Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1208 treasures

Gu Qingzhou also heard the funny story of the West crossing hospital, and almost didn't laugh.

"Do you want to die? Well, what kind of prawns do you want people to make?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu is very aggrieved.

"How could I know he was so unreliable?" Cheng Yu said, "you didn't see his expression. He is very calm, even if it's out of the pot and he knows it's broken, he still tells me with a solemn face, but he doesn't look good, and the taste is authentic. "

Gu Qingzhou laughed again.

Si Xingfu also heard such anecdotes.

"You let Zhuo Mozhi come. I'll teach him some dishes." "I can't make authentic Yunnan food, but I can do it," said the secretary

"Who wants Yunnan food?" Cheng Yu is going crazy. "I'm from Yunnan. Do I have to eat Yunnan food every day? I just want to eat shrimps

"That's right. I'll teach him Yuecheng cuisine." Si Xingfu road.

Cheng Yu thought about it and disagreed.

Can Si Xingfu be anything good?

At that time, he will call Zhuo Mozi as his servant, and Cheng Yu will surely be angry when he sees it.

She can call Zhuo Mo Zhi, but she doesn't want to push her nose and face.

"No, I don't trust you." Cheng Yudao.

Si Xingfu gave her a white look.

Cheng Yu comes back immediately.

Gu Qingzhou laughs beside, in a good mood.

There was something else on the morning of Si Xingfu. Seeing that Gu Qingzhou's mood had improved, he went out.

"Mr. Hu, governor ye, invited me to have a drink. I'm afraid I will come back later." Si Xingfu road.

"What dirty things are you going to do in collusion with other teachers?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Normal traffic," he said

Cheng Yu doesn't believe it.

Gu Qingzhou laughs and pulls Cheng Yu: "don't talk nonsense. This is the territory of governor Ye." Then he said to the manager, "go ahead and do something."

There is a good wife at home, just like Gu Qingzhou.

After Si Xingfu left, Zhuo Mozi also went to the school, and Cheng Yu returned to the West Cross Hospital for a rest.

Gu Qingzhou has just cleaned up and plans to take a nap. However, the maid says that there is a man outside who claims to be the young master of the king's family and wants to see Gu Qingzhou.


Wang Jing or Wang Ke?

Gu Qingzhou feels that only these two people will come to her.

"Please go to the living room." She said.

She was not very sleepy around. She changed her clothes to meet the guests and planned to go to the meeting for a while.

Gu Qingzhou's high-heeled leather shoes, stepping on the bluestone brick, were a bit crisp.

The people in the room came out to meet Gu Qingzhou.

It's Wang Ke.

This man is not seriously ill, but he is very mentally ill.

He looks worse than last time, but his eyes on the boat still make it uncomfortable.

It's like a hungry wolf sees a piece of meat!

It's not love, it's thirst.

Gu Qingzhou met all kinds of people, such as Wang Ke, but she saw them for the first time.

When Wang Ke saw that Gu Qingzhou had come alone, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief because she had no secretary and no Cheng Yu around her.

"Mrs. secretary." He stood up to say hello.

"Six young masters." Gu Qingzhou nodded and sat down on the sofa opposite him. "What's the matter with you? It doesn't matter. It's just a matter of paying respects to your teacher. I can't accept you as an apprentice without saying it."

She remembered what Wang Ke said last time.

If he hadn't done it, he wouldn't have come back.

However, even if Gu Qingzhou really wanted to accept his apprentices, he would also accept one who really wanted to study. Wang Ke was obviously not included in the list.

"Mrs. secretary, can you let your servants out first?" Wang Ke asked.

Gu took Biluochun, who was handed over by the maid, and took a sip: "my people are very reliable. If the sixth young master is willing to speak directly, I'm all ears; if not, after drinking this cup of tea, leave!"

Wang Ke, who originally wanted to moisten her throat with a cup of tea, suddenly felt that the cup in her hand was a little hot, so she quickly put it down.

Gu Qingzhou's meaning, he understood, she didn't want to get along with him alone.

Wang Ke thought of the suffering day and night, and had no choice but to compromise, and lowered his voice: "Mrs. Si, you must make sure that what I said to you today will not be passed on to others."

Gu canoe did not speak and looked at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke was a little anxious, and blurted out, "Mrs. Si, I'm here to see you for treatment. I'm your patient. As a miracle doctor, you should keep secrets for the patient?"

"You said." Gu Qingzhou nodded, which was to agree with Wang Ke.

At the same time, she winked at the maid.

The maid retired.

Wang Ke was relieved that there were only two of them in the living room.

He paused and said, "I, my insomnia is getting worse and worse. Mrs. secretary, could you please give me a prescription? "

Gu Qingzhou frowned and felt fooled.

Just now Wang Ke's mysterious and careful appearance made her think that he was going to say something to her. Who knows that in the end, he still asked her to treat him with insomnia.

Wang Ke's behavior is very strange.

"Six young master, you have no insomnia, at least in my opinion. If you have it, it's just a mental illness. You strange words, I don't think you really seek medical treatment, then I can't cure you. Please help yourself. " After that, Gu Qingzhou will leave.

Wang Ke was in a hurry and stood up, trying to block the boat.

He said in confusion: "I'm really in pain, Mrs. Secretary Since I met last time, my insomnia has become more serious. I have only slept for two or three hours these days.

Before I went to the suburbs to find you, it didn't rain, but the wind blew, I was infected with the cold wind, and I still had a fever, which has not been good.

If there is no way, I will not come to you under the heat. Mrs. secretary, only you can help me! "

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

What he said at the moment finally seemed to be what a doctor should say.

Since he is sincere in seeking medical treatment, even if he is more eccentric, Gu Qingzhou can't turn him out.

Emotional disease is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which can be treated by taking care of light boats.

Wang Ke begged so hard that Gu Qingzhou had to tell him the truth: "six young masters, you have no insomnia, but your sleep is not good. Maybe you're not sick at all. Have you thought about it? "

"No, I can't be free." Wang Ke said eagerly, "my insomnia is very serious. Mrs. Si, you are a miracle doctor. Look at my face. It's not like I'm sick!"

"Your body is not sick, it's just malnourished." Gu Qingzhou is calm and gentle. "If you go back and eat more supplements, you will be fine if you keep up with nutrition."

"It's impossible. It's not nourishing. You're a miracle doctor. How can you say something so irresponsible?" Wang Kemeng stood up and said, "I can't go back like this!"

He has been troubled by insomnia for a long time. In order to sleep a little longer, he refuses to communicate with anyone, and has been hiding in his room for sleepiness.

Later, he heard that a secretary's wife with excellent medical skills had saved Xiaoshi's life. He thought that if someone could cure his insomnia, only this secretary's wife would.

But he didn't want to look for the boat and explain the cause.

When he couldn't sleep, he put his hope on Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is no longer alone in his eyes, but a drug that can cure his insomnia.

He wanted to learn from Gu Qingzhou and was rejected. He asked Gu Qingzhou to cure him, but he was rejected.

Wang Ke is the sixth young master of the Wang family. He used to be very cultured and should not be obsessed with death.

However, insomnia is too painful, he was tortured and scared, so he had to come to haunt the boat.

He was very excited. Gu Qingzhou still looked the same: "six young masters, I can't talk disorderly. Your illness is not physical, but emotional. Would you like to tell me, why insomnia? "

"I..." Wang Ke was evasive.

He hesitated for a long time: "can you not say it?"

He didn't want to talk about the cause of the disease, but he was eager to cure his own disease, so he proposed to learn art from teachers. He wants to learn medicine well and treat himself.

It can be seen that the cause of his illness is absolutely confidential.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

"Madam Si, if you cure my insomnia, I have a treasure mountain for you." Wang Ke began to seduce, not to mention the cause of his illness.

"Baoshan?" Gu Qingzhou cannot cry or laugh.

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