Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1200 greatest achievements

During the journey, Gu Qingzhou closed his eyes and dozed off depending on Si Xingfu's shoulder.

Instead of sleeping, she was thinking of Gu Shao.

After so many years, Gu Shao did not know what he had become.

Gu Shao in her memory is still the thin and white boy.

Gu Qingzhou thought of an interesting story, and his lips were slightly cocked.

After seeing the remaining light of Si Xingfu, he put his lips close to her ears and asked, "what do you want?"

Gu Qingzhou woke up in a flash.

She sat upright with a smile.

In the memory of the funny things, she also told Si Xingqi: "I think of my elder brother, who used to be very white and weak. When Luoshui got engaged, I wore a pair of high heels. When I went down the stairs, he wanted to hold me down.

I can't think of it. He can't hold it, so he asked me to hold his arm and let them go down slowly. "

After hearing this, Si Xingfu asked, "is it very interesting?"

"It's fun," Gu chuckled

Si Xingfu snorted coldly.

Gu took hold of his sleeve and said, "don't be angry, you will destroy my reunion."

"I measure small." He groaned.

Gu chuckled and tilted his head on his shoulder. "Please, Si Xingfu."

After thinking about it, Si Xingfu said, "then you also call me brother."

"Meat and hemp."

"Why don't you call someone else

"Because he is my elder brother. You are not my elder brother. What do I call you? "

"Oh." He sneered and pondered, "forget it, I'll let the plane go back."

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

She laughs and shivers. She pounces on sixianfu. Unfortunately, she is pressed on the seat by the safety button. Otherwise, she will lie in his arms.

Gu Ying sat not far behind them.

She also heard guqingzhou's laughter, and looked this way with a little surprise.

"Sister Qingzhou seems to be much happier than before." She thought.

As for Gu Qingzhou's marriage, Gu Ying didn't want to comment much. He didn't know where to start.

Sun Heming also looked over.

It's cruel for Si Xingqi to talk. But in front of Gu Qingzhou, where can he really be cruel?

Kissing her on the lips, he even let go of Gu canoe.

They arrived in Nanjing in the evening.

After getting off the plane, the driver of the company had already received a telegram and prepared the car.

"Are you going to the hotel or do you have other places to stay?" The Secretary asked.

He would not rush to the commander-in-chief's mansion.

What if it's a killer?

This sister of Gu Qingzhou is not like a good stubble. They used to bully Gu Qingzhou. Si Xingfu remembers that although they all failed, they were all overthrown by Gu Qingzhou in turn.

"Let's go back to elder brother." Gu Ying Road.

The Secretary nodded and asked the address.

After the car entered the city, it separated.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went to the commander-in-chief's residence.

When they arrived, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. The superintendent had supper and was discussing military affairs with several subordinates in his study.

When he heard that his son and daughter-in-law had arrived, he was surprised and pleased at the same time. The smile on his face was restrained by him. He said quietly, "please come here."

All the subordinates got up to leave.

The inspector stood up and said, "Why are you here?"

Listen to his tone and look at his expression, it seems that he is not welcome.

"There's something going on," he said

On the contrary, the governor showed his disappointment.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "Dad, it's cold. How are you recently?"

The governor's expression was a little relieved, and he said, "nothing serious. It's like that when people get old. "

"Abba, we haven't had dinner yet." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "is there anything delicious at home?"

A sentence at home, Leng is to let the governor's heart tremble.

Like all his kind-hearted and strict father, he repressed his inner emotions and said: "a new cook of Jiangsu cuisine, Feng Wei shrimp is well made, and you can taste it."

Then he let the adjutant down.

The adjutant went to the kitchen and gave an order, as if he wanted to set up a large table. The news spread widely. Siqiongzhi and taihuayan, the fifth aunt of the family, knew that Gu Qingzhou had come.

When siqiongzhi arrived, he heard Gu Qingzhou's question: "have you seen him?"

Who is he?

The arrival of June branch interrupted the conversation.

"Sister in law, when did you arrive?" Si qiongzhi greets Gu Qingzhou.

She did not dare to call her elder brother, because she had already explicitly refused her similar name.

"Just arrived." Gu chuckled.

The superintendent said, "you have class tomorrow. Go to bed first. Your sister-in-law will stay for two days."

After a few words of greetings, he left.

As soon as she left, the topic continued to revolve around the sun family.

The superintendent said, "it happened decades ago. I met sun Heming, but he was only a teenager at that time. "

Gu Qingzhou is right.

No one in the sun's family can identify him anymore.

The chief inspector said to her, "canoe, there is a rule: if you are not sure whether the other side is the enemy or the friend, it is the safest way to treat all the enemies."

Gu Qingzhou thinks so, nods.

"You will bring him home tomorrow. I will look at him and ask him a few words," said the inspector

Gu Qingzhou road is.

Before they had finished their meal, the adjutant came in and said, "little madam's brother has come and says he wants to see little madam."

Gu Qingzhou stands up abruptly.

Si Xingfu has eaten vinegar all the way. When they meet, he nods to Gu Qingzhou and encourages her not to panic.

He is always her most secure anchor.

"Abba, have a drink with Si Xingfu and have a chat. I'll have a look." Gu Qingzhou road.

The superintendent nodded.

Si Xingfu did not follow.

Go to the small living room in front of you.

She was very fast, almost trotting all the way, and when she was near the outside of the little living room, she stopped.

I went too fast, my cheeks were burning, and the night wind was blowing away.

Gu Qingzhou saw Gu Shao in the small living room.

Gu Shao stood in the bright light, wearing a sky blue cloak, which was a dark gray suit.

He is taller than when he left home.

It should be said that with a lot of growth, it seems to be about as high as Si Xingfu, just thin.

He was so weak and thin, white and refined.

"Elder brother..." Gu Qingzhou called him first.

But he was speechless and fixed his sights on her.

He quickly walked over and put his arms around her. He was very hard to hold her in the arms.

His light breath is the same as before.

Time, but did not take away his appearance, he is still the past Gu Shao.

"Zhouzhou." He called her name in a low voice, astringent as if it was going to rain heavily.

For a long time he didn't let go.

Until Gu Qingzhou reminded him and patted him on the back: "brother."

When he let go of the boat, his eyes were wet and a little red.

"Zhouzhou, your hair is much shorter." Gu Shao said, "you are thinner than before. All the others have not changed. "

Gu also looked at his hair.

She said with a smile: "it's not bad, it's shorter before. I had a fire, and my hair was burned. "

Gu Shao asked, "what's the matter?"

"A little thing." Gu chuckled.

Two people sit down, Gu Shao full of words, want to ask Gu Qingzhou, but do not know where to start.

It has been three months since he came back.

He wanted to send a telegram to Gu Qingzhou, but he felt that the mood of reunion should not be taken over by the telegram; he wanted to find Gu Qingzhou, but he could not get away.

He has grown up and knows he needs status and affirmation.

With these, he can be relied on by Gu Qingzhou.

So, the most important thing for him is not to find her, but to have a foothold.

He thought about her for many years, and he didn't lack these months.

When Gu Ying and sun Heming set out, he was deeply entangled.

Too much treasure, he did not let them take a word to Gu Qingzhou.

He wanted to see her, he said to her.

"Zhouzhou, I have been very good these years." He said.

Thousands of words, it seems that only such a sentence is a little appropriate.

"How are you?" He also asked.

"I..." Gu Qingzhou pondered.

She didn't seem to know how to speak.

Does she have a good time? Now, it's true. However, what should I say about what happened after Gu Shao left?

She tried to sum up her experience in these years, thought for a long time, and finally she only thought of one sentence.

"I'm married to Si Xingfu." She said.

It turns out that all her achievements can be summed up in this sentence.

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