Gu Qingzhou gave Mr. Zhao a prescription. Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao believed her and drank.

But in the first bowl, Mr. Zhao still vomited most of the time, and Mrs. Zhao immediately panicked.

"No harm, madam." Gu Qingzhou appeases the flustered Mrs. Zhao, "master Sanjiao is blocked, and the medicine may not arrive. But a small half of it will stay in his stomach and work slowly. "

A little medicine can also remove some of the heat evil in the body.

The comfort of Gu Qingzhou relieved Mrs. Zhao's anxiety for the time being.

Gu Qingzhou told him to serve master Zhao in the second bowl four hours later.

"The second bowl is half full." Gu said, "when you get to the fourth or fifth bowl, you won't vomit again."

Mrs. Zhao nodded.

"The medicine has been prescribed. I'll see you again in a few days. You can give it to the master at ease." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Yes," said Mrs. Zhao.

It's almost five o'clock. Gu Qingzhou and He Wei are going home.

Mrs. Zhao changed clothes and personally sent Gu Qingzhou and He Wei out.

"I'll ask the driver to take you back. Where is Miss's residence?" Asked Mrs. Zhao.

She asked, with a hint, what it seemed to imply.

He Wei doesn't quite understand.

However, Gu Qingzhou understood. She smiled and said, "madam, the medicine hasn't worked yet. I don't have any kindness to master Zhao. Since there is no favor, I dare not ask you to send it. Let's take a rickshaw home by ourselves. "

Mrs. Zhao's clear eyes moved, standing beside with a smile, and no longer insisted.

They take the rickshaw.

At he's drugstore, it was seven o'clock in the evening, but it was not completely dark, and the afterglow of the sunset was like fire, lighting up the clouds in the West.

The temperature also dropped a lot, without the hot and dry before.

It's very bold for him Wei to take Gu to see a doctor in a light boat.

Afraid that mu Sanniang and he mengde scold, He Wei lets Gu Qingzhou keep secret first, and then get the diagnosis money.

"Elder sister, you are so powerful. I thought the Zhao family would not believe you!" He Wei exclaimed, "you can have the ability and eloquence!"

"They believe me, not because of eloquence." Gu chuckled.

He Wei didn't understand: "what's the reason?"

When I think of He Wei's last selling, Gu Qingzhou also sold a pass, but she doesn't tell him how she got the trust from Zhao family.

"Sister, tell me!" He Wei is not willing to let go. He Wei takes care of the boat and refuses to let go.

Gu chuckled and ran away. "I'll tell you later."

It was not early, Gu Qingzhou sent He Wei to the drugstore, and after a few words with mu Sanniang, he took the rickshaw back to the Gu mansion.

When she came back, Gu's dinner was all finished.

Gu Qingzhou was not very hungry, so he went back to his room to sleep.

In the evening, the maid made a midnight snack, Gu Qingzhou ate a bowl of fresh shrimp Wong blunt, and had a sweet sleep.

The Zhao couple didn't sleep.

When Mrs. Zhao served her husband the third bowl of medicine, as Gu Qingzhou said, the heat and evil of Sanjiao had gone away, and she only vomited twice this time.

"Who is she, you say?" Mrs. Zhao asked her husband in a low voice.

As Gu Qingzhou said, the Zhao family believed her. Apart from the kindness of Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhao, it was not her eloquence, but her gun.

In the process of Gu Qingzhou's pulse diagnosis, she took a kerchief from her handbag, and her handbag was not closed.

She showed it to Mrs. Zhao specially.

So, Mr. and Mrs. Zhao clearly saw the pistol in her bag.

Zhao's business is not big, just rich.

Master Zhao is neither a gang member nor a government member. He has no enemies, so no one will assassinate him. He does not have the qualification.

Gu Qingzhou had a delicate browning in her bag. She never came to assassinate.

This kind of pistol is expensive and not easy to get unless there is a high-level relationship with the junta.

Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were at a banquet. They saw the deputy chief of the Quartermaster's department show off once. They heard that it was very valuable. It was probably the net income of Mr. Zhao's jewelry company for the majority of half a year.

A young girl who can carry a gun with her, she not only has money, but also has a noble status, which is not worthy of her killing master Zhao.

Just like this, her later diagnosis, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao believe it.

"Will she be the daughter of the overseer?" Asked Mrs. Zhao.

The first lady, who has learned medical skills, wants to find a medical record to prove it. When she saw the newspaper waiting for a large sum of money, she came to visit.

This is a very likely guess.

"Even if it's not the Secretary's child, it's also the young lady of the senior military officials." Said Mr. Zhao.

Is it necessary to cheat the young ladies of the senior military officials?

With this level of speculation, and because the medical skills of Gu Qingzhou are really good, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao especially trust her.

Identity is sometimes more reliable than learning.

After drinking medicine that day, Mr. Zhao fell asleep. He got up early the next day. When he drank Baihu soup again, Mr. Zhao didn't vomit any more.

"It's rare that you don't vomit for the first time in recent months." Mrs. Zhao is very happy. "Master, that young lady is really a medical prodigy."

"Nature, this is our destiny." Said master Zhao.

At noon, master Zhao's urination will be more smooth, no longer intermittent.

He took another bowl of medicine.

An hour after the medicine, Mr. Zhao felt like defecating for the first time in more than half a month.

He pulled out three dry and strong dung.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Zhao are very happy.

"It's time for Miss Gu to come for a second visit, but she didn't leave a phone call." This is when Mrs. Zhao reacts.

Gu Qingzhou left only two days of medicine.

"Zhao said:" she will not leave a phone, after all, inconvenient

He still believes that Gu Qingzhou is the man of the military government.

It's not convenient for her to disclose her identity. Even if she asks, she won't tell Zhao's family the phone number.

"That's right, too." Said Mrs. Zhao.

At the same time, I'm worried. What can I do? Can I take the medicine according to the original prescription?

Being worried, Aunt Liu came in and said, "madam, Miss Gu is coming. She is downstairs."

Mrs. Zhao went downstairs to meet Gu.

As soon as she saw Gu Qingzhou, Mrs. Zhao was very happy. She told Gu Qingzhou about the improvement of Mr. Zhao.

"I don't vomit anymore. I'm lucky to be able to drink medicine and eat!" Mrs. Zhao said, "I used to use so many medicines, but now it's finally getting better."

She added, "the master urinated smoothly and gave three pieces of dry dung."

The doctor has no gender, and the patient's situation should also be told truthfully. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

As Mrs. Zhao said, Gu Qingzhou also listened calmly and nodded at the same time.

After a few pleasantries, Gu Qingzhou felt the pulse for master Zhao again, looked at the tongue coating again, and said: "the pulse is still powerful, but the prickles on the tongue coating are less, and the heat evil has gone half."

Gu Qingzhou modified the prescription of the second visit, the plaster of white tiger soup, from the previous three Liang to five Liang.

People's doctors prescribe prescriptions, which are all a few dollars, and Gu Qingzhou prescribes five Liang at a time, which is half a kilo!

This recipe is very fierce.

She also explained: "if it's serious, it's going to take a lot of medicine. Don't worry, I know."

Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao didn't contradict. They trusted her very much.

"Drink for two days first, and I'll come back the day after tomorrow." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mr. Zhao drank according to his words.

After two days of drinking the medicine, Mr. Zhao had to defecate several times. It was one piece of dry dung, about a hundred pieces. The urination was very smooth.

"Good fun!" Master Zhao sighed.

The pain of internal dryness has been relieved.

Two days later, Gu went to Zhao's home early in the morning.

"Things have improved." Gu chuckled.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhao thought so.

Gu Qingzhou made a prescription for the third visit: "in the future, white tiger soup will not be used, and raw plaster will be used specially. Raw plaster also need not fry water again, grind into fine end directly, use fresh grass root to boil will, drink medicine end.

After five or six days of drinking, you can defecate normally; after that, you can drink for a few days, two or three days, four or five days, as you like. "

After that, she wrote these words on the prescription and handed them to master Zhao.

After that, Gu chuckled, "if you are cured, please go to he's drugstore on Ping'an West Street and hand in the diagnosis money promised by your government."

"Is that your mansion?" he asked

"No, it's my relative's house." Gu chuckled.

She refused to say the address of her own home, and master Zhao even guessed that her identity was not low.

When Gu Qingzhou was about to leave, Aunt Liu found her and asked her to give her a prescription to solve her stubborn disease.

"Miss, our master has invited many famous doctors. As soon as you come, you will get rid of my illness. Please give me a prescription!" Liu Shendao.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "you are a little sick, but you have not found a doctor who understands this disease."

She opened Xiaoyao Powder and added Guizhi, and said to Aunt Liu, "you have liver depression and fire, spleen and earth are hot, so Yang Qi is not strong. Limbs are the root of all Yang, Yang Qi is not good, Qi coagulation stagnation, so ten fingers swelling pain. Three doses of medicine will cure you. "

She said it with conviction.

Aunt Liu won't give money for diagnosis, but Gu Qingzhou still wrote the prescription seriously, and gave it to Aunt Liu to take the medicine according to the prescription. After drinking three pieces of medicine, she won't have to worry about it any more. She will certainly not get sick next spring.

After that, Hu Si, the emaciated servant, was just about to leave when Gu Qingzhou, who was a little embarrassed, said to Gu: "Miss..."

he also wanted to show him Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou looked at Hu Si, who was emaciated, and said, "your disease will be easier. You don't need to take any medicine. I'll teach you a prescription and you'll be cured!"

"Really?" Hu Si is very happy, but he doesn't dare to believe it.

However, Gu Qingzhou cured Mr. Zhao and gave Aunt Liu a prescription. He could judge his illness without feeling the pulse. Hu Si trusted her very much.

"You buy three or two garlic, mash it into juice and drink it directly." Gu Qingzhou said, "to ensure the recovery."

"Ah?" Hu Si did not understand, "why is this?"

Other servants were curious.

"Can garlic cure disease?"

"What's the disease of Hu Si? Can I eat garlic juice well? Miss, let's listen to it. Let's also be an interesting story and tell it to others. "

"Hu Si's disease is quite serious. Western Medicine says it's inflammation. How to treat inflammation with garlic?"

All the people were talking, and they kept asking about the light boat.

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