When they got to the living room, they sat down.

Even Wang Cui was escorted to sit down by his deputy.

Wang Yushu blushed with rage.

She scolded Si Xingqi first: "what's the matter? You should treat my second brother like a prisoner? All the servants have seen it. How will my second brother become a man? "

"I didn't treat him as a human being." Si Xingfu road.

In a word, Wang Yushu choked for a long time.

Cheng Yu chuckles.

Qin Sha also slightly disguised the smile.

Gu Qingzhou gently patted the hand of secretary Xingfu, so that he didn't have to know the same thing as a child.

It was a long time before Wang Yushu could continue to talk.

She wants to take Wang Cui away, but the deputy of Si Xingfu disagrees.

She then shot the fire at the weakest Wang Jing again: "Xiaoshi, open your eyes and have a good look. What did your second brother look like when he was tortured?

In this way, you will be beaten at first sight! If you touch your conscience, his surname is Wang. His father and I are your uncle!

Are you indifferent and allow outsiders to bully us like this, worthy of the ancestors of the Wang family, worthy of my father's spirit in heaven? "

Wang Jing frowned and did not know how to refute Wang Yushu.

After all, he is young, face thin and scheming little.

Moreover, according to the logic of Wang Yushu, he seems to be the one in the sky who is sorry for his uncle.

Seeing Wang Jing, Cheng Yu frowns and says, "Wang Yushu, don't take yourself and Wang Cui as victims.

With what Wang Cui did to Mrs. Si, we just can't kill him! That is to say, Mr. and Mrs. Si are kind-hearted and send him back to the Wang family. "

As soon as she said this, the Wangs all thought again and guessed what crimes Wang Cui had done.

Gu Qingzhou didn't want to talk to their heroes. He turned to Qin Sha and said, "teacher, don't talk about gossip. The more you talk about it, the angrier you get. I'd better ask Miss nine out first and let her in later. "

Wang Yushu is angry.

This is the Wang family. Why can she be driven away by taking care of the boat?

What is "let her in later"? What is she, kitten and puppy?

If Gu Qingzhou doesn't open his mouth, he will make Wang Yushu half dead.

"Yes." Qin Sha nods and orders the maid beside her, "you two ask Miss Yushu to go out. Don't let her get confused!"

Qin Sha knows that Wang Cui is the only man in the long room now. Her husband, as the head of the Wang family, will surely keep Wang Cui no matter for his dead brother and sister-in-law or for his own reputation.

Wang Cui's crimes are even if they are committed by others. If he doesn't stop Wang Yushu, he's afraid that immortals can't save Wang Cui.

Qin Sha did this for Wang Cui and Wang Yushu.

Wang Yushu is helping.

As for Qin Sha, Wang Cui's death has nothing to do with her. She knew in her heart what the fate of those who had offended the caretaker was.

At this moment, she just thought more about Wang Youchuan.

Wang Yushu was pulled out as expected.

She was so angry that she swore, without the gentleness of a lady.

Wang Cui bowed her head from beginning to end, as if all this had nothing to do with him, and she looked discouraged.

After half an hour, Wang Youchuan came back.

First, he saw Wang Yushu fighting with the maid outside. He was puzzled and went up.

"What's the matter?" Wang Youchuan asked the maid, "what happened to miss nine?"

"Master, it's my wife who asked us to stop miss Yushu," said the maid

"Madame?" Wang Youchuan did not know what to do, but frowned.

Qin Sha knows that he will never embarrass such a girl as Yushu for no reason.

"What happened?" Wang Youchuan looks at Wang Yushu and asks.

Wang Yushu's eyes were shining. He immediately relied on Wang Youchuan to know nothing. He planned to give priority to himself and Sue: "four uncles, they bullied people in our big house.

The second brother was beaten by them. I was not allowed to get close to him. Fourth uncle, you can make decisions for our brothers and sisters, or my father and mother's spirits in the sky will be upset. "

"Beat Wang Cui?" Wang Youchuan's heart tightened. "Who beat Wang Cui?"

Wang Yushu turns around and goes to the living room.

The maid wanted to stop.

Wang Youchuan followed up and said to the maid, "go down, I'm here."

The maid said yes.

Wang Yushu knew that her fourth uncle was fair to other people and doted on their brothers and sisters.

The fourth uncle will save the second brother. She was relieved and said, "they are waiting for you in the flower hall. The person who beat the second brother is Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou. The fourth aunt doesn't like the two brothers and sisters. Instead of helping us, she let others stop me!"

Wang Youchuan's face was uncertain.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, who are proficient in personnel, will not hit people rashly.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with it.

And it's serious.

Wang Youchuan stepped up in the direction of the living room.

He has long legs, so Wang Yushu can't keep up with him, so he has to make a dash behind him.

Although it was a trot, Wang Yushu was not unhappy. She could see that the fourth uncle was angry.

Very angry!

Wang Yushu thought: "four uncles had better be angry and don't listen to anything in the living room. First, they scold Qin Sha and Gu Qingzhou and others. It's better to be angry for brother!"

Soon to the living room, Wang Youchuan didn't even look at Wang Cui. He went straight to Qin Sha and sat down. He said hello to Si Xingfu: "Si shizuo."

He exchanged greetings with Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingqi.

When Wang Yushu entered the door, she felt that Wang Youchuan's attitude was different from what she thought.

After greetings, Wang Youchuan pointed to Wang Cui beside him and asked Gu Qingzhou, "Qingzhou, this thing that doesn't work, what evil has it done?"

Wang Yushu's eyes were wide and round at once: why, how can the four uncles also stand on their side!

Yes, Sifang did not deal with the eldest brother and the second brother before. Now the second brother doesn't care about them when he comes back from studying abroad, but they must still remember the old enemy and wait for the second brother here!

Only their brother and sister can live together!

In this way of thinking, Wang Yushu stepped into the flower hall, walked to Wang Cui's side and looked at Gu Qingzhou ironically.

She also wants to know what her second brother has done, so that they can be cruel to him!

Gu Qingzhou sips his ear's broken hair and tells the story of his poisoning.

“…… It's reasonable to say that we can't let him go when he has done such a thing. However, he is the second young master of the Wang family. How to deal with it depends on your opinion. " Gu Qingzhou said,

"four uncles, he said he wanted to revenge for Wang yunian. He didn't know why Wang yunian died, but you do."

Si Xingqi didn't speak, his expression was motionless, like a bottle of evil spirit.

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