Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1232 freaked out

After Master Kang Er fell to the ground, he was unconscious.

"Let's drive to the hospital first." Kang Nuan reminds his brother.

Kang Yu nodded.

When the car came, Kangyu picked up her father and drove away with her sister.

The rest of the Kang family were a little confused. Later, they came back and called the servants to prepare their cars and go to the hospital.

Old Master Kang doesn't think highly of this son, but it's his son at best or not. Now Kanglian Festival is so unpredictable, he is not pained.

The pain left him with no energy to ask.

Only Kangzhi was calm. She asked several policemen, "what's going on?"

In order to get rid of their relationship, when Kangzhi asked them, he didn't hide anything. Wang Ke, the sixth young master of the Wang family, was almost kidnapped. The mastermind of the trial was kanglianjie. He said it completely.

"They said:" we really just come to invite the second master back to the police station to ask questions

Who knows that Conlon's Day is so easy to be scared out.

If you are so timid, don't do bad things!

"Bastard! Evil son! " Old Kang shuddered angrily and asked, "why did he kidnap the sixth young master of the king's family?"

Wang Ke's child, after becoming gloomy, didn't like to associate with others, so he should not be feuding with kanglianjie.

Kanglian Festival is a little bit of a snack every month. Why are you willing to take out your own private room to ask someone to kidnap Wang Ke?

"Maybe I have to ask the sixth young master of the Wang family." The police said, "the three people who were caught only know that the second master ordered them to kidnap, but they don't know why the second master wanted to kidnap the sixth master of the king's family."

"The master of the Wang family used to have a lot of friendship with uncle Er. Maybe uncle Er is not the emissary behind the scenes. The three people are just trying to get dirty?" Someone said such a sentence suddenly.

"If it's just climbing dirt, how can this villain be scared to look like this as soon as he hears someone else's move!" Master Kang airway.

The people in the police station have already sent word to Wang Ke. The Wang family said that they had to know the news that Kang Lian Jie ordered people to kidnap Wang Ke.

Their Kang family and Wang family are both big families in Taiyuan. They can't fall out because of a Kang Lian Festival.

Kangzhi took out the spirit of being the master of the house, and on the one hand, he sent the police away with good words, and on the other hand, he appeased Old Master Kang for fear that he would be angry.

She is ready to go out in person, to apologize to the Wang family, lest the relationship between the two families be broken.

"If you are OK, go to the hospital. Let me know what happened to the second master. " Kang Zhi Dao.

It happened so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard. Somehow, Kangzhi intervened. Everyone acted in accordance with her arrangement.

But Wang Ke's side has indeed obtained the result of the examination.

He was a little sad: "it's really uncle Kang!"

It's ridiculous that people who are regarded as his second uncle even want to murder him for his words after drinking!

"It seems that I was too naive. I should have believed Mrs. Si's conjecture from the beginning." Wang Ke thought, "Mrs. Si is very clever. Since she came to Taiyuan, there has been nothing wrong with her."

Wang Ke's heart was filled with admiration for Gu Qingzhou. At the same time, she was puzzled: "why did the police station suddenly interrogate the prisoners overnight?"

According to the past practice, as long as there is no urgent case, the police department will not try people overnight.

"Someone said hello to the police station." The visitor revealed to Wang Ke, "he said that he was afraid that the emissary behind the scenes would mediate by means of means after receiving the news, so he should close the case as soon as possible."

As soon as Wang Ke heard this, she felt that the greeting must be Mrs. Si.

"She is the only one with such a vision that everything is arranged in such a way that no one can get a chance to make a hole." Wang Ke thought.

After seeing off the man, Wang Ke no longer sat by the phone waiting. The result of the interrogation came out. It was no longer meaningful for fan Zihui not to call him.

"Fourth uncle is the head of the family. I need to tell him about this kind of thing. But it's very late now. " Wang Ke thought again.

He is very tired.

He is physically and mentally exhausted.

"I'll have a good sleep and tell Uncle four about it tomorrow." He fell on the pillow.

Moreover, he must be ready to face Kanglian Festival. He will ask him face to face tomorrow, how can he stand the call of "Kanger uncle" when he does such a thing!

He went to sleep in a daze.

I didn't sleep for long. Suddenly someone came to pat his bedroom door.

"What to do?" Wang Ke's eyes did not open, and she asked angrily.

Outside is the maid's voice: "six young master, four old master please go to the living room."

To the reception hall?

Wang Ke took out her pocket watch and looked at the time. Then she was even more puzzled. In the middle of the night, she asked him to go to the living room!

"Here comes Kang's aunt." Said the maid outside.

Wang Ke is completely awake.

"Say I'll be right here." Wang Ke got up and changed her clothes.

Most of the time, the Kang family already knows what Kang Lian Festival has done. Come and ask him to let go of Kang Lian Festival.

Kanglian Festival is the second master of the kangs. Although he doesn't care, if he goes to prison because of kidnapping, the kangs are not good-looking.

"Shall I forgive him?" Wang Ke was unwilling.

can have four uncle in forgive the things that he does not forgive, and he has the final say.

It's too late now. If it's earlier, he can call the Secretary's office and ask his wife what he should do in this case.

Wang Ke went to the reception hall at the same time.

Everyone's face was not very good. Wang Ke saw his fourth uncle sitting there with a gloomy face. Aunt Kang's eyes seemed a little red.

"Four uncles." When Wang Ke entered the reception hall, he first greeted Wang Youchuan and then called aunt Kangzhi.

Wang Youchuan glanced at Wang Ke and said, "Xiao Liu, Kang Lianjie has a serious stroke, he is paralyzed and can't speak."

Wang Ke's eyes widened. He never thought it would be like this.

"That's good." He said.

Kang Lian was paralyzed, and his guilt was even offset. Wang Ke decided to forgive him.

Kangzhi looks at Wang Ke in surprise.

Wang Ke's words are not worthy of hearing. However, at this moment, Wang Ke did not swear. She was already polite. How dare she ask for anything else?

"I won't go to see him." Wang Ke said again.

Wang Youchuan is used to it. In order to alienate his friends and relatives, Wang Ke said such "honest words".

Wang Youchuan has long been used to his "straightforwardness".

Wang Ke looked at Wang Youchuan: "fourth uncle, I got the result of interrogation from the police station before. I thought it was too late today, and I will tell fourth uncle about it tomorrow. I didn't expect that fourth uncle would know first.

Fourth uncle, since second uncle Kang is paralyzed, I have no festival with the Kang family. You can do it on your side. I mean you can understand. "

Wang Youchuan has his own plan in mind.

He not only wanted the Kang family to give a lot of blood, but also wanted the Kang family to owe the Wang family a favor, and also wanted to help his nephew to get justice.

Wang Ke is the only child left in the second room of the Wang family.

Wang Youchuan's expression was unpredictable: "it was my aunt Kang who came here and said that I knew about it. Xiaoliu is the only child in the second room. Fortunately, nothing happened to him. If something happened to him, how can I afford my dead second brother and second sister-in-law? "

We are all smart people. As long as he doesn't say it, it's over. The Kang family naturally knows how to compensate the Wang family.

"I didn't have the face to come to my house because of the second brother's behavior." Kangzhi is a little feverish. She hates Kanglian festival in her heart. "This is my second brother's fault. Our Kangjia family is sorry for your Wang family. Little six, my aunt wants to ask you, do you know why your uncle kidnapped you? "

With kanglianjie's temperament, I'm sure I didn't tell anyone about the treasure.

Now he can't speak.

A secret is always a secret.

If they say the treasure, they will definitely ask where it is. At that time, they will not bring trouble to Mrs. Si.

So he said, "the second uncle of RIKANG asked me to drink together. I was drunk. I thought of a dream before. There was a cave in the dream. There were a lot of treasures in the cave. So I casually talked with the second uncle about two sentences. The second uncle of Kang might have been taken seriously."

He pretended that the treasure was a dream.

"Because of this?" Wang Youchuan is deeply absurd.

So do the rest of the Wangs.

"I can't think of anything else but this." Wang Ke said, "I have no quarrel with Uncle Kang for a long time. If it's not for seeking wealth, I really don't know what the use of Uncle Bai Kang kidnapping me is."

Kangzhi blushed.

She knew it could be this. Her second brother's character, listening to the wind is the rain, what can't be done?


After apologizing to Wang Youchuan and Wang Ke, Kangzhi left the Wang family.

Wang Youchuan then asked Wang Ke, "Xiaoliu, how do you know that Kanglian Festival is going to kidnap you?"

"It's Mrs. Si. She's aware of the clues. But when she told me that I didn't believe her, she sent someone out of the city with me. " Said Wang Ke.

Mrs. Si saved him for the second time. He asked the fourth uncle to write down her kindness to him. In the future, the Wang family could help her.

Wang Youchuan sighed: "you and Mrs. Si, it's a bit of fate."

After Wang Cui's incident, the Wang family owes Gu Qingzhou once again.

The snowball of human feelings is getting bigger and bigger.

How to return it in the future?

This night, we were all smart people. After that, we recovered our peace.

Gu Qingzhou knew the news of stroke and paralysis in Kanglian festival the next morning.

Wang Ke called her, thanked her again and again, and said that she would come in person later.

When Gu Qingzhou answers the phone, Cheng Yu is right beside him.

Cheng Yu also knows about it.

After hanging up, Cheng Yu laughs and Gu Qingzhou: "always busy for others, what have you become?"

"I'm warm and helpful." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Fart, you just want the steel of the Wangs." Cheng Yu turned a white eye. "The Wangs are so stingy. They owe you a debt for Wang Cui's business last time. They didn't say that they would use steel to pay for it."

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