Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1209 hidden secrets

Wang Ke's behavior is eccentric, and her speech is even more eccentric.

Gu Qingzhou could not help laughing, but Wang Ke's expression was solemn and tense, as if he wanted to tell Gu Qingzhou all his full secrets.

Gu Qingzhou frowns slightly.

Before she could think of any words, Wang Ke said, "I, I killed a man three years ago. When I hid my body, I broke into a treasure mountain by mistake."

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

At this moment, Wang Ke's eccentricity seemed to have been explained, and his eagerness also had a reason.

Her inner mood changed, but her face was calm and gentle: "who did you kill?"

It's like, it's a very common little thing.

Her attitude, her expression, gave Wang Ke comfort.

Wang Ke wants to cure.

He needs to talk about his cause from the source.

So he opened his mouth and went on, "my best friend, his name is you Zheng."

Gu Qingzhou knows that.

Last time I talked about Wang Ke, ye Wu also mentioned you Zheng.

You Zheng is missing.

Since you Zheng disappeared, Wang Ke's character has changed greatly. Once upon a time, Wang Ke had many admirers among the aristocrats in Taiyuan.

Later, he became thin and withdrawn.

In just three years, he seems to have changed into a person who can't be close to.

"I have a good friend since I was a child of Wang family, whose name is you Zheng. I'm the same age as you Zheng. I used to play together when I was a child. When I was in middle school, I studied in the same class. I spent more time together. I had the same interests. I was almost a life and death friend. " Wang Kedao.

Gu Qingzhou nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"You Zheng and I grew up naked. I didn't think before, but as I grew older, I found a secret of you Zheng. " He said.

Gu Qingzhou didn't interrupt or ask, just nodded.

Wang Ke went on.

"When you Zheng was very young, he would provoke girls. He made a girlfriend when he was fourteen. His girlfriend is an eleven year old girl. " Wang Kedao.

Of course, at that time, he and you Zheng were just 14 years old. You Zheng made a girl of 11 years old as a girlfriend, which was not a special thing.

So Wang Ke didn't take this seriously, and even helped him cover his family when you Zheng took the little girl out to play.

They're not small, they're old enough.

After three years, Wang Ke gradually realized something wrong.

Every year, you Zheng will break up with his little girlfriend. After breaking up, he will find another one.

Some of you Zheng's girlfriends are very beautiful, some are very ordinary, some are very fashionable, some are very simple, some like poetry, some worship money.

But they have a common feature, that is, they are not more than 11 years old, and born in an ordinary family without power and status.

At that time, you Zheng was already 17 years old, but his girlfriend was still 11 years old. He even took his little girlfriend out for the night. Wang Ke finally realized that you Zheng was a pervert in this respect.

"I thought that his girlfriend, just like my girlfriend, was to talk with each other about literature, poetry and piano." Wang Ke said in pain.

He never thought that you Zheng would sleep with a girl of eleven.

"I had a fight with him!" Wang Ke said, "it was a fierce fight. He was too much. I broke his nose."

Gu Qingzhou said, "you are right. He is really over the top."

Wang Ke nodded: "he assured me that he would not. He cried and said that we, like brothers, should not share for this matter. He's not very old, he doesn't understand. "

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "have you forgiven him?"

"Well." Wang Ke said, "he didn't make a girlfriend again."

Wang Ke thinks that you Zheng is a pervert, but you Zheng is his good friend. Apart from this, he has no other problems.

After several fights, especially Zheng did change. Wang Ke was relieved.

He thought: even if you go too far, you are only young. In a few years, when he is old and sensible, he will also be upset by his childhood mistakes.

With this in mind, Wang Ke stopped mentioning the matter.

You Zheng told him to change, but he would still find a little girl behind his back.

Wang Ke almost caught it, but there was no evidence.

"He denied, said I framed him, and said he really completely changed." Wang Ke said, "I'm stupid, too. I really believe in him."

Gu Qingzhou poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Wang Ke.

Wang Ke held it in his hand, and his face was slightly distorted by the pain.

He paused for a long time, then continued: "he hasn't changed, he's just lying to me. In the past two years, he still has bad habits. As an eleven year old girl, I still spend the night with those girls. "

Gu Qingzhou low mantra: "Damn it."

"Well, I think so, too." Wang Kedao.

"And when did you start?" Gu asked, "because of what opportunity did you decide to start?"? Are you determined to kill him, or are you going to kill him by mistake? "

"It's determination." Wang Kedao.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Wang Ke in astonishment.

I didn't expect that he looked weak, but he was so jealous of evil.

"When we were eighteen, a teacher came to teach English. Is a female teacher, her husband is a soldier, has died, she lives alone with her nine year old daughter.

The daughter of the female teacher is very lovely, and her name is also very pleasant. Her name is ran Shuang. But she had a high fever when she was a child, and her brain became very bad.

The female teacher did not dare to leave her alone at home, so she had to bring her to school. When she was in class, little ranshuang squatted outside the classroom to play. During the break, little ranshuang would sit in the back of the classroom and talk to us.

We all like little ranshuang very much. Although her brain is not very good, she is taught politeness by a female teacher. She has a good character and likes to laugh.

I also like her very much. She is the sister of everyone in the class. There are boys in the class making fun of each other, saying that they want to be the son-in-law of the female teacher. They say that Xiao ranshuang is so cute and clever, and they are willing to wait for him for ten or eight years.

They said this on their lips, but there was no malice. They still loved little ranshuang as their sister. " Wang Kedao.

When he said that, Gu Qingzhou's hand suddenly tightened.

She was so emotional that she almost broke the teacup.

She seemed to see a good thing breaking down.

Wang Ke continued: "once, I heard that you Zheng also said such words to Xiao ranshuang."

When Wang Ke talked about it, she looked more ferocious, but her eyes suddenly shed tears.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is also twisted into a ball, which makes her suffocate.

She seemed speechless and unable to think.

Wang Ke's voice choked: "you Zheng asked Xiao ran Shuang if he would like to spend the night at his home."

Gu Qingzhou's lips turn blue immediately.

She bit her lower lip hard.

Wang Ke continued: "that time, I had another fight with him. I dare not think you Zheng is joking, so as soon as he gets close to little ranshuang, I will interrupt him and forbid him to be too close to ranshuang.

Other students took little ran Shuang to sit on the swing, bought her candy and played games with her. I didn't think there was anything, but I was scared to do these things.

But I can't tell others about this kind of thing. No one will believe it. You Zheng has a better reputation than me. If I say it rashly, without proof, I am a psychopath myself. "

In the eyes of teachers, you Zheng is a good student; in the eyes of students, you Zheng is a good brother who talks about righteousness, and in the eyes of parents, you Zheng is a good and frank child.

Wang Ke vaguely reminded the female teacher, but the female teacher didn't understand his meaning, and even said: "you Zheng is very reliable, I am at ease."

"From that day on, I had nightmares all night. I always dreamed that you Zheng succeeded. He really cheated ran Shuang home." Wang Ke wiped her tears and buried her head between her knees.

At that time, he must have been very painful. He went to see you Zheng and asked him not to touch little ran Shuang. You Zheng promised again and again that he had changed.

He went to tell xiaoranshuang not to play with Youzheng, but xiaoranshuang seemed to distrust him and ran to complain with Youzheng.

The teacher and other students think that he is not normal.

"Wang Ke, do you want to leave school for half a year?" This is what the teacher said.

Wang Ke's nightmare became worse.

Since then, he has been a little strange in the eyes of his classmates.

Four months later, a case broke out in Taiyuan. A teenage girl was raped and killed, and everyone was shocked. The newspapers in Taiyuan began to follow up the case at large every day.

Wang Ke read the newspaper carefully.

The girl's appearance is the one that you Zheng likes most; the girl's family is poor, but her parents who are competing for the top send her to school.

This kind of girl is also the easiest for you Zheng.

"I think the murderer is particularly serious, but I only fight with him from the beginning to the end, but I didn't use the right strategy to stop him.

I secretly wrote a report letter to the police station, but there was no reply. I went to the police station to find out. No one cared about it.

You Zheng has a good reputation and is young. The people in the police station should only be mischievous, or others should be jealous of you. From that day on, my nightmare began to be stained with blood. " Wang Kedao.

His spirit, more and more abnormal.

He can't sleep.

He likes ran Shuang very much. Just like his own sister, he even dreamed that you Zheng killed ran Shuang.

Insomnia made him really abnormal, so Wang Ke finally couldn't stand it, and planned to kill you Zheng.

When he said that, he looked very determined.

His expression also became numb: "you Zheng killed people, ruined many children, he died, I must kill him, otherwise the next is ran frost.

If it's known that I killed you Zheng, I'm afraid that Wang and you will fall apart. I want to hide you Zheng's body and never be found.

If they can't find the body of you Zheng, they will think that you Zheng ran away from home, wandered or died outside.

There is a thousand year old temple on Muyun mountain. It's called the old benevolent temple. It's built on the cliff. At the bottom of the temple, there is a cave, covered with roots and cliff plants. I also found that place by chance.

I took Youzheng's body, tied a rope and climbed into the cave in the middle of the night. Who knows?

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