It was an accident that the sisters met again.

Si Xingfu sits beside him, his eyes are on both Gu Ying and Gu Ying's entourage, giving everyone a panoramic view.

Gu Ying is very excited. Without waiting for Gu Qingzhou to ask what, she has already told the whole story.

But Gu Qingzhou's face is a little dignified.

"... your people sent me safely to elder brother, but I didn't take the exam later." Gu Ying Road.

She explained with a smile, "there is a colonel's daughter who is very interested in oriental culture. She is three years younger than me, so we study together.

She taught me French and English, I taught her Chinese and Yuecheng dialect, and we became best friends. After my return to China with elder brother, the Colonel helped me to get the diploma of elder brother's school. Is it powerful or not? "

At this point, she laughed.

Her character is very cheerful and confident, which can be seen from her words and deeds.

The Colonel's daughter really helped her a lot.

"Very powerful!" Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Ying said, "in these years, elder brother misses you very much. He often takes your picture and looks good for half a day. "

Gu Qingzhou feels warm in his heart.

When she thought of Gu Shao leaving, she didn't see him off well because of the jealousy of Si Xingfu. She felt a little sad.

Si Xingfu was silent all the time. At this moment, he said, "is he still that sticky character?"

No matter how good the outside men are to Gu Qingzhou, he doesn't care, because Gu Qingzhou doesn't care about them.

You can take care of the boat.

This kind of care is between kinship and young men.

Si Xingfu doesn't need to guess. If he doesn't take over Gu Qingzhou and let him develop his feelings, she will eventually fall in love with a man like Gu Shao.

This point is unacceptable to the manager.

"Er, elder brother is quite homesick." Gu Ying doesn't know how to answer to Si Xingfu.

Before she left home, her husband who took care of the boat was Sima.

"What can I think of?" Si Xingfu said coldly, "he's still a bit of a man."

Gu gave him a stare.

He had been doting on Gu Qingzhou all the time, but now he stared back coldly, his eyes were full of haze and cruelty.

If Gu Qingzhou asks again, he will be angry.

"Is elder brother in Nanjing?" Gu Qingzhou asked Gu Ying not to look at Si Xingfu.

Gu Ying nods.

She didn't know Sikang Chu's hostility to Gu Shao, only when his character was such. When she was in Yuecheng, she heard that Si Xingfu was more cruel than the man with a bad temper.

"How do you know I'm in Taiyuan?" Gu asked again.

"My wife told me," said Gu Ying. When I said I wanted to see you, she said you were in Taiyuan, but she didn't know the specific address.

I thought that if I wanted to find you for a long time, I couldn't imagine getting off the train and asking, everyone knows you and said you live in the back street of the governor's mansion. Sister Qingzhou, you are already a celebrity. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

"Then what's the matter with you coming to me?" Gu asked again, "did elder brother let you come?"

"Yes. Nothing. I just want to know about you. It's a pity that he can't leave. Ruan's side still has something to deal with. " Gu Ying Road.

Gu Qingzhou asked again, "how did ah Ge get in touch with Ruan's family?"

"I don't know. Half a year ago, the Ruan family suddenly sent someone to see elder brother. It was the Ruan's eldest young master and his wife who followed him. They ask elder brother, if LAN Zhi is still at Ruan's house, elder brother is willing to go back. " Gu Ying Road.

Even if you find Gu Shao, even if you know it's a mistake, Ruan family still want Ruan Lanzhi.

Ruan Lanzhi is the only daughter of Ruan family. She has been hurting from top to bottom for many years.

However, it's impossible for such big families to shed their blood outside, so they also want to go back to Gu Shao to recognize their ancestors.

Anyway, Gu's family has already been destroyed. Both children are in Ruan's family. There is nothing wrong.

"... elder brother said that refusing to recognize ancestors is the biggest unfilial. Besides, he has been raised by his family for more than ten years. No matter from which side, Lanzhi is his relative.

If Ruan family does not want Lanzhi, he will never go back. Since Ruan family is willing to recognize Lanzhi, then elder brother is willing to go home to be filial. " Gu Ying continued.

Gu Qingzhou hears this and takes a look at Si Xingfu.

He also thinks a little.

Gu Shao's life experience, with the death of an insider, is almost impossible to prove. Why should Ruan's family take him back?

Who's talking about it?

Gu Qingzhou's impression is that her brother is the purest and purest boy. He is gentle and bookish. He has no connections and society at all.

Who got involved in this?

"When elder brother graduated and got his diploma, we started to come back." Gu Ying continued.

After a pause, Gu Ying said, "sister Qingzhou, can you come back to Nanjing with us to see elder brother?"

Si Xingfu looked at Gu Ying coldly: "your elder brother's face is so big?"

Gu Ying didn't dare to talk.

"I'm going back to Nanjing," Gu said. Take a rest. Let's talk about it later. "

After that, she called for the maid to prepare the room.

Gu Ying sat up in front of Si Xingfu, and then stood up and left.

Gu Qingzhou told the maid to prepare hot water in such a cold day. He asked the maid to prepare meals and send some snacks to Gu Ying first.

After waiting for them to go down, Si xingchu drew out his cigar.

He took it in his hand and turned around. His eyes were strange and calm, and he fell on Gu Qingzhou's face: "you don't really want to go to Nanjing, do you?"

"I'm going." Gu Qingzhou said, "I have a lot to ask elder brother."

"He's not your brother." "He's from Ruan's family," said Si. Even if he is really a caretaker, he is not your elder brother, because you are not a caretaker. "

Gu Qingzhou cannot refute.

When she is in fault, it is easy for her to get angry, so she stands up and wants to go back to her room.

Si Xingfu took her by the arm.

He circled her in the sofa, bent over her, and looked at her face carefully.

"For what?" Gu Qingzhou frowns slightly.

"Did you like that little white face before you fell in love with me? I remember you were excited at the beginning. I said he was half bad, and you would jump. " Si Xingfu looks gloomy.

"You are such a fool." Gu Qingzhou said angrily, "after all these years, do you still eat this kind of vinegar?"

"Of course." He said, "don't go to see him. That kid likes you. You don't know. I bet it's the first time he's seen you, he's got a bad idea. "

"He's my brother." Gu Qingzhou said, "my mother's family is almost empty..."

"he is neither your brother nor your brother." Si Xingfu road.

Gu chuckled: "how many years have passed and I have been married twice. What do you think?"

Si Xingfu's eyes intensified.

Gu Qingzhou was shocked to realize that he had said something wrong.

Her marriage is nothing to boast about, especially in front of the manager.

"Will you go with me?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"No," said the secretary

"You have no reason to make trouble."


Gu Qingzhou rubbed his short hair, and his heart suddenly softened.

"Well, I won't go." Gu chuckled, "when he is free, he will come to see me again, and I will ask him again."

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