Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1223 children's first kiss

Gu Qingzhou can't give up halfway.

Er Bao's eyes are good. Let him learn some skills.

He and Kang Han are both young. They are not old enough to get married now. It's not so hard to be separated.

Can't think of it, but Kang Han is sick.

Gu Qingzhou deals with the relationship between ER Bao and Kang Han from the perspective of men's and women's love, but forgets Kang Han's attachment to ER Bao, which is more of a family relationship.

"Well, shall we go today?" Kang Han was eager to get up, and then cried, "elder martial sister, I miss Er Bao so much."

Mrs. Kang San listened and couldn't help sighing.

It's sad.

The children's feelings are strong and pure, and the adults sigh about it.

"When you are well, we will go to see Er Bao." Gu promised.

She gives Kang Han the pulse.

Kang Han's abdominal pain is not a big problem.

The pulse is over. The servant sneaks in and tells the third lady that the old man wants to see Gu Qingzhou.

The third wife told Gu Qingzhou that.

Gu Qingzhou said, "OK, I'll go now. Han Han, wait a moment. Elder martial sister will visit your grandfather and come back. "

"Elder martial sister, you must come back." Kang Han asked in an urgent tone.

Gu Qingzhou nodded.

The old man wants to see Gu Qingzhou, but it's no big deal. He asks Kang Han about his illness.

"She has been suffering from abdominal pain for several days, and her medication is not effective. Is there no big problem?" After a brief exchange of greetings, Mr. Kang went straight to the subject.

"No big problem," Gu said


"Han Han missed Er Bao so much that he didn't eat well. Poor appetite, resulting in spleen and stomach damage, stagnation.

The accumulation of heat, heat and knot in the stomach and intestines, the Qi machine is difficult to smooth. It's a very simple problem. Give her some medicine to melt the heat, such as raw plaster, Anemarrhena, etc., two doses are enough. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Every time I take care of a light boat to analyze my illness, I am very skillful and determined, especially reassuring.

Mr. Kang was relieved.

"It's ok if she's OK. I'll say she's not an ordinary enteritis. Otherwise, how can she always be bad?" The old man said.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "it's not ordinary enteritis. You are old and wise."

The old man waved with a smile.

He asked the servant to take the pen and paper, and handed it to Gu Qingzhou: "Mrs. Si, first, you open the prescription, and let the third room go to get the medicine. I have a few more words to tell you. "

Take care of the boat.

She wrote a prescription, mainly raw gypsum, supplemented by other cold medicine, and gave it to the servant.

"After the medicine is taken back, three bowls of water will be boiled into a bowl of water. One drink today, one drink tomorrow, and you will be cured. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The servant said, write down one by one, and go to the third room in the snow.

It's half past four in the afternoon.

Snowy weather, everywhere bright, but the room is dark, sooner or later indisputable.

In the old man's house, the dragon is burning very fast. Gu Qingzhou is warm all over.

At this time, the servant turned on the light.

The room is bright and warm.

Gu Qingzhou sighed comfortably.

"Mrs. secretary, I have something to ask you." The old man said.

Gu Qingzhou said: "you say, I know nothing."

"Er Bao..." the old man considered again and again, "Er Bao's engagement with our family, have you not repented?"

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked: "how can I repent?"

Two treasures can marry Kang Han. The Kang family is willing to give him their daughter. It's his luck. It's a great advantage for the Kang family.

How can Gu Qingzhou repent?

"After such a long time, er Bao still doesn't return. We have such an idea." The old man said.

Gu Qingzhou said: "no, sir. If I repent, didn't I hurt Er Bao and Kang Han? They have such a good relationship. "

"Indeed." The old man said.

The old man didn't ask for a blind son-in-law, but Kang Han.

Kanghan's character is stubborn. Without her two treasures, the old man worries that she won't live long.

When there is no Er Bao, she is sickly and depressing; when Er Bao comes, she is in a happy mood all day long. She is also ruddy and happy and never makes trouble; now, er Bao is gone again. In this period of time, she always has a headache.

Kang's family is worried to death.

So is the old man.

"If it's nothing serious, let Er Bao come back in December." The old man said, "it's more important to have two children together.

Besides, our children are hungry even if they have no ability. We don't want to be clever. That's a good thing for him. "

Gu Qingzhou spent more than an hour chatting with the old master of the Kang family.

The light was on in the room and she forgot the time.

Until the servant came in and said, "old man, the division seat is here."

Gu Qingzhou subconsciously looks at the self chime on the eye wall.

It's half past seven in the evening.

No wonder the manager is in a hurry.

"Please." The old man said.

When he came in, snow fell on his cloak and hair.

He took off his coat, and went up to brush the snow off his head for him, and arranged his skirts for him.

"... it's so late. Go back after dinner." The old man said.

Si Xingfu exchanged greetings with the old man.

Asked about Kang Han's illness, he said, "how do you see it?"

"No problem. I'll come back in five days." Gu Qingzhou road.

"That's good," the Secretary nodded

He said to the old man again, "it's hard to walk on a snowy day. During the day, governor Ye cleaned up the streets, and now there was a thick layer. If there is any further delay, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back tonight. "

"The old man said:" in this way, I will not leave you

Coming out of Kang's house, I can see the snow on the ground. I can walk down without ankle.

In a short afternoon, there was thick snow.

Before leaving, Gu Qingzhou went to see Kang Han again and said something for a few minutes before leaving.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu get on the bus.

"What are you talking about?" Si Xingfu asked her, "I can't see you back in such a big evening."

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

She told Si Xingfu about her conversation with the old man.

"... Kang Han is not right recently. Without Er Bao, she seems to have lost her soul." Gu Qingzhou said, "the old man is in a hurry, so are the rest of the Kang family."

He frowned a little.

No one can rely on foreign things. How can we stand once we fall back?

Kang Han is still a little girl, so soon she took the two treasures as a pillar. How can she hold on to herself in case of any accidents in the future?

"Kang Han is too delicate." "In the future, yuzao in our family will not be able to cultivate her like that," said Si

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

In his consciousness, yuzao is his daughter.

Every time I see the children of other people, I think of my daughter.

"Nothing bad." Gu Qingzhou road.

She said again, "the old man asked December to send Er Bao back. I talked with him about this for so long.

I have convinced him to let Er Bao come back after the first month. There are many other things about Er Bao. You can't give up halfway. Only when Er Bao is strong can Kang Han be better protected. "

The secretary was disdainful.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "I promised Kang han to take her to Pingcheng after her recovery."

Si Xingfu did not object: "I also want to go back at the right time."

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

"Can I go to Pingcheng to spend the winter?" she asked? I'll be back after the new year. "

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "No. Mrs. Hirano, once I leave, I will change. Now all stability is the best. "

Si Xingfu put his arm around her shoulder and said nothing more.

Five days later, Gu Qingzhou goes to see Kang Han.

Her abdominal pain was cured.

On the one hand, the medicine worked. On the other hand, Gu Qingzhou promised to take her to see Er Bao, which made her feel better and her appetite better.

"Elder martial sister, when shall we start?" Kang Han asked.

Gu Qingzhou talked to the old master, the third wife and the Third Master of the Kang family again.

Finally, the elders of the Kang family agreed to take Kang han to Pingcheng with Gu Qingzhou, but they had to bring her back in three days, not stay for long.

Take care of the boat.

The plane left on the same day.

On the plane, Kang Han is a little nervous and holds Gu's hand to death.

When the plane landed in Pingcheng, Kang Han kept talking about her anxiety.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile: "don't worry, Han Han, er Bao can't run."

Kang Han is still worried.

She also said her worry: "elder martial sister, er Bao hasn't seen me for such a long time. Does he still remember me?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "of course. He will never forget Han Han if he forgets anyone. "

From the racecourse to the official residence of Si Xingfu, the car went very fast.

At the same time, the adjutant had already received a telegram asking Er Bao to wait at his residence.

When the car came in, er Bao and sister-in-law Zhu stood on the steps at the door.

The winter wind in Pingcheng is also cold, and it's wet and cold. The cold will never lose to Taiyuan.

Er Bao's face was a little blue with cold.

The sound of the car alerted him and he listened.

"Two treasures!" Kang Han's sharp voice cut through the air and spread it to ER Bao's ears.

Two treasures run over quickly, hug Kang Han accurately.

"Han." He was happy and spoke in a high voice, "Han Han, hello Xiang!"

Everyone laughed.

Gu Qingzhou comes forward, grabs Zhu's hand, and asks the servants and aides to do their own work. Don't delay Kang Han and ER Bao's reminiscence.

Zhu Sao was so excited about Gu's return that she asked her again and again, "is it after new year?"

Gu Qingzhou is a little sorry.

She told sister-in-law Zhu, "I have to go back in three days. I need to send Miss Kang home."

Sister Zhu sighed.

"Don't worry, isn't this pressure on the boat?" said the secretary

"Madam, I didn't mean to urge you," said sister-in-law Zhu

The people around him are always very tolerant, and they take special care and consideration of the light boat.

"I understand," Gu said

Sister Zhu cooked a very rich Yuecheng dish.

Gu Qingzhou is full of food. He looks out. Er Bao and Kang Han don't know where they are.

This is the official residence of Si Xingfu. You can't lose it left or right. Gu Qingzhou is too lazy to find it. He sits on the sofa and drinks tea, and talks with sister-in-law Zhu about trifles.

After having had a meal, he went out.

"I won't come back in the evening. I'll be at the station tonight." He said.

Gu Qingzhou nodded and was used to it.

He has been with her for a long time.

Er Bao and Kang Han are talking in the pavilion not far away.

The air is very cold, Kang Han said a few words and began

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