Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1222 guidance of the Secretary

Gu Qingzhou stayed in the hospital all day.

Si Xingfu is also a little curious about what it is.

"... several Japanese have come to visit Xunzi, Gaoqiao." "I wanted to hear what they said, so I didn't go," Gu said

The secretary does not care to raise eyebrows.

It's nothing more than asking the killer.

"Do you hear me?" The manager teased him.

"Gao Qiao Xun is very lonely. If he doesn't want me to leave, he says I can't speak Japanese. But I don't want to cause trouble. After all, Cai Changting knows my details, so I will say one or two words. " Gu Qingzhou road.

They can't say it in front of the light boat.

Gu shied away at that time.

She still wanted to know what the Japanese said. After they left, they went back to the ward of Xunzi, Gaoqiao.

Just as she was about to inquire, Gao qiaoxun's father came again.

When Professor Gaoqiao arrived, he saw Gu Qingzhou again, and his face was very ugly.

Professor Gao Qiao is going to throw two ugly words to Gu Qingzhou, but he can't imagine that Xun Gaoqiao has already noticed.

"If you say anything, that's the end of our father son relationship." Gao qiaoxun said to his father.

As a result, Professor Gaoqiao was so angry that he fainted.

"Professor Gaoqiao was in poor health and passed out on the spot. Xunzun, Gaoqiao, could not get out of the hospital bed." Gu Qingzhou said, "I can't help it. It's not good to leave like this.

So when Professor Gaoqiao is sent to the ward, wakes up and turns around, and explains to him that there is no improper relationship between me and Xunzi, then he can leave. "

It's not the same as the company.

He put his arms around his wife and said, "look, are you still making friends?"

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

It's better to stay away from Gaoqiao and Xunzi. It's not her fickleness, but her consideration of Gao Qiao Xun's father.

The old man attaches great importance to his son's marriage now.

The married woman must not be able to do so. Besides, Gu Qingzhou is still a married woman, which is against Professor Gaoqiao's scale.

"Once upon a time, that girl was found by Professor Gaoqiao. She wanted to meet Xun Gaoqiao. I don't think so. At last, the girl went back with a sad heart. " Gu Qingzhou said again.

Gao qiaoxun's mind is very simple.

What he wants now is to get back together with Cheng Yu.

Si Xingfu pinched her cheek: "still worrying about this?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

She paused and talked about the business.

Although Professor Takahashi fainted, Gu Qingzhou found out the Japanese's guess.

"Gao qiaoxun said that it was probably related to politics. They didn't guess zhuomozhi." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu said: "maybe I guessed it, but I didn't tell Gao Qiao Xun."

"That's right, too." Gu Qingzhou road.

After a little meditation, Gu Qingzhou said to Zhuo Mo Zhi, "he's really good at shooting..."

Si Xingfu laughed.

"... but he did it too well." Gu Qingzhou said, "he is a bully!"

The Secretary didn't care.

"It's nothing to go too far. The enemy of love was originally a life and death relationship. He didn't kill Gao Qiao and Xun, which was very good. A man does not put his anger on a woman, but finds out the enemy. He is a man. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou sits on his lap.

She fell into his arms, pinched his two ears, and almost tore them off: "you are too much to help with such a wicked thing!"

"That's my position." "You don't agree with me, I won't say it later."

After that, he tightened his waist to take care of the boat.

Sniffed the breath on her body, Si Xingfu said: "a smell of disinfectant, don't go to the hospital later."

"If I don't go, I'll be angry with Xun's father." Gu Qingzhou road.

He laughed.

At the same time, zhuomozhi is having dinner in Chengyu's yard.

The atmosphere is very warm.

Cheng Yu specially lit a candle.

Weirui candle fire, warm yellow light, the dragon is burning very prosperous, corner of a plum proudly blooming, full of fragrance.

The food is beautiful, and the people in sight are also beautiful. Zhuo Mozi would like to be honest, and all of them are stuck in his throat.

He didn't want to ruin the beauty of the moment.

Cheng Yu, however, changed his attitude and explained to him that he had sold the horse and donated the money to the orphanage.

She added: "I don't plan his things, but I don't want to be involved with him again."

Zhuo Mozi would like to ask: do you really forget him in this move, or just consider that you have no future, so put it down?

This problem seems to have no different results, but in fact, it is quite different.

However, he did not ask.

After injuring Gao qiaoxun, he seemed angry.

At this moment, he has no resentment in his heart. Even if there is Gaoqiao Xun in Cheng Yu's heart, he can accept it as long as she doesn't come and go with Gaoqiao Xun.

"You did it right." "It's nice," he said, with a rare softness

Cheng Yu laughs.

Dromo looked at her smile and felt that it was the most beautiful in the world.

All of a sudden, he understood the saying "it's romantic to be a ghost under the peony".

If he could, he would like to be a romantic.

"You are very good today." Cheng Yu's surprise, at the same time, is gratified. "If you are always so good, my sister will not despise you."

Zhuo Mo Zhi frowned a little: "do you want to be my sister?"

"I was older than you." Cheng Yudao.

So, after they combed and washed, zhuomo stopped her and secretly asked in her ear, "sister, give me sugar."

"What?" Cheng Yu can't laugh or cry.

She was an accident. I didn't expect that Zhuo Mozi would say such childish words.

Zhuomozhi opened her pajamas and went in.

Cheng Yu takes a breath of cool air and bumps along with his movements. He also understands that this elder sister is not easy to do.

This storm, Cheng Yu should only be in the past.

She nestled in the arms of Zhuozi and refused to think about the future. It's no use thinking about it. She has made a mess of her life.

Now if you want to clean up again and start from the beginning, you have to pick a layer of skin.

If there is any hope, she will not give up Gaoqiao Xun.

Cheng Yu, however, didn't want to be reborn. She just muddled along.

Gu Qingzhou donated money for Cheng Yu and tentatively raised a sentence of Gaoqiao Xun.

Cheng Yu knows nothing.

Gu Qingzhou didn't mention much.

Gao Qiao Xun's father didn't like taking care of the boat, and certainly didn't like Cheng Yu, who had been married.

Let it go for the time being.

By the end of November, there was another blizzard in Taiyuan, which lasted for seven or eight days.

The road was covered with snow.

Gu Qingzhou thought of the snowy days last year.

"Another year." Gu Qingzhou holds his overcoat and stands under the eaves to watch the snow.

Her toes were so cold that she still didn't want to go back to the house.

She likes the heavy snow.

In the south of the Yangtze River, there was also snow. Such a grand occasion was never seen before.

In the future, Gu's children and grandchildren will probably live in the south of the Yangtze River. When she is old, sitting in the warm afternoon sunshine, telling the children interesting stories, these snow scenes are one of the capital.

While enjoying it, the servant said, "madam, here comes the third wife of the Kang family."

The third wife of Kang's family is Kang Han's stepmother.

Kang Han has been unhappy since Er Bao was forcibly taken away by Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou also went to see her.

Now three wives come here, maybe it's Kang Han's business again?

Gu Qingzhou hurriedly stood up and said to the servant, "three ladies, please come in."

Mrs. Kang San came in the snow.

She was wearing a scarlet windbreaker and a hood over her head and face. She walked in the snow world with a touch of red, especially striking.

Her hands and feet froze as she entered the door.

Gu Qingzhou asked the servant to bring her hot tea.

A cup of hot tea, she took a sip slowly to drink, and then warm up.

"... it's abdominal pain." Mrs. Kang San explained her intention. As expected, it was because of Kang Han's illness. "I asked western medicine to come home, and I prescribed western medicine for her, and then I hung salt water. It's still not good."

Kang Han was strangely ill before. It was Gu Qingzhou who cured her.

This time, she suffered from abdominal pain. The Kang family only took it as a small matter. It's impossible to think that western medicine won't help her after two days.

The old man can't sit down. He's afraid that kanghan's old illness will recur.

Mrs. Kang San braves snow and invites her to take care of the boat in person, which shows that the Kang family respects her and is cautious about Kang Han's illness.

"The old man loves her as much as his eyes. In case of a mistake, I can't bear it, so I'm here to invite you. " Said Mrs. Kang San.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "let me have a look."

The last time she went to see Kang Han was a month ago.

"I'm sorry, the weather is so bad." Said Mrs. Kang San.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "this is the duty of a doctor. Besides, er Bao was taken away by Si Xingfu. I should also visit Han Han more. "

She went back to the inner room to change.

After changing a cotton cheongsam and putting on a fur coat, I went out with Mrs. Kang San.

She said to the servant, "when the teacher comes back, he says I went to the Kang family."

The servant said yes.

There is too much snow on the road, so ye dujun has sent two regiments to the city to be responsible for sweeping snow everywhere to ensure the smooth road.

Gu Qingzhou's way out is still very easy. After all, it is next to the governor's office.

However, after walking for half an hour, it was blocked.

"The horse lost his hoof in the first coal carriage, and all the coal fell to the ground, blocking the way." The driver went down to have a look and came back to report.

Later, the road passed, but two cars collided.

People who have cars in Taiyuan are all rich and powerful. They have the courage to quarrel with each other.

So tossed, clearly less than an hour on the road, Leng is walking more than four hours.

When Gu Qingzhou arrived at Kang's house, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Kang Han was lying on the bed, his face sallow.

She has lost a lot of weight.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, she suddenly sat up, her eyes full of surprises: "elder martial sister, have you sent Er Bao back?"

Gu is embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Han Han, er Bao hasn't come back." She said softly.

Kang Han's eyes, like those of inky gems, were suddenly gray.

Look at her. Gu Qingzhou can't bear it.

"You get better soon. How about I take you to see Er Bao when you are well? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Er Bao has been away for a long time.

These days, Si Xingfu's training for him has become more and more effective. The teacher said that if he could not see his eyes for another half year, he would be able to image a normal person eight times.

What Gu Qingzhou wants is that he can be a little normal

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