Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 121: White Tiger soup

Aunt Liu took Gu Qingzhou to see Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao served the master some rice porridge, and now she is having a rest.

Aunt Liu is an old servant in the family. She does things with great regularity. She tells Mrs. Zhao.

"A girl?" Mrs. Zhao was slightly surprised, "how big is it?"

Aunt Liu was afraid that Mrs. Zhao would not like to comment, so she said, "madam, if you go and have a look, you will know that you must see her!"

Mrs. Zhao looked at Aunt Liu curiously.

Aunt Liu has a steady personality. She has to ask Mrs. Zhao to meet her, which shows that the other side is a little competent. At least she persuaded Aunt Liu.

Mrs. Zhao knew it was a female guest, and she didn't change her clothes, so she put on a silk nightdress and went out to see Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. Zhao is a typical beauty in the south of the Yangtze River. She is small and exquisite, with a slight sense of flesh, but delicate and kind. It's old, but it's well maintained. There are only fine lines at the end of the eye, and the eyes are bright and clear.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, Mrs. Zhao has no choice but to look back at Aunt Liu, without knowing why.

"Madam, don't look at this young lady. She is very skilled in medicine!" Aunt Liu told Mrs. Zhao Gu's excellent performance in the inverted seat.

My old servant, Aunt Liu can't lie. Mrs. Zhao trusts her very much.

Seeing Aunt Liu's praise, Mrs. Zhao had a ripple in her heart.

"Do you really know medicine?" Mrs. Zhao was a little surprised.

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Aunt Liu again.

Aunt Liu said, "madam, just now she is really diagnosed. I can easily see the illness of Hu Si and me."

"What's the disease? Do you have black nails in spring?" Asked Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao also knows about Aunt Liu's illness.

"Exactly." Aunt Liu said hurriedly, "do you think it's magic or not?"

Mrs. Zhao thinks a little.

Gu is too small. He looks only fifteen or six years old. He looks like a student.

Her thick bangs are covered, and her dark and bright eyes are hidden under the bangs, which are even more sparkling and spiritual.

"... what's your last name?" Mrs. Zhao asked again, "who is your teacher?"

"My name is Gu. My teacher is a country doctor. He is not famous. His wife may not know that." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Zhao hesitated a little.

After being too young and not famous, people who have lost their mind will believe that she can do medicine, right?

Medical skill is not equal to leisure. It will kill you if you are not careful.

Mrs. Zhao's distrust, Gu Qingzhou can see it, she said: "madam, since your government has reported for medical treatment, it can be seen that the master's illness is very serious. Even if it's a little bit of hope, try it, don't you? "

This sentence is in Mrs. Zhao's mind.

For the illness of master Zhao, the Zhao family has become a living horse doctor.

It's ridiculous to ask a child to see a doctor.

But when he fell ill, Mrs. Zhao's mind could not be measured by a normal person.

There are some slim hopes that the family members of the patients should seize when the outsiders see the impossible.

This is why some people pretend to be doctors and cheat with poor skills, but others are still cheated. Outsiders do not understand, look funny, when the real body is in its territory, it may not be able to be fooled.

Mrs. Zhao is in the same mind now.

She knew that the little girl could not have medical skills, but when someone came, with a little hope, Mrs. Zhao would try.

Try, may be disappointed; do not try, there will be endless regret in the future.

Regret drives a man mad.

What's more, the Zhao family doesn't care if they don't give money. It doesn't hurt to take Gu Qingzhou to see Master Zhao.

So Mrs. Zhao gathered up the cool and slippery silk pajamas and said to Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, please follow me upstairs."

Mrs. Zhao personally led Gu Qingzhou to the bedroom on the second floor.

Mrs. Zhao is a very stylish woman. The bedroom on the second floor is Italian style. It's a very luxurious big bed with silk quilt.

It's a little hot in the room, but it's fragrant with roses.

Life is sick, more need fresh air, Mrs. Zhao every day for new flowers.

Master Zhao closed his eyes and dozed off.

Mrs. Zhao came forward and gently woke him up: "master, there is a doctor."

Mr. Zhao took a nap. He was very sleepy. Mrs. Zhao woke him up.

He opened his eyes and Mrs. Zhao helped him to sit up. He looked around and saw only Aunt Liu and another little girl. He didn't see the doctor, so he asked, "what about the doctor?"

Mrs. Zhao pointed to the light boat: "master, this is it."

Master Zhao was shocked.

He is a man of medium height, not fat or thin. Like his wife, he has meat on his face, so he looks very charitable.

The master of the family is very kind.

They are businessmen. The Zhao family runs a jewelry business. They usually get along well with people. Mr. and Mrs. Zhao are both rich and have been living a very superior life.

The peace and superiority of life form their tolerant and gentle character.

"Are you a doctor?" Mr. Zhao is funny. He turns to see his wife and says softly, "what's the matter?"

Mrs. Zhao told Mr. Zhao about taking care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou read the news of Zhao's newspaper and persuaded Aunt Liu, who introduced her to Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao will take care of the boat, please go upstairs.

Weak hope is better than no hope!

"Oh..." Mr. Zhao said meaningfully, "we went to the newspaper for medical treatment. Since you have come to the door, there is no reason to shut you out. Come and have a pulse check."

Master Zhao is generous.

Gu Qingzhou road is.

Aunt Liu moved the chair over the bed.

Gu Qingzhou sits down, and master Zhao cooperates to extend his hand.

When she felt the pulse, she was very serious and didn't talk much.

Gu Qingzhou has a very peaceful and soft face, and her eyes are calm and self-contained, calm and introverted, less charming and lively girls of the same age, more calm and steady.

Invisible, others will trust her.

She has a real heart.

After cutting the pulse, she took back her hand.

"The master, the wife, the doctor treats the disease, the medical reason is the most important, the diagnosis is in front, the bond is in the back." Gu Qingzhou said in an old-fashioned way, "in this way, I will diagnose first. If I say something wrong, we will not have this chance."

Mr. Zhao is slightly interested.

When other doctors come, they should ask them about their condition carefully before examination, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine.

Gu Qingzhou did not ask, but said her diagnosis directly.

"If you cheat, you should send a middle-aged and old man. There is nothing like sending a child to cheat. " Master Zhao is very knowledgeable.

He knows that the world's knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, children will not have medical skills.

If someone comes to cheat, he will not send a teenager.

Who believes it?

Mr. Zhao understood that Miss Gu was probably not a liar. Maybe the child was a bit of a ghost.

Ganluo was prime minister at the age of 12, and his talent sometimes had nothing to do with his age.

"Miss Gu, please." Said master Zhao.

Gu Qingzhou nodded her head. She examined the pulse, so she first said, "your pulse is long and powerful. If you press it hard, it's the heat of Qi."

Without waiting for master Zhao to say anything, Gu Qingzhou continued, "you should have had a cold in spring. You had a fever at that time, and you didn't ask a doctor to take medicine.

Then, you begin to defecate. Especially in late spring, the disease became more and more serious. It has been almost three or four months.

Now, not only can't pass stool for 16 or 7 days, but also can't pass urine smoothly, abdominal distention and pain. "

When she said that, the look of Mr. and Mrs. Zhao was serious.

If no one told me in advance, Miss Gu was right.

Even when she was ill, she said she got no bad marks.

"... the reason why you want to be a famous doctor in the newspaper is that your disease has encountered new problems. When you drink medicine, you always vomit, and no medicine juice can enter. However, western medicine hanging salt water makes you more and more uncomfortable. Now you dare not hang in salt water. How much do you vomit after taking oral medicine? " Gu Qingzhou road.

She stood in the backlit place, her eyebrows and eyes were quiet, but like a blooming white tea, with a delicate fragrance and a slight shock to the soul.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhao were completely shocked.

Never seen such a doctor!

It's amazing!

"I don't know much about western medicine and Western medicine, but the traditional Chinese medicine used should be Chengqi Decoction." Gu Qingzhou added, "unfortunately, it doesn't work."

"Miss Gu, you said that the score is not bad! We published that because we couldn't take any food or medicine, and the suspension salt water aggravated the master's pain. "

Master Zhao is also staring at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou has thick black hair and light halo. She looks like a bottle of God to save the suffering. Master Zhao wants to worship her.

"Miss Gu, the master's illness will bother you!" As soon as Mrs. Zhao was excited, she tightly grasped Gu's hand.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "don't worry, since I'm here, I won't make the master suffer."

"Miss Gu, how can I treat this disease?" Mr. Zhao asked.

"Use a large dose of white tiger soup." Gu Qingzhou road.

"What is Baihu soup?" Zhao asked her

"Baihu Decoction is from the treatise on Febrile Diseases of medical sage, which is used to promote the production of Tianjin, clear away heat and reuse gypsum. Gypsum is a cold substance, which can dispel the heat evil in the body. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhao don't understand very well. They look at her at a loss.

Gu Qingzhou explained: "when you are in the spring, you were caught in the cold, but you didn't really attack. The cold evil is attached to you and you are trapped in Sanjiao.

The triple energizer gets cold and blocks the rise and fall. Once there is a blockage, it will slowly turn into heat and lead to heat evil. Heat burns the body fluid in your intestines. When the body fluid dries up, the stool cannot be unobstructed and becomes impetuous. "

Gu Qingzhou added: "the other way is to let your body excrete the excrement, but the body fluid in your intestines is dried up. Next time, it will still be dry and constipated, which will not cure the symptoms.

Baihu Decoction uses gypsum again. The first is to clear away the heat and let the heat evil inside Sanjiao disappear. The second is to promote the production of body fluid in the intestine, so as to defecate. "

Her diagnosis was confirmed by Mr. and Mrs. Zhao.

The fate of patients and doctors, even if formed, they believe in taking care of the boat.

Therefore, Gu Qingzhou opened the white tiger soup, added a delicious root of grass, and asked He Wei to go back to he's drugstore to take the medicine.

He Wei left in a hurry.

When the medicine came, it was fried in three bowls.

And the first bowl, Mr. Zhao still vomited more than half.

"What to do?" Mrs. Zhao is in a hurry.

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