In a flash, it's the middle of October.

After a night's wind, the courtyard was full of twigs and noisy rooms.

After midnight, the wind stopped.

Get up early to open the curtain. Behind the colorful carved glass window, there is a bright light.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised. He thought how could it be earlier today?

At this time, the morning light should be cyan gray.

When she pushed open the window lattice, the cold wind poured straight into her neck, Gu Qingzhou shrunk his shoulders, and saw that the bluestone path was covered with snow.

The green bamboo in the courtyard is covered with snow-white new makeup. After being collected by snow, the whole world is pure.

"The first snow." Gu Qingzhou stretched out his waist.

She turned to push the secretary.

Si Xingfu's eyes were not disputed, and he asked her, "what's the matter?"

"It's snowing."

"Then you should wear more." He said, turned over and continued to sink into the warm quilt.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and plans to change clothes.

Sixingqi suddenly hugged her from behind.

Gu Qingzhou is unprepared. People have fallen into the soft bedding room and his warm arms.

"It's delicious." He sniffed at her hair. "Now that it's snowing, I'll sleep in bed all day. Anyway, I have nothing to do."

He went back to Pingcheng at the beginning of the month. He came here last night.

When he came, there was a wind. Gu was worried about the boat. Fortunately, he landed safely.

I can't imagine it snowed today.

"The snow in the yard should be swept, otherwise it will melt and fill the yard with mud." Gu Qingzhou said, "I have to get up first to enjoy the snow. When the servants are busy, there will be nothing left. "

Si Xingfu just let her go.

He got up himself.

Gu Qingzhou stands under the eaves, looking at the view of the courtyard.

"What can I see about the snow at home?" Si Xingfu hugged her from behind. "Wouldn't it be better to find a high mountain temple and have a panoramic view of Taiyuan?"

Gu Qingzhou is allowed to be held by him. His warm arms are very valuable in winter.

She covered her ears and resisted the cold wind. She said with a smile, "it's so cold. It's even colder on the mountain. Besides, it's mood to see the scenery. I'm in a good mood. It's a good view everywhere. "

Si Xingyao kisses the back of her hand.

She jerked her hand away.

The little ears are exposed, and they have been flushed by the cold wind.

Si Xingfu kisses her ear again, the voice is low and ambiguous: "how are you feeling now?"

"Very well." Gu Qingzhou mumbles, eyes full of happiness and joy.

Si Xingfu laughed.

They change clothes and are ready to go for a walk in the street and have some breakfast by the way.

This is their little taste.

After breakfast, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went to listen to a storytelling.

The reason why I want to go is because I am talking about taking care of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou was stunned.

"Am I so famous?" She asked the manager.

"Of course, it's already famous in the world. And your biography, have you read it? "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

"Don't read it. Those people are scribbling. When I'm done, I'll burn the bookstore. "

Gu Qingzhou knew that her biography was mixed.

She is not infamous. Her works must have written her merits, and she will not give up criticizing her shortcomings.

For example, she had no clear explanation for her second marriage, and her ex husband and Si Xingfu were brothers, and her ex husband was inexplicably killed.

"No, like what?" Gu Qingzhou said, "I don't care what others say about me."

Well, they went to the storytelling.

Mr. shushuo said that Gu Qingzhou, who didn't know about it, was completely fabricated. From her childhood to now, only half of the ten things are right.

So, it's like listening to a story that has nothing to do with yourself.

After spending the whole morning and listening to a biography of a stranger Gu Qingzhou, she and Si Xingfu were instead excited and thought it was interesting.

"Sure enough, it's easy to listen to other people's stories." Gu chuckled.

When she came out, she found her feet were frozen in her boots, so she jumped up and stamped her feet.

This action is very lively.

Si Xingfu looks in his eyes and can't help but tilt his lower lip.

"How about a mutton pot?" Si Xingfu asked her, "it's freezing. I have to mend my body to take good care of my wife."

Gu Qingzhou wanted to deviate at once.

However, her thinking aside, Si Xingfu will definitely go down the hill.

Gu Qingzhou didn't give him the chance to get the service, pretending that he didn't understand the ambiguity of his words: "I have to make up for it, too. I can take care of myself. I don't need you. "

They went to have a good lunch.

The topic is endless. It took nearly two hours for the meal to break up.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

The fine weather of the whole day has melted most of the thin initial snow, and the Loess road is muddy.

There are two rickshaws at the door.

There were people sitting in the car, but the coachman leaned against the corner to smoke, like waiting for a long time, waiting bored.

Gu Qingzhou looks at her eyes.

"Who is it?" He frowned a little.

When the adjutant saw them coming back, he immediately ran through the door and opened the door respectfully.

Si Xingfu points to the front: "what's the matter?"

"Two people came in the morning." The deputy said, "it's a relative of my wife. I have to wait for her. Because his subordinates don't know each other and his wife is not at home, they dare not let him go.

I can't imagine that they didn't leave and gave the rickshaw puller a reward from this morning until now. "

"My relatives?" Gu Qingzhou is surprised.

What other relatives does she have?

The people in the bicycle also saw the movement here, so they got up and got off.

Gu Qingzhou first saw a middle-aged man, wearing a blue gray cloak, of medium height, who was emaciated; in the other chariot, a young girl came down.

The girl is a fashionable dress, and she also wears a very wide hat, almost covering the whole picture.

When she saw Gu Qingzhou, she took off her hat.

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

"Gu Ying?" She subconsciously called out each other's names.

"Sister Qingzhou, it's me. I'm back." Gu Ying said with a smile.

This is the fourth miss of Gu mansion. She asked Gu to take her to France in a boat.

Gu Qingzhou sent someone to send her. The adjutant came back and said that he gave Gu Ying to Gu Shao. Gu Shao had arranged her to study French and prepare for the next year's entrance examination to a French university.

After many years, Gu Ying came back.

Gu Qingzhou's heart was thumping, asking, "where's elder brother?"

Gu Ying is back alone. Where is her brother Gu Shao?

"I came back with elder brother." Gu Ying said with a smile, "brother has returned to Nanjing..."


"Yes. Sister Qingzhou, don't you know? Elder brother and elder sister LAN Zhi of Ruan family have made a mistake. He is the son of Ruan family. " Gu Ying said happily, "Ruan's family took him back."

Standing in the cold wind, Gu Qingzhou is still in a fog.

"Come on in." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Ying nods his head hard. He is happy after the reunion, but Gu Qingzhou is worried.

The man behind Gu Ying also follows.

"This is it?" Gu asked

"He's the one I hired to protect me all the way." Gu Ying said, "let him in too. Don't treat him as a servant, sister Qingzhou. He is my friend." Gu Ying said with a smile.

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