Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1210 magic medicine

Wang Ke's story was a bit crazy.

He is bitter and cruel; he has tears and numbness.

He was the first to know the sin of you Zheng.

Therefore, he may lose his only best friend and fight with you Zheng.

You Zheng didn't want to lose his friend, so he lied to him and said he had changed.

The teacher's daughter is only nine years old, and has been coaxed around by you Zheng. Wang Ke anticipates the fate of the girl. Since then, he began to bear the guilt.

He thinks it's his fault. He didn't save Youzheng, which made Youzheng fall into the devil's trap and become another devil.

Ran Shuang is the fuse of Wang Ke's insomnia. The news about another girl who died miserably in the newspaper is the beginning of Wang Ke's killing.

With this idea, he did it.

Gu Qingzhou thought, this is different from ordinary people's idea, Wang Ke is different from ordinary people in spirit after all.

He talked about Youzheng's death, but he focused on the entrance of the cave and the treasures in the cave.

"At that time, I just wanted to solve the trouble at hand, and I was not interested in this" Baoshan ". I threw Yu Zheng's body next to Baoshan and left the place.

Every month after that, I will go to the temple to pray incense to see if the cave has been found.

The cave is too hidden. It's under the temple again. Three years later, no one knows. I estimated that those treasures were not funerary objects, but who had hidden them there. " Wang Kedao.

He paused and said, "Mrs. Si, our Taiyuan mansion is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years. From a long time ago, all the famous families gathered in Taiyuan.

Those treasures are available to many people in Taiyuan. Maybe it's someone who has an accident and hid it for transfer.

Later, people died and no one came back to look for them. I found it, and I didn't move it. On the mountain of the temple, incense and fire are just like this. No one would think there would be treasure. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She also knew that the less obvious the place was, the safer it was.

She agreed with Wang Ke's inference.

Wang Ke said to Gu Qingzhou, "Mrs. Si, if you can cure my insomnia, I will take you to the cave. All the treasures in the cave belong to you. I don't want anything!"

He doesn't want treasure, he just wants relief.

If he continues to lose sleep like this, he may lose his life.

"I don't want to die of insomnia." Wang Ke lamented.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "did you lose sleep three years ago?"

She felt vaguely that Wang Ke had nothing to say.

According to Wang Ke's description, when he did this, he was very determined and did not hesitate.

After killing you Zheng, he should not suffer from insomnia, but will have a sense of relief.

Wang Ke had nightmares for so long before, especially Zheng died. He should feel relieved. It shouldn't be the reaction now!

"No." As expected, Wang Ke began to suffer again. "I began to lose sleep a year ago. A year ago, there was a report in the newspaper saying that the murderer of the rape and murder was arrested. "

At that time, you Zheng had been dead for two years.

Two years after you Zheng's death, the police department caught the killer.

You Zheng is innocent.

If he just spoils the girl, Wang Ke can kill him, but not so decisively.

Wang Ke killed a man because he wanted him to fight for his life and save a girl like ran Shuang.

He thought that for you Zheng, less evil is also a blessing. Maybe he can have a good baby in the next life.

All these reasons for persuading oneself collapsed in the moment when the truth came out of the water.

Wang Ke almost collapsed.

After that, Wang Ke began to have nightmares. The nightmares were so bad that he couldn't sleep. The situation became serious day by day, and finally it was so serious that he was driving him crazy.

Gu Qingzhou finally understood why Wang Ke was so cautious about her insomnia, why she didn't dare to find a doctor to treat her insomnia, and why she didn't dare to talk to his family.

All the eccentricities he had when he faced her were explained.

"You also know that if you want to cure a disease, you need to explain the cause, so you have to wait so long." Gu Qingzhou seemed to analyze and sigh, "you came to me not to believe me, but to think that I, a miracle doctor, can cure you for no reason, right?"

Wang Ke nodded.

It was for this reason that he took care of the boat.

He felt that the world's best doctor was unusual. His brain is clearer than that of a doctor.

"Don't worry, I won't tell you about killing you Zheng." Gu said, "what's more, I have eyebrows on my side for your illness. You should go back and come here to get the medicine before noon tomorrow. "

"Really?" Wang Ke was so excited that her cheeks turned red.

He thought of his promise and asked, "when are you going to get those treasures, Mrs. secretary? I can show you the way at any time! "

"Not for the time being." Gu Qingzhou said, "wait until you get well."

There is a calming power in her calmness. Wang Ke's heart slowly calms down. He believes that Gu Qingzhou's hand will cure his insomnia!

"Shall I come back tomorrow?" Wang Ke's eyes to Gu Qingzhou are still fanatical, but Gu Qingzhou doesn't hate him as much as before.

This child, at least, is just.

"Well." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Ke left reluctantly.

After he left, Gu Qingzhou called for an adjutant.

She asked the adjutant to look for the newspaper three years ago.

After reading, she gave the newspaper to the adjutant: "take this newspaper, go to the police station and ask them about the case.

You say it's my man, and I'll say hello to governor Ye. I need all the information about this case. "

The deputy said yes.

Just after he left, Gu Qingzhou called governor Ye's office.

This is a criminal case, not a military one.

The chief of staff answered the phone and said, "I'll tell the police station what Mrs. Si wants. Just go and get it."

Gu Qingzhou thanks.

The adjutant took the information back, Gu Qingzhou looked at it carefully for more than two hours, and then asked the adjutant to look up some clues she found.

The adjutant went.

By the time the adjutant left, it was half an afternoon.

Gu Qingzhou called out to the maid: "you go to get the paper and pen. I'll write a prescription, and then you can take it to the pharmacy to get the medicine, and let them make honey pills."

The maid said yes.

After taking the paper and pen, Gu Qingzhou wrote down the names of "ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, roasted licorice, angelica, prepared rehmannia, white peony, roasted astragalus root, tangerine peel, Yuanzhi, cinnamon, Schisandra, honey, ginger, jujube" and other herbs. Then he marked the doses one by one and handed them to the maid. He said, "make nine pills in total, and you will wait there. After you have made them, use us Bring back your own white bottle. "

She found a white bottle herself and gave it to the maid.

Sister-in-law Xin, the maid, looked at it and was shocked. How precious the pill is! It should be packed in a bottle made of superior white sheep fat jade!

"Madame, aren't you making your own medicine?" Sister Xin asked, "your medicine is better than that of the drugstore."

"If I have a reason, just do it." Gu chuckled.

Sister Xin nodded that she had gone herself.

When it was dark, sister-in-law Xin came back with her refined pills. Gu Qingzhou collected the white bottle and said nothing.

When sister-in-law Xin retired, Si Xingfu came back.

He was covered with cold.

It's very cold tonight, and the temperature is dropping again.

He saw the white jade bottle of Gu Qingzhou and asked, "what is it?"

Gu gave it to him.

He opened the plug and sniffed, frowning: "it's medicine. Who is ill? "

"Wang Ke."

"Is that boy coming again?" Si Xingfu's face sank. "How can he keep on? I don't think he's mentally normal. "

"Is it worth getting angry, too?" Gu chuckled and put the medicine bottle away.

After thinking about it, Si Xingfu didn't have anything to be annoyed with. He also smiled.

However, he was very unhappy with Wang Ke, because he felt that Wang Ke's head was abnormal. After a pause, he asked again, "that kid is strange in ancient times. What's the special thing he said when he came to see you this time?"

"He never said anything out of the ordinary in front of me." Gu Qingzhou shook his head and said, "if you speak carefully, he is a good boy."

However, he did not agree with us.

When he left Wang's house by car, he also saw Wang Ke. He looked gloomy like moss in the dark. There was no good child!

"He looks at you in the eyes. It's so annoying! I always feel that he has a plan! "

"He really has a plan. He wants me to treat him." Gu Qingzhou road.

"What else?" The Secretary asked.

He is not smiling, but a little.

Gu soon understood what he wanted to ask.

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