Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1224 encounter

When Gu Qingzhou returned to the south of the Yangtze River, he wanted to see yuzao and the Yan family.

And Huo Yue has been back to Yuecheng for a long time, and it has been missing for many days.

Si Xingfu is very busy. Er Bao and Kang Han are stuck together. Gu Qingzhou can't mix in.

"I go to Yuecheng, is it feasible?" she said

"Go." He said that he would not come back, but he came back at more than three in the morning. He was very tired, and he also said carelessly, "bring some delicious food to yuzao."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The railway from Pingcheng to Yuecheng was completed in the first half of the year, but it's six or seven hours' journey.

Gu Qingzhou is going to send Kang Han home the day after tomorrow. There is no time to delay.

She still takes the plane of Si Xingfu.

In more than an hour, I arrived at the outskirts of Yuecheng.

Smelled the familiar cold breath, like the salty water, Gu's eyes were inexplicably wet.

This is her hometown.

Her time in Yuecheng is only a few years, but she is the most substantial.

She has a sense of identity with this place, just as she does with Si Xingqi - this is her home.

She was born here.

"Madame?" When the adjutant saw that she was standing in place, and had not moved her feet for a long time, he called out in a low voice.

Take care of the boat.

The car came into the city and went directly to Yan's house.

Gu Qingzhou sees Mrs. Yan and yuzao.

Mrs. Yan's spirit is not bad. Her two sons and yuzao are all around her.

She is very busy every day.

Compared with the past, when she saw Gu Qingzhou, she didn't mention Yan Yiyuan.

Because I don't want to cry anymore.

Most of the time, people tend to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, to admit their lives, and then live a life they can seize, and do not disturb other people's emotions.

Mrs. Yan doesn't want to look after the boat and see her crying every time she comes back.

"Yuzao, come on, call Muma." Mrs. Yan took yuzao, who was less than two years old.

Yuzao looks at the boat and shakes her head.

She fell into Mrs. Yan's arms.

Mrs. Yan touched her hair and said with a smile, "what's the matter? Didn't you see your mom?"

Gu Qingzhou has an old picture. She took it with Si Xingfu at the beginning. Last time, when Si Xingfu came, she gave it to Mrs. Yan specially to show it to Yu Zao by chance.

When the child is old, he will surely ask: where is my father and where is my mother?

When yuzao asks, Mrs. Yan can give the child an account.

"No." Jade algae voice timid, soft.

Mrs. Yan said, "after teaching her so long, I forgot again."

Gu Qingzhou looks at yuzao and wears a small water red shawl. Inside are the white cotton padded jacket and the small jacket. His cheeks are red and his eyes are smart. Gu Qingzhou is too happy to say anything.

As for people, she is not demanding. After all, yuzao is not two years old.

"It's OK. It'll be called in a few days." Gu chuckled.

Unexpectedly, yuzao raises her head timidly and looks at the boat.

She put her arms around Mrs. Yan's neck and whispered to her.

This action seems to be casual, but actually it's very cute, and the heart of taking care of the boat gradually melts.

At this moment, she really wants to go back to yuzao.

Mrs. Yan laughed.

"Yuzao said that her mother has long hair. Now, Muma, how is short hair? " Said Mrs. Yan, laughing.

The picture that Si Xingfu gave to Mrs. Yan was taken a few years ago by Gu Qingzhou.

At that time, she had long hair like a waterfall.

It's a pity that after a half year's cultivation, the hair is still half long.

There is no two or three years to recover from the past.

"How clever she is!" Gu Qingzhou is very satisfied. "She can notice this little difference!"

"Yes, very clever. Two children of biloshui are clever." Mrs. Yan said with a smile.

When it comes to Yan Luoshui, Mrs. Yan said, "they are often in Nanjing recently. I'll call you to see if she'll come back in a few days. "

"I'm not free, mummy. I'm going back tomorrow." Gu Qingzhou said, "what is Luoshui doing in Nanjing?"

"About her mother-in-law." Mrs. Yan said with a smile, "now, she also does some things. She is very skilled in the work in the factory.

She didn't talk when she was a child, but she had a lot of brains in business. Shunmin loves to hold her again. Now she is more and more capable. She is in charge of the printing factory in Yuecheng. "

Gu Qingzhou exclaimed, "it's really powerful."

"There's always something to learn." Mrs. Yan said with a smile, "in the new era, it's easy to lose money to be a little grandma at home. Go out to see the world, her vision is also good. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The Xie family is enlightened and doesn't object to the management of business by their daughter-in-law, especially the right and power of their mother-in-law's family.

Yan Luoshui is the daughter of the second in command of Yuecheng, and she has a wide network in the military.

The commander in chief of Yuecheng is now the commander-in-chief of the military department. Xie's family in Nanjing dare not be dissatisfied with Yan Luoshui.

Xie shunmin is also willing to cultivate his wife's business talents.

Yan Luoshui himself is more progressive.

"... I have read no less than Luoshui, and I have seen no worse than her. Your adoptive father and I will take care of their children. What's their dissatisfaction? So, it's business for them to walk around and make their business bigger. " Mrs. Yan said again.

Gu Qingzhou holds her hand.

Every time I go back to Yan's house, I feel sad because of Yan Yiyuan's story.

Until this time.

This time, I finally heard some exciting good news.

"Good, I envy Luoshui." Gu Qingzhou road.

"She envies you." "Mrs. Yan said with a smile," your little girl's are all looking at the delicious food in others' pots. "

Gu Qingzhou laughed.

Jade algae a pair of grape like black run big eyes, just looking at Gu Qingzhou laughing.

Then she smiled, too.

"Mummy hug you, OK?" Gu Qingzhou extended her arms to her.

Yuzao hesitates.

Mrs. Yan encouraged her: "go, don't you always talk about your mother? She's your mom. She's got long hair. It's still like that. "

Yu Zao hesitated for about a minute, then rushed to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou hugged her gently.

On yuzao, there is still a child's desire. The eyes of Gu Qingzhou are slightly hot.

This time, although yuzao didn't call her, she was very close to her.

Gu Qingzhou said to Mrs. Yan, "I'm back to see you. I also want to give incense to my mom, my nanny and master, and her grandmother."

"Go." "Mrs. Yan said, looking at her face at the same time. Mrs. Yan asked again," there's nothing wrong with the boat? "

"No, I just want to give my mother a column of incense." Gu Qingzhou said, "thank her for making me famous and dignified."

Mrs. Yan doesn't quite understand this.

To be sure, something happened that made Gu Qingzhou unhappy.

Mrs. Yan didn't ask much.

Gu Qingzhou asked the adjutant to prepare paper money incense candles and went to the cemetery.

Unexpectedly, she met a person who surprised her in the cemetery.

She never thought that she would meet him here and stay where she was.

Gu Qingzhou goes to the cemetery to worship sun qiluo.

I don't think so. She met Gu Shao.

Gu Shao is in Nanjing.

She came back this time without any prior plan or notice to Gu Shao.

Therefore, when he met in the cemetery, Gu Qingzhou was stunned for a moment.

Gu Shao is burning paper. His eyes are focused. After a while, he notices that there is a figure of Bingting not far away, like his boat.

So he looked up and saw her.

He was also shocked, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

He stood up and hugged Gu when he came to her.

His cheek is against hers.

Her cheeks were frozen cold, but her breath was hot, and she still had a familiar breath.

Gu Shao almost cried: "Zhouzhou..."

when he was burning paper, he always thought about her. He went back to Yuecheng this time to worship Gu Guizhang.

This is also agreed by Ruan family.

Ruan Lanzhi refused to come.

For Gu's family, Ruan Lanzhi is very exclusive. She refuses to admit that she is the daughter of Qin Zheng and Gu Guizhang.

The old lady of Ruan's family loves her and forbids her to recognize her. It was the eldest lady, Gu Shao's biological mother, who was very dissatisfied with this.

Women are sometimes emotional, sometimes cold and inhuman.

For example, Gu Shao's biological mother, after confirming that Ruan Lanzhi is not her daughter, has a cold attitude towards her.

However, the rest of Ruan family loved Ruan Lanzhi very much.

Gu Shao came back this time, after the Ruan family's consent, but also for Ruan Lanzhi filial piety, I also want to thank the Gu family raised him.

When he was burning paper for sun qiluo, he would like to take care of the light boat.

"It's a strange fate that we are not family children, but have lived together." He thought.

When fate wants to draw two people to one place, it often has wonderful ideas.

Just like now.

Gu Shao never thought that he would see Gu Qingzhou here.

Like a dream.

It's like the dream that he repeated day and night these years.

"Brother." Gu Qingzhou patted him on the shoulder, a little embarrassed, "brother!"

Gu Shao just let her go. Her eyes were a little wet and she was very excited.

He has grown a lot. Compared with the past, he needs to look up to him to take care of the light boat.

Looking at him from another angle, Gu Qingzhou will feel that he is different from Gu Shao.

He has grown up, faded the boy's young and astringent appearance, now has the green stubble.

He's a man.

This change pleased Gu.

"What a dream." Gu Shao said, "I'll burn paper. This is your mom, so I've been thinking about you. I thought you were in Taiyuan... "

" I have something to do. I came back temporarily. " Gu Qingzhou said, "I didn't expect you to come back, brother."

Gu shaodao: "Zhouzhou, isn't it in a hurry this time? Shall we talk? "

Gu Qingzhou said: "it's OK tonight. If you're not in a hurry to go back, why don't you go to Yan mansion for dinner? "

"No, I don't want any greetings, and no one to disturb us." Gu shaodao, "Zhouzhou, let's go to the hotel, have dinner with us, and then we can talk."

After thinking about it, Gu said, "that's fine."

She paid a serious homage to sun qiluo.

In front of sun qiluo's grave, Gu Qingzhou kowtowed his head three times. He was devout and respectful: "Mom, my daughter has come to see you!"

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