Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1198 the dead and the resurrected

In the evening, Gu Qingzhou entertained Gu Ying.

However, I didn't talk much. After dinner, I went back to my room and prepared to talk about it tomorrow morning.

After combing, Gu Qingzhou lies on the pillow and looks at the side face of Si Xingfu.

He did not turn his head or even open his eyes. He only noticed her from the gap.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I didn't expect that the master of the Department would cheat."

The lip angle of Si Xing is slightly curved.

"... I still want to meet my brother." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu opened his eyes at once.

He turned over and overwhelmed the light boat.

"You want to rebel?" He asked her viciously, "Why are you more disobedient?"

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

These words, up to now, have no deterrent force.

She put her arms around the neck of Sixiang: "don't be so mean. I have never been moved by Gu Shao. You're right. I fantasized at that time. Without you, I would like him.

There is no supposition. I came out of the country and met you first. You have been playing against me for several years. How can I love others? "

Si Xingfu's cold and tense smile came out.

Gu Qingzhou will coax him the most.

He kissed her on the forehead: "good girl, I don't hurt you in vain."

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

Si Xingfu thought twice and said, "when I'm in a good mood, I'll accompany you to Nanjing."

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

The next morning, Gu Qingzhou asked people to invite Gu Ying to dinner.

Si Xingfu is not polite to Gu Ying, so Gu Qingzhou avoids him.

However, Gu Ying's entourage, who was always by her side, was polite and considerate in serving her vegetables.

This man is not good-looking, but he always behaves with a certain elegance, like a gentleman, not like a servant.

Gu took another look at him.

He didn't look after the canoe.

"Ying Ying, if you have anything to say, you may as well say it to me." Gu Qingzhou put away yesterday's mood and put on her mask of alienation and indifference. "What we two say about the deep feelings of sisters is a joke."

Gu Ying's mother and sisters were planted in Gu's boat.

And she, talk about feelings, and even want to ignore the past, are pretentious, naive.

Although she sent Gu Ying abroad, she and Gu Ying knew that she just wanted to get rid of Gu Ying.

"Sister Qingzhou, you are too defensive." Gu Ying smiled. "To be honest, I know what happened in the past. I understand black and white.

My mother, my eldest sister and third sister, I have participated in what they have done, so I know very well. If you think I'm coming back to avenge you, you're mistaken. "

After a pause, she continued, "I know that even if I say that, you won't believe me."

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "you are right. Since you have such a clear mind, you won't come here. Come on, what are you doing? "

Gu Ying looks at the people around her.

The man just nodded and didn't mean to leave.

Gu Ying did not hint at him, but asked for his instructions.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the man in doubt.

"Sister Qingzhou, I'm here for you, of course, not to reminisce about the past. I'm here for an old thing. " She said.

Gu Qingzhou sits in the right position, and signals her to continue.

Gu Ying said, "it's related to the sun family."

The sun family is the grandparent family of Gu Qingzhou. Of course, it's the "Gu Qingzhou", not her. She's an impostor.

"Sister Qingzhou, you are not the child of your family. You are clear about yourself." Gu Ying Road.

"How do you know?" he said

She is the daughter of Mrs. Hirano, and this matter is only disclosed within the royalist party, and it is impossible to disclose it on a large scale.

At least, none of the biographies or stories about Gu Qingzhou is about the real Gu Qingzhou, which shows that her identity is still a secret.

She is the wife of Gu Qingzhou, Gu mansion's first legitimate daughter and Si Xingfu.

As for her relationship with Mrs. Hirano, it was speculated that she would change her name at the beginning, so she took advantage of Mrs. Hirano.

She can only be counted as Mrs. Hirano's "adopted daughter".

That's what those biographies say.

"Brother told me." Gu Ying Road.


"Yes, elder brother knows. He told me specially." Gu Ying said.

Then she pointed to the man beside her and said, "this is not my follower. He is a friend of Argo."

Gu Qingzhou reexamines the man in front of him.

The man also raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qingzhou. His eyes are a little deep in his old age.

"Mrs. secretary." This is what he called Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou frowns more tightly.

"Mrs. Si, my surname is sun, sun duanji's son." Man way.

Gu Qingzhou stands up abruptly.

Her uncle?

Didn't her uncle die in the tobacco shop? After many investigations, the results were the same. Her uncle was stabbed to death.

"Uncle?" She couldn't believe it.

The man calm face, suddenly floating mood, both excited, but also grateful: "you call me uncle, then I also call you canoe.

At the beginning, my sister and children were poisoned. Since you have replaced my niece, then I think you are the flesh and blood of the sun family. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at her eyes.

Gu Ying's expression was flat and said: "sister Qingzhou, my mom was too much, but she also paid the price. We have already talked with Mr. Sun. We don't hate each other. "

Mr. Sun nodded, "it's true, one yard at a time."

They've cleared the ice.

Gu Qingzhou frowns a little.

She turned around and asked Mr. Sun what his name was.

"Sun Heming." He said.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "uncle, are you dead?"

"No, it's a long story." Sun Heming said.

Gu Qingzhou said, "there is always a reason for you to come to me."


"What do you want to say, but it doesn't matter." Gu Qingzhou road.

But Sun Heming said, "I'm not here for you, canoe. I'm also here for that..."

he pointed out.

"Mrs. Hirano." "We call him that now," Gu said

Sun Heming said, "yes, I heard that she married Japanese and was widowed. I'm here to find her. "


"Canoe, can you help me see her?" "I want to ask her a question," Sun said

Gu Qingzhou ponders.

"I will not introduce you. But I can speak for you. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"I still want to see her," Sun said

The conversation got bogged down.

At noon, Si Xingfu comes back and Gu Qingzhou tells him about it.

Si Xingqi didn't respond. He asked Gu Qingzhou, "do you believe these words? Gu Ying and your hatred, you also think she can melt easily? "

"Of course not." Gu Qingzhou said, "if you believe me, I will take him to see Mrs. Hirano. Just, what do they really mean? "

Gu continued, "if my elder brother came, I would not doubt it, but why didn't elder brother come to see me?"

Sikang held her chin.

Raise her chin, Si Xingfu squints her eyes slightly and looks at her: "still call it elder brother?"

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