't want to sit with you two. I'm afraid I'm hot eyed." Cheng Yudao.

He wanted to beat her.

Gu Qingzhou watched as the time passed 11:30 and lost his patience: "don't make a fool of yourself, just take our car."

Cheng Yu had no choice but to take a car with Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

He drives his own car, and Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu sit in the back seat.

Cheng Yu stabbed Gu's waist: "Gu's boat..."


"What would Wang Youchuan do with Wang Cui? Will you report it? " Cheng Yu asked.

Gu Qingzhou thought for a moment and said, "the biggest possibility is to ask for my forgiveness, and then let Wang Cui go and deal with it lightly."

Cheng Yu is shocked and angry: "then we are not busy for nothing?"

"Why are you so busy? Wang Youchuan will be grateful to me. My goal has been achieved. " Gu Qingzhou said, "his gratitude is not just emotion, but must be reciprocated."

Cheng Yu is used to happy love and hatred and says, "what about Wang Cui? If he does something wrong, can he do nothing? "

Gu Qingzhou said: "I don't care very much. I do things for a purpose. If my goal is achieved, it will be OK. "

Cheng Yu looks out of the window.

She is not happy.

She's not worth taking care of the boat.

As soon as twelve o'clock arrived, the bus arrived at the gate of the palace.

It's said that Gu Qingzhou and his wife came to visit. Qin Sha was very surprised. She met them in person and asked Wang Youchuan to come back.

Qin Sha had no psychological preparation for their husband and wife's intention.

After seeing Wang Cui who was taken with him behind them, Qin Sha felt very bad.

Wang Jing was having lunch. When he got the news, he threw his chopsticks away and ran out to meet him.

Seeing Wang Cui, the second brother who was dying, Wang Jing's joy froze on his face. Like Qin Sha, he felt a little bit bad.

Wang Cui lowered her head and looked very sad. She didn't intend to have any eye contact with Qin Sha and Wang Jing.

Wang Yushu didn't know where he heard the news. He ran out of the boat, stared at the boat and said angrily, "what did you do to my second brother?"

Gu Qingzhou ignored her and looked at Qin Sha. "Teacher, I have to wait for the fourth uncle to come back."

"I heard that you have come, so I have sent someone to invite you to Sichuan." Qin Sha nodded and said, "let's go to the living room for a while and have tea."

Hearing the three words "drinking tea", sixingqi flashed a faint smile on his face. He glanced at Wang Cui intentionally or unintentionally, took the hand of Gu Qingzhou, followed his fourth wife Qin Sha to the inside.

Gu Qingzhou wants to break away. He pulls back, but he doesn't, so he lets him pull himself.

Wang Jing is afraid of Si Xingfu. If Si Xingfu is not there, he has already come to Gu Qingzhou to ask about his business.

But when he was there, he could only hold his doubts in his heart and follow everyone to the living room.

The person of Si xingxu stopped Wang Yushu from contacting Wang Cui.

Wang Yushu looked at Qin Sha in shock: "aunt four, my second brother is the second young master of the Wang family. What's your mind when you watch them bully him?"

If there is only Wang Yushu, Qin Sha doesn't pay attention to this, but there are so many servants around. What happened here, the servants spread out in a flash.

At that time, it was rumored that Qin Sha would collude with outsiders to deal with the only remaining men in the long house. Qin Sha would not be affected.

The life of a big family is to be careful. Qin Sha married Wang Youchuan. Since she chose a big family, she would do her part and not want to block her husband.

So Qin Sha looked at Gu Qingzhou in embarrassment: "Qingzhou, look here..."

She knows that Gu Qingzhou must have done something wrong by Wang Cui. They will do this to him.

She knows that the Wang family is the one who is responsible for the loss.

"I'd better wait for the fourth uncle to come back." Gu Qingzhou has a light smile.

She is not a chatterbox. She doesn't want to say the same thing twice, so she must wait for Wang Youchuan to come back.

Wang Yushu was almost furious.

Wang Jing comforted her: "sister Jiu, don't worry. When my father comes back, we will naturally know what's going on!"

"When the fourth uncle comes back? When the fourth uncle comes back, I don't know how to favor you! " Wang Yushu was angry and sent it to Wang Jing. "Little ten, don't think I can't see it, you are also on the side with them.

Your fourth room treats our brothers and sisters as thorn in the flesh. I wish others would bully them to death! You are not all good things. "

Wang Jing's good intentions were like a donkey's liver and lung, and she never dared to speak again. She was sulking in her heart alone.

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