Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1201 the fight between two men

Gu Shao looks at her.

The light is too bright. Her fine porcelain skin is almost transparent, and her eyes are full of vitality.

She lives well.

A person's spirit can reveal the state of life.

"I heard that." Gu Shaodao. His tone was as peaceful as possible, yet full of loss.

Over the years, he often heard his news, which he delayed domestic friends to send telegrams to tell him.

He knew her marriage to Smallville. On that day, he drank a lot of wine, thought of the past, and cried a lot.

I cried only once.

Then I heard that she was divorced, and then I heard that she was married.

So far, Gu Shao thinks he is calm enough. But seeing her happiness with her own eyes is still very hard.

"You haven't telegraphed me in the last two years." Gu Shao said with a smile, "I'm worried about you. Before I came back, I didn't hear from you for a long time, and then I heard a mess. "

In the mess, Gu Qingzhou was killed, Gu Qingzhou appeared again and so on.

It's not a glorious past.

Gu Qingzhou and her legend were greatly reduced with the death of Sima.

Today, she is still a celebrity in Taiyuan, but her reputation in the south is mixed.

"I'm fine, brother." Gu Qingzhou's smile was peaceful and soft, just like the time when he was in the Gu mansion. "I always take good care of myself. I used to be, and I am now."

Gu Shao nodded.

"In this way, I am relieved." He said.

They sat down with each other and exchanged greetings for more than an hour. Gu Shao wants to know everything and asks everything.

It seemed that he would make up for the missing days of his life.

Gu Qingzhou was also very patient and told him one by one.

Once breathtaking, now it's like a movie played back: black and white, silent, only thin image.

"... and you?" Gu Qingzhou asked him again, "elder brother, didn't you say that you didn't contact the Ruan family anymore? How did you get on with the Ruan family again?"

Gu Shao stopped at once.

It seems that he has a weight of a thousand jin, which is pressed on the tip of his tongue. He can't say why for a while.

Pondering for a long time, he said: "light boat, I made a girlfriend."

Gu Qingzhou was quite surprised and even gratified.

"Really?" Gu chuckled, "what's her name? Is she back this time?"

Gu Shao frowns.

He didn't seem to want to mention it.

He abruptly interrupted Gu Qingzhou's words and continued on the topic: "in a word, her family knew my secret - not that I told her, but that I was drunk once.

She is from Nanjing. She is very influential in the local area, and she is close to Ruan's family. Ruan's wife, has always suspected that Ruan Lanzhi is not her own daughter, almost as neuropathy by her mother-in-law.

After getting my news, Mrs. Ruan and the young master went to France in person. I look very similar to Ruan family and can tell the old story.

Mrs. Ruan said that the reason why she doubted Ruan Lanzhi was because her mother and daughter were connected. She doubted it subconsciously. When she saw me, she thought I was her son. "

Gu Qingzhou thought for a moment and said, "mother and son are connected. This is true!"

Gu shaodao: "I'm just a poor student. The Gu mansion has already collapsed. The Ruan family doesn't want me to do anything. They will recognize me, and I will consider my own future, and I will come back. "

Things may not be as simple as he said.

Ruan's family and other rich families will give each son their family property in the future. They will never recognize a son casually.

What's the secret in the middle? Gu Shao avoids talking about it.

If he doesn't say it, it's not easy to ask.

"Then how do you know my uncle?" Gu asked again.

"He came to me. He has been in Europe for many years, and when he heard of my news, he came to me specially. After all, he is also a family member. " He said.

Gu Qingzhou said, "are you sure it's him?"

"He said that he could tell the location of the Gu mansion, even the pattern of the basement at home, the appearance of Abba, and the appearance of the zither, which should be him." Gu Shaodao.

"Should?" Gu Qingzhou asked.

Gu Shao's expression changed. He tried to be reasonable: "well, I'm sure it's him. If you don't believe it, check it again. "

"Didn't he get stabbed to death in a cigarette store?" Gu asked again.

Gu shaodao: "there are many ways to escape death. In fact, he took away the property of the sun family. 80% of your grandfather's fortune was transferred by him.

In order to cut off contact and ensure the safety of his property, he did not contact Yuecheng for many years. When he found me, he thought that Qin Zheng was my father's aunt, and he didn't want to... "

GU Qingzhou heard that here, he understood something.

She must have looked at Gu Shao.

"I only know that," Gu said

Gu Qingzhou said nothing more.

Maybe sun Heming will tell her the secret in the middle.

She and Gu Shao talked all the way into the night.

Sun Heming's topic is over. Gu Shao asks about her Taiyuan mansion.

He wants to know everything and ask everything.

Until the secretary comes out.

"It's past zero, don't you sleep?" His attitude was not good. He asked him to take care of the boat.

Gu Shao stands up at once.

His face was tense.

At the beginning, Gu Qingzhou sent him away. If it wasn't for Si Xingfu's temporary interruption, that farewell would not end in vain.

At that time, Gu Shao was so helpless that he watched Si Xingfu take away the light boat.

"This is my brother, your eldest brother." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "it's brother."

Si Xingyan raised his hand and pulled her over. He asked viciously, "do you want to fight?"

"Don't bully her!" Gu Shao said suddenly, "Si Xingfu, don't bully my Zhouzhou!"

Seeing that he was like this, he looked like a rabbit with red eyes. He raised his chin slightly and said proudly, "what's wrong with me bullying her? My own wife, how can I bully you? "

"Of course I can. I'm her mother!" Gu Shaodao.

Si Xingfu is not happy. Gu Shao is also serious about quarreling.

Gu Qingzhou immediately mediates in the middle.

She glared at Si Xingfu and said, "go back first. I'll see you to elder brother."

Then she went out.

Gu Shao followed her.

Seeing Gu Shao's back, Si Xingqi thought that this kid has grown a lot, and even his temper has increased. He dare to challenge him!

Walking to the gate, Gu Shao suddenly dropped his head and said to Gu Qingzhou, "Zhouzhou, I'm so impolite."

"It's nothing. You've always defended me." Gu Qingzhou said, "brother, Si Xingfu is very kind to me. He loves me very much. Don't worry about him bullying me."

"But he's been bullying you." Gu Shaodao.

"No, he never bullied me. He just didn't talk. He loves me the most. " Gu chuckled and waved, "see you tomorrow, brother."

Gu Shao rejoiced. "I'll come to see you tomorrow morning."

"You come with sun Heming." Gu Qingzhou said, "the commander in chief wants to see him."

"Good." Gu Shao smiled, with a bright and gentle smile.

He seems to have taken a reassuring pill, and all the haze is released from his heart.

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