Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1226 I want to be Fangfei too

The car reached the outskirts.

Si Xingfu got out of the car and reached out to take care of the light boat.

He suddenly stopped and pointed to the sky: "the moon is good."

The waning moon is like a hook, dotted on the dark sky, with stars twinkling all around.

"Well, it's good." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu laughed.

His arm is very long. He reaches over to take care of the shoulder of the light boat and relies on the door.

"Enjoy the moon." He said.

Gu chuckled, not against it. His chest is very warm, and Gu Qingzhou is very thick. He doesn't feel cold when he is close to him.

She snuggled up to him.

Si Xingfu's arm is slightly tightened, holding Gu Qingzhou in his arms.

"What do you think of?" The Secretary asked her.

Although this word has no end, but understand the light boat.

It seems that she never talked to Si Xingfu about her complicated feelings towards Fangfei.

"I think of Fangfei." She was careful.

After that, she tentatively looked at the eye secretary.

The moon is light, the eyebrows and eyes of the secretary are quiet, a layer of Qionghua and a layer of frost.

"I often think of her, too." "If she's still alive, maybe she's married and has children.

Two years later, she could be married. At that time, there will be children to call my uncle. It's a pity to want to come now. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

The past cannot be traced.

There are many irreparable regrets in the past of her and Si Xingfu.

She can talk about her master and nurse, and he can talk about Fangfei.

"What do you think of Fangfei?" Si Xingfu sighs and asks Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said, "there are some things I have never told you."

She said the sadness at that time.

She is jealous and even ill. At that time, she almost wanted to leave him.

"Women's feelings are sharp. I knew from the beginning that Fangfei's feelings for you are not brother and sister's feelings. However, you are only a pure kinship with her, and I also know it.

This kind of mood, especially uncomfortable. Can't tell, can't even exclude. At that time, Xinmei told me that as long as I was unhappy, you had done wrong.

When I face elder brother, when I see you angry, I think of how uncomfortable I was at the beginning. " She said slowly, "so, I know I did something wrong, I will change it."

Si xingxu pressed hard and held her tightly.

He kissed her sideburns and said with difficulty, "did you have such heartache at that time?"

He understood in a flash.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Si Xingfu kissed her forehead again and said, "I will make up for you in the light boat. We can't go back to the past, only later. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"Are you worried?" he asked

He knew her fears.

"Well." Gu Qingzhou said truthfully, "I'm worried about Gu Shao and that he will end up like Fangfei. But... "

" but what? "

"Feelings cannot be forced." Gu Qingzhou said, "if he is determined to choose today, then I have no way but to alienate him.

I hope I can have a brother. I hope we are the same as normal brothers and sisters, but obviously he doesn't think so. You can't hurt him or make you sad. "

"Not to see him in the future?" The Secretary asked with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou also smiled and said, "as far as possible, it's gone. A lot of times, it's heartless to be passionate. "

Gu Qingzhou is a little cold.

She shrunk her shoulders, and began to drill into schenger's arms, almost to be wrapped in his broad army coat.

His clothes are warm, so is he.

"The manager." She was in his arms, her voice humming.


"Thank you for coming to me." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm glad you care about me so much."

Si Xingfu snorted and pinched her nose.

After getting on the plane, Gu Qingzhou fell asleep relying on Si Xingfu.

Later, when I got off the plane and got on the car, I didn't open my eyes. She knows, but she is too lazy to wake up.

Everything is safe when there is a company.

When she arrived at Si Xingfu's official residence, she was wiped with a warm towel, even with snow cream, which she knew.

She still refused to wake up and enjoyed the service of Si Xingfu in confusion.

As soon as I woke up, it was the next morning.

It was a fine day.

Erbao and kanghan went out early in the morning.

Gu went to see them and the street view of Pingcheng.

Compared with two years ago, Pingcheng has hardly changed.

Si Xingfu comes back at noon.

Gu Qingzhou told him about it, and he said: "in the past two years, Pingcheng has been doing strategic defense, and money and manpower have been used for defense.

In such a turbulent time, the economy cannot develop without strong force. Pingcheng is weak. If we do not build it into a solid foundation, we will not achieve anything. "

Therefore, economic development has been put on hold.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "Si Xingfu, are you so farsighted that there is a reliable staff committee around you?"

"Of course." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou is relieved and will not ask more.

She finds Kang Han and prepares to leave for Taiyuan in the afternoon, so as not to worry about her family.

Er Bao will stay in Pingcheng.

When she left, Kang Han cried out.

Gu Qingzhou has never had such deep feelings for someone. He is surprised to embrace Kang Han and take her on the plane.

Si Xingfu will not go back this time.

He shook and waved.

Erbao wants to go, and is pressed on his shoulder by Si Xingfu.

"Elder martial sister, I want two treasures!" Kang Han sobbed, "you can take Er Bao back."

"Han Han, you should obey. Er Bao can protect you only if he learns his skill well. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Han is still crying.

She cried all the way.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her, a little bit distressed her, and at the same time guessed, what kind of feelings is this?

When the plane arrived at Taiyuan, Gu Qingzhou sent Kang Han back to his home, went to see old Master Kang and Kangzhi again, and after a while, he went home.

As soon as she came back, Cheng Yu came.

"Do you know?" Cheng Yu asked Gu Qingzhou

"What do you know?" Gu Qingzhou was in a fog. "I just came back from Pingcheng. I'll tell you what I have."

"Do you know about Gaoqiao and Xun?" Cheng Yu was furious. "Someone hurt him. He is still a sharpshooter. Have you heard about it?"

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Cheng Yu's face is ugly.

"I also went to the hospital to see Gao qiaoxun." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu gnawed his teeth and asked Gu Qingzhou, "is it zhuomozhi who did it? Is that him? "

Gu Qingzhou also said truthfully, "governor Ye didn't find the murderer."

"It's him. He's the only one who has a feud with Xunzi, Gaoqiao." Cheng Yu said, "Gu Qingzhou, you say, is it him?"

Gu Qingzhou feels a little tired.

"Ask him." Gu Qingzhou said, "what's the use of forcing me? I didn't hurt Gao qiaoxun. "

She had a pain in her skull, so she went back to her room first.

Cheng yulue hesitates slightly, and indeed goes to find zhuomozhi.

Zhuo Mozi just came back and was blocked by Cheng Yu.

"Is that you?" Cheng Yu asked sharply, "did you hurt someone?"

Don't stop seeing her, know she's going to make trouble. In order to clean his ears, he decided not to admit it.


"You're lying!" Cheng Yuyang starts and slaps him heavily.

This slap stunned Zhuo Mozi for a moment.

When he raised his eyes again, they were a kind of strange blood red, like crying, more like rubbing eyes for a long time.

He shoved Cheng Yu against the post.

His hands are cooler and stronger than iron hoops, which makes Cheng Yu unable to resist.

His voice, even deeper and hoarse, was like the night when he had something wrong for the first time? For that little white face? "

The old house, near the corner of the wall, has a column, decorated with gorgeous carvings.

But the pillars are cold, especially in the cold winter night.

Cheng Yu is choked by Zhuo Mozi.

He held her in one hand so that she could not make a sound, and the other hand slipped skillfully from her lapel.

Cheng Yu wanted to shout, but after the voice came out, it was hoarse and dark, without strength; she wanted to resist, and his body was against her.

With his neck fixed, Cheng Yu's breathing becomes more and more difficult.

She tried to break his hand.

In this struggle, she was about to suffocate, suspecting that she would be strangled alive by him.

He finally let go when he was about to die.

Cheng Yu gasps heavily.

He still held her down.

"Dromedge, you fucking lunatic." Cheng Yu is furious. His voice is full of horror and humiliation.

She was cold.

Cold in the heart, cold in the pillar on the back.

She was faintly about to tremble.

She cried.

She wept at zhuomozhi, trying to let him go.

Zhuo Mo Zhi is indifferent. Also just close to her ear, said to her: "my character is Xiaoyun, you call my name, I will let you go."

"Go away!" Cheng Yu cried and scolded.

In this way, Zhuo Mo stops kissing her lips, almost biting her.

She couldn't stand it. She was cold and scared at the same time.

She tried fear for the first time.

There was no malice in these fears, but she was afraid, inexplicably afraid.

So she softened and begged for forgiveness: "never stop, please..."

"you call me a character." He said, "if you call me Xiao Yun, I will let go."

"Xiaoyun, let me go."

Zhuo Mo Zhi kisses her lips again. The kiss suddenly becomes tender and lingering.

After kissing for a moment, he let her go.

Cheng Yu turns around and runs.

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