Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1202 establishes identity

It's sunny in Nanjing. The temperature in October is pretty good.

Gu Qingzhou wears a long sleeved cheongsam and a pure white cashmere cape with long tassel, which is warm enough.

She pulled up her hair and sat on the sofa for tea, waiting for Gu Shao and sun Heming.

He got up early and went out.

He has many things and contacts. He can be busy for a long time in every place.

The superintendent ignored him and did not go to the headquarters.

"The canoe has grown up." The governor looked at Gu Qingzhou's tea drinking and suddenly sighed.

She has completely lost the young girl's naivety, and she has the gentleness and grace in every move. She is already a noble lady.

When she arrived in Yuecheng, she was just 16 years old.

In the eyes of the superintendent, he is a child.

At that time, her hair was very long, dense and smooth. It fell on her shoulders like a shawl. It was very beautiful.

Now the hair is short, but it's a little bit mature.

"... to see you grow up, to see you start a family, to have children." The chief inspector thought about it for a while and smiled happily.

Si qiongzhi also sits beside.

She asked for leave from school today. She would stay at home with the boat keeper.

After the chief inspector said that, he was a little nervous for fear that his father would think of Fangfei again, and then he was sad.

Don't say father, even if Sejong Chih occasionally thinks of her elder sister, she can't help but have astringent eyes.

Fangfei is the best sister, the most filial daughter, a beautiful and intelligent girl. If she had not died, she would have lived a wonderful life.

Of course, so is the second brother.

Take a deep breath.

The governor also took a deep breath.

Their father and daughter came together. Gu Qingzhou is silent and smiling, afraid to answer.

So far, these topics are taboos of the Secretary's family.

In silence, the servant said that Gu Shao had come.

Gu Qingzhou stood up and said, "Abba, I'll meet you at the door."

The superintendent nodded.

Today, Gu Shao is wearing a sky blue long shirt and a pair of glasses. He looks like a polite teacher. He grew taller and looked more elegant in his long gown.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

"Elder brother, you look good in this dress." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Shao smiled.

He remembered a long time ago, Zhouzhou specially pulled him to make a long gown, only to be destroyed by sixingfu halfway.

In the memory of Zhouzhou, there is always a devil like Si Xingfu.

"Thank you." He laughed.

Gu Qingzhou looked behind him and asked, "didn't your girlfriend come? I haven't seen her yet. "

"Next time, I'll always see you." Gu Shao's face was almost joyless.

Sun Heming followed behind him and smiled at the light boat.

He is of medium size. When he stands beside Gu Shao, Gu Qingzhou is surprised. He always feels that Gu Shao is higher than her vision.

He is tall and thin, so he is taller.

She took them both to the living room.

The governor saw sun Heming and stood up abruptly. He was very surprised.

Then he sat down slowly.

"... at first sight, you look like Mr. Sun." The governor said.

Mr. Sun is the benefactor of the governor.

It's up to him that the chief inspector can have today's status, but at the beginning, he couldn't have been so smooth without Mr. Sun's help.

The son of the benefactor, and the benefactor have * * Cheng's appearance, let the governor greatly shocked.

"You are he Ming?" Asked the superintendent.

When he asks this, he confirms sun Heming's identity.

So similar, he must be sun duanji's son.

"Yes, commander in chief." Sun Heming said.

He was ten years younger than the superintendent, who happened to be at the age of his father when he first met him.

"Like, like." The division commander looked at him again, and sighed, "you and your father are exactly the same. If I had met you in the street, I thought your father had risen. "

Sun Heming smiled: "it's very similar. When I was a kid, I was like my dad. Do you remember the governor?"

He said three little things.

The three trifles were experienced by the superintendent himself, and sun Heming was also present at that time.

Two of them are clearly remembered by the superintendent.

For one thing, it happened that the superintendent, sun Heming and sun duanji were present.

At that time, sun Heming was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

He said everything.

The superintendent thought about it, nodded cautiously, and then said to Gu, "this is your uncle, you can't be wrong. When I was talking to your grandfather, only your uncle was there. "

"Yes, I know Abba," Gu said

The governor left Gu Shao and sun Heming for lunch.

After dinner, Gu Qingzhou and sun Heming go for a walk behind alone and have a chat.

"Uncle, why did you want to die and leave?" "Is it really to transfer property?" Gu asked


"Isn't it normal to transfer property? Why do you want to die?" Gu asked again.

Sun Heming sighed.

"It's a long story, canoe. Your grandfather made such arrangements for the sake of the grandchildren. However, it's hard to know, they all... "Sun Heming was very sad.

Sun Jiaquan is gone,

"then why do you go to me?" Gu asked again, "I'm not a boat, you should be very clear."

"I want to ask you for help." Sun Heming said.

"What can I do for you?"

"Ask Mrs. Hirano for help. Canoe, you go to ask her whose child you are. " Sun Heming said.

Gu Qingzhou's heart tightened.

"... you ask her. If she won't tell you, I'll tell you. " Sun Heming said, "when you understand your own life experience, you will know why my uncle died. You will also know why the sun family is so miserable. More importantly, you will know why my sister and her children died."

Gu Qingzhou's eyes darkened.

She was almost unsteady.

"Not because of Gu Guizhang and Qin Zheng?" Asked Gu Qingzhou. Her voice was still so calm, but she held her fist tightly and covered up the waves in her heart.

"There is a sinner in every boat." Sun Heming said, "that's why I came to you."

Gu Qingzhou said, "well, let's go back to Taiyuan. I'll ask her."

She sent someone to see Si Xingfu.

She was in a hurry to leave. The superintendent was reluctant to leave. So was Gu Shao.

"Zhouzhou, when will you come back to Nanjing?" Gu Shao asked.

"Maybe next year, maybe next year," Gu said

She didn't want to talk again.

After Si Xingqi came back, Gu Qingzhou hurriedly said goodbye to all the people and took sun Heming back to Taiyuan.

This time, they didn't take a cameo.

After getting on the plane, Gu doesn't speak anymore.

They arrived at Taiyuan at about 4 a.m. and Gu ran straight to Mrs. Hirano's house.

Mrs. Hirano was awakened by Gu Qingzhou in the confusion.

"What's the matter?" She asked, not very good spirit, keep rubbing the temple.

"Madame, whose daughter am I?" The words of Gu Qingzhou, like a cold arrow, are directed at Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano woke up in a flash.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked tentatively.

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