Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1227 daughter's uneasiness

She ran back to the bedroom, locked the door tightly, locked the window again, and moved the chair against the door.

She huddled in bed, tears streaming down her face.

Instead of knocking, Zhuo Mozi sat at the door all night.

At the door of the living room and bedroom, the dragon was warm, and it was not cold all night.

When Cheng Yu got up early, he couldn't find the mood of last night. She recalled yesterday as if she had slapped him in the face.

She opened the door.

Zhuomozhi stood up and looked at her: "I was out of control yesterday. I apologize to you. Ah Yu, I hurt Xun of Gaoqiao, but I didn't kill him. "

Cheng Yu is disheartened.

She waved. "Forget it."

Cheng Yu rings the bell and asks the servant to come in and arrange breakfast. When the servant arranged the breakfast, she ate slowly.

Last night's crazy zhuomozhi, Cheng Yu didn't want to think about it. He always felt terrible, and he didn't feel like the people at the moment.

There was a little bruise on his neck, even a slight sore throat, which he hurt last night.

"If you have dinner, go ahead. Don't come here recently. If I want to see you, I'll call you. " Cheng Yudao.

There was no bargaining and no retort.

He said, "well. Last night, it was my fault. I apologize to you again. "

Cheng Yu waves.

Zhuo Mozi went out first.

Cheng Yu's hand, gently pressed on his neck, and he could not eat any more.

She went to see Gu Qingzhou.

She showed Gu the wound on her neck.

Gu's face sank and said, "this is violence. If you don't know what to do, leave it to me. "

Cheng Yu said: "I slapped him first, and that's what he did. Besides, he just won't let me move, not hurt me. "

She spoke for dromo.

In other words, Cheng Yu did not want to transfer the contradiction between himself and Zhuo Mozi to Gu Qingzhou.

If Gu Qingzhou thought it was reasonable to interfere with her friend's feelings, she had already said about Gao Qiao and Xun.

Since Gu Qingzhou can't speak, it's still embarrassing for her to do it.

Cheng Yu disdains to consider for anyone except the light boat.

"Go out and have some good food, will you?" Cheng Yu asked Gu Qingzhou, "whether it's zhuomozhi or Gaoqiao Xunzi or Xiaoyun, I'll leave it behind."

"Who is Xiaoyun?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's zhuomozhi's handwriting." Cheng Yu said, "last night, he had to ask me to make him write."

Gu Qingzhou was surprised.

Cheng Yu interrupts her thinking: "go or not? Think about what to eat? "

"It's so cold. It's better to eat mutton pot." Gu Qingzhou said, "I know that a mutton pot is well made and the whole lamb is roasted."

"Well, then go." Cheng Yudao.

When they went out, they met Kang Yu, ye Wu and Kang Yu's younger sister Kang Nuan.

It's hard to meet the Kang family.

"Sister Qingzhou, I haven't seen you for a long time." Kang Nuan said with a smile, "I got a medical book not long ago. I don't know if it's useful for you, but I want to give it to you."

"Don't be so polite." Gu chuckled.

"I'll bring it to you tomorrow," Kang said

"Well, I'll have dinner tomorrow, and you all come to play." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Yu said: "I'm sure to go. Han Han has come back from Pingcheng in a much better mood. I'll take her with me. "

Ye Wu also said: "it's just right. Teacher, I will go there in the morning and help you to arrange it together. "

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

And they talked of the feast of tomorrow.

Cheng Yu is also very happy.

Several people gathered together, ate the mutton pot, and came home in the evening.

I don't think so. It rained when I went back.

It rained in winter. It was colder than snow. It was wet.

Cheng Yu said, "I'm afraid tomorrow will not be a good day to treat."

"It's OK. We'll have more heaters at home, and the earthworm will be more prosperous." Gu chuckled, "it's only when it rains that it's interesting."

Cheng Yu said nothing more.

The next day, at noon, everyone arrived.

Kang Yu arrived at nine o'clock, and Kang Wen arrived at eleven forty.

All of them sat together, Gu Qingzhou raised the table and asked them if they were playing Soha or mahjong. As a result, they all wanted to play Soha.

Kang is absent-minded.

Leaf Charm asks her: "warm, what's the matter with you?"

There were his brother, his future sister-in-law and his cousin. Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu were close friends. Kang Nuan could not say anything.

"Nothing, nothing." Kangnuan looks at Kangyu, very reserved.

In the morning, Kang Yu went to pick up Ye Wu first, and Kang Han got up early, so he went with Kang Yu first.

Kang Nuan got up late, and after dressing up, she was a few steps behind.

I can't believe she met her father when she went out.

That's why she was so late.

The second master of the Kang family left early.

It's rare.

Besides, it's drizzling. The second master is the most annoying weather.

Usually, he would not go out in such weather. Sit comfortably at home, let the servant make a pot of good tea, call the children to care about one or two, play a loving father, and pass on two sentences of life experience.

Although his life is nothing to boast about.

Today, however, he suddenly put on his leather shoes, held a piece of cake, and went out while eating.

Kang Nuan, who was going to visit Gu Qingzhou in the Department, was surprised and asked, "father, what are you doing out there?"

Kang Nuan didn't expect to meet her father at the door.

Kang Lianjie, the second Lord, is not valued by him. He has nothing to do all day. He can be said to be the most idle person in the mansion.

What can he do to go out on a rainy day?

Kang Nuan knows his father. He is weak and lazy. His friends are all rich and idle people in Taiyuan.

He just thought he was different from those rich and idle people and looked down on them.

It's just a matter of playing cards together on weekdays. I will never go out to meet them in the weather I hate.

Besides, in such weather, those idle people probably won't go out to socialize.

"Of course. Your father and I are going to do something important today!" Kanglian Festival looks at her daughter, and her eyes are full of pride.

He is very happy.

Since Kang and Liu decided to go to study abroad, he didn't care about Kang for a long time to cover up his guilt.

Today is different.

Kang Nuan doesn't know these things carefully. What kind of person is her father? There is nothing clearer than her. Can't change a father again, why to distinguish too clearly let oneself in the heart afflict.

However, he had a good face to her today!

This is not right!

Her father must have had a wonderful time.

"You're going out, too?" Kanglian festival in turn asked her daughter, but did not continue to say what they do.

"Yes." Kangnuan replied, "today's banquet is held by the Secretary's wife. We got together. We made an appointment yesterday."

The meaning of Kanglian Festival is unknown.

Thinking of Gu Qingzhou, Master Kang Er is in a complicated mood. That woman is very powerful.

He had no interest in it. He said coldly to Kang Nuan, "go early and go back early. I have an appointment with my friend for tea. It's almost time. Let's go. "

Didn't you say you were going to do a big thing?

What's the big deal with tea?

Kang Nuan watched Kang Lianjie get on the bus and leave, feeling uneasy.

The source of this uneasiness is unknown to Kang Nuan.

She instinctively felt something wrong.

She said to her driver, "first go to the ten li pastry shop. Mrs. Si likes the red bean cake of this house. I want to buy some."

There is a Huifeng hall tea house near Shili fragrant pastry shop, which is her father's favorite on Kanglian Festival. If you have an appointment with someone to drink tea, eight out of ten stops are in Huifeng hall.

Kang Nuan is a little uneasy, so she wants to have a look in the past.

She's paranoid today.

A few days ago, her eyelids kept jumping and she always felt that something bad was going to happen.

If something bad happens in the second room, it's mostly her father who provoked it.

"Yes." The driver answered.

At Shili sweet pastry shop, Kang Nuan sent the driver down to buy red bean cake. He sat in the car and looked at Huifeng hall through the window.

She did see her father's Day!

Kanglian Festival is actually standing at the gate of huifengtang teahouse, looking left and right, waiting for people.

Don't wait in the elegant room of the teahouse, but wait at the door of the teahouse?

The wind slanted the rain to kanglianjie's leather shoes. His precious leather coat was also stained with water drops, and his face was red with cold.

"Strange, who has such a big face to let my father meet him at the door?" Kang Nuan was surprised.

Her father is very self abased. However, people with low self-esteem are often accompanied by arrogance.

What her father showed was jealousy and arrogance.

In other words, he was impatient and scolded, and the emperor Laozi was not worthy of his humility.

He didn't care.

Who is he waiting for?

When Kang Nuan saw this, he was eager to know but worried.

The driver bought red bean cake and saw Master Kang er.

"Miss eight, isn't that the second master?" The driver asked.

This driver, shared by Kang's family, is not the only one in the second room. He has no good feelings for the second master, and will not be loyal to him.

Kang is not afraid of the driver's going back to complain that his daughter is following his father.

"You go buy a pack of cigarettes and come back in an hour." Kang warm road.

The driver left happily.

He has no interest in the affairs of Kang family.

To be a servant, it's better to be blind, heart blind, and mouth dumb. Don't look and talk about things, or you'll get into trouble.

After the driver left, Kang warm eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

She was determined to wait to see whose father was coming.

Can let father stand at the gate of the teahouse to wait, either the other side is a great person, or the meeting that Father himself butts down is full of excitement and urgency, want to see the other side earlier.

Whether the former or the latter, let Kang warm can not but worry.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the people who are waiting for Kanglian Festival come.

There are two people here. They are all strong men. They don't clean their stubbles very well. Their faces are full of flesh. It's not easy to be offended at first sight.

Kanglian Festival saw two people and immediately stood up. Those two people had one or two points of respect. Please Kanglian Festival go ahead.

Kang's heart sank.

"Who are these people?" Kang Nuan is shocked.

Such a person is absolutely nothing

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