Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1233 mother's aura

Cheng Yu is more angry than Gu Qingzhou.

Instead, Gu came to comfort her.

She said with a smile, "that's because I didn't ask for it. Steel is so important that I won't mention it, and naturally they won't either. So, I will let them continue to owe me human feelings, and finally take the initiative to offer me steel. "

The Wang family owes her a favor. If she asks the Wang family for steel, she doesn't want to come.

But in this way, her relationship with the Wang family became a transaction.

She made friends with the Wang family. What she wanted was long-term friendship, not a buyout deal.

Cheng Yu tut tut: "it's really calculating."

Gu Qingzhou didn't want to rub his lips with her and said to her, "change our clothes. Let's go to the hospital to see Kanglian Festival."

"What can I see?" Cheng Yu doesn't want to go.

"Not for him, but for Kangyu and kangnuan." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu can't help it.

When they arrived at the hospital, there were many visitors. Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu were told that they could not visit today.

In the next two or three days, Gu Qingzhou sent people to the hospital. Kanglianjie's ward was full of people.

"Can you cure a stroke by taking care of the boat?" Cheng Yu asked.

"It depends," Gu said

"In general?"

"Patients and doctors." Gu Qingzhou said, "not every patient's stroke can be cured, not every doctor can be cured."

"In the vast majority of cases, is a stroke incurable?" Cheng Yu asked.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"But you are the best doctor in the world. You should be able to save." Cheng Yu said again.

Gu Qingzhou nods again.

Cheng Yu is confused: "how can the people of the Kang family put him in the hospital? Even if they hear that you have gone, they will follow the normal order of visit. Don't invite you?"

Other people don't believe in taking care of the light boat. How can the Kang family not believe it?

The stroke of Kanglian Festival is more and more serious.

How come no one from the Kang family comes to take care of the boat?

"That's their attitude." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kanglian Festival wants to kidnap Wang Ke, which is equivalent to breaking up with the Wang family.

Kangjia is a financial clan, Wangjia is an industrial clan. Once the two of them have a bad relationship, the business world is an earthquake.

If the Wang family doesn't investigate, the Kang family should also show their attitude.

Perhaps, Kang Lianjie is paralyzed in bed, which is the best for Kang's family.

He's finally going to stop his tossing.

Even the brothers and sisters of Kangyu and kangnuan think so, because they did not come to invite them to take care of the boat.

"... the people of the Kang family know the character of the second master best. Like Kang Nuan, it's better to let her father lie in bed than to worry about her father's troubles every day and their family being driven out.

The Kang family has money, many servants and many supplements. It's not a problem for Kang Lianjie to lie down for a few years. In this way, everyone is fine. " Gu Qingzhou said again.

Cheng Yu couldn't help laughing: "this master Kanger is so hateful. Once he's ill, it's all around him. "

"My family knows the worst. Their choice must be the best. " Gu chuckled, "at this time, we're going to play dumb."

Cheng Yu thinks so.

Therefore, during the period of Kanglian festival's hospitalization, Gu Qingzhou never sent anyone to see it again.

And the Kang family, as she guessed, gave up the Kang Lian Festival, including Kang Yu and his brother and sister.

No one came to see the boat.

In a blink of an eye, it's December.

"The new year is coming." Gu Qingzhou sighs.

On the first day of the twelfth lunar month, Gu Qingzhou's family welcomed a special guest.

The arrival of this guest surprised Gu Qingzhou and scared Cheng Yu to the core.

There was a woman sitting in the living room.

Her hair is in a low bun, elegant and dignified. She is wearing a very ordinary black coat, and her face is pure white.

Her dress is ordinary, but her temperament is elegant.

Her appearance is another model of Cheng Yu - older but more elegant and noble.

She is Mrs. Cheng.

"Mom." Cheng Yu's legs and feet are a little soft. "You... How did you come?"

Mrs Cheng smiles.

Her smile is not for Cheng Yu, but for Gu Qingzhou.

She ignored Cheng Yu and said to Gu Qingzhou, "Mrs. Si, come here uninvited and take the liberty."

"You are very kind." "Are you from Yunnan?" Gu chuckled

Mrs. Cheng nodded.

Gu Qingzhou then asked with a smile, "who came to pick up Cheng Yu for the new year?"

Cheng Fu said: "Mrs. Si, you know how it feels to be a mother. If yu is half as intelligent as you, I won't come all the way to find her. "

Cheng Yu's hair is about to stand up.

Her mother really came to pick her up.

With polite words, Cheng yuduan gives tea to Mrs. Cheng, and whispers, "Ma."

Mrs. Cheng snorted, took the tea, and her eyes fell on her: "how are you these days? What's wrong with the neck? "

Cheng Yu quickly pulls the collar.

She didn't want to talk about it much.

"Mom, I'm fine here." Cheng Yu said, "if you are OK, you can stay for a few more days. I will treat you."

"You're at a friend's house. Please ask Mrs. Si to take care of you. Of course you're fine." Cheng Fu is humane.

Cheng Yu's stomach began to turn.

She's divorced. She should show her grown-ups and talk to her mother equally.

Her divorce is supported by alimony. She doesn't depend on taking care of the boat and the Secretary, let alone the Cheng family.

But her mother kept her head down everywhere.

If not, she would not have run.

In front of Mrs. Cheng, Cheng Yu always feels that he is still a child. If he doesn't obey his mother's orders, he makes a big mistake.

"Mom, how can she take care of me when I accompany the boat?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Mrs. Cheng is always gentle.

Cheng Yu is not strong enough.

Seeing this, Gu Qingzhou understood why Cheng Yu came back.

Cheng Yu is not Mrs. Cheng's opponent at all, let alone in Yunnan. Mrs. Cheng has other helpers.

"How about Shanxi food?" Gu asked with a smile.

Cheng Fu is humane.

After a moment, the food came.

Gu Qingzhou said as much as possible, so that Mrs. Cheng could not spare time to teach Cheng Yu a lesson.

After dinner, Gu arranged a room.

But Mrs Cheng said, "don't bother, Mrs. Si. I've already booked a hotel."

Cheng Yu is busy winking at Gu Qingzhou.

She didn't want to take care of the boat to keep her mother.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't talk much anymore.

Everyone has their own habits. It's more comfortable to stay in a hotel.

After dinner, Mrs. Cheng is going to stay in the hotel.

"Ah Yu, go with your mother." Cheng Fu is humane.

Before Cheng Yu got on the bus, he said with a lip: "help."

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

That day, Cheng Yu didn't come back until midnight.

She came directly to look for Gu Qingzhou. It was as if she had lost her strength and was very tired.

"Gu Qingzhou, I still don't understand my mother's intention. I listen to her. I want to pick me up. But it's not quite right. " Cheng Yudao.

She still knows her mother.

Mrs. Cheng has a saying in her mind.

Cheng Yu is completely injured, but still doesn't understand her mother's purpose. The whole person is a little flustered.

"I'm not sure," Gu said

"You say you say you can do both." Cheng Yu is busy.

Gu Qingzhou thought about it and told Cheng Yu, "last time we went back to Nanjing to visit Abba, your brother sent a telegram to Si Xingfu..."

"Oh, what happened to Zhuo Mo?" Cheng Yu suddenly realized.

She did not expect her mother to come to see her son-in-law.

She was shocked.

She didn't want to marry drowski.

Especially zhuomozhi hurt Gaoqiao Xun and her neck. She hasn't seen him for many days.

Cheng Yu secretly went to see Gao Qiao Xun. She didn't dare to tell Gu Qingzhou about it.

Of course, she didn't tell Gao qiaoxun.

She heard that when Xun Gaoqiao was resting, she looked at him in the corridor of the hospital.

Gao qiaoxun didn't notice her.

She wanted to see Gao Qiao's injury.

It's OK to see him. Cheng Yu is relieved.

"I have to go!" Cheng Yu hurriedly said, "my mother, like you, takes care of the light boat. When my father was killed, she took my little brother and fled all the way to Taiyuan mansion. So many people in Yunnan didn't catch her, which shows her cunning.

She really wants to clean me up, and I'm done. Since my father died, I've never been supported at home. I can't fight my mother. "

Gu took her by the boat.

Let her sit down, Gu Qingzhou said: "you ran, how can I explain to your mother?"

"I don't care."

"Listen to me, I'll help you." Gu Qingzhou said, "in any case, I will stand on your side. Don't be impatient. "

Cheng Yu calms down slowly.

She tossed all night, sleepless all night.

At about three o'clock in the morning, someone knocked at the door. Gu Qingzhou thought it was Cheng Yu. He was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

These days, she is always woken up in the middle of the night.

Unexpectedly, she had just opened the door and hugged her tightly with the big body of cold wind.

The smell on him, so familiar.

"Si Xingfu!" Gu Qingzhou is happy and tiptoes around his neck.

"Do you like it like this?" he said with a smile

"Well." Gu chuckled. "It's a surprise."

She politely got up, poured hot water to wash his face, and called the servant to go to the kitchen to make a fire and make some food for him.

Si Xingfu was a little hungry, so he let Gu Qingzhou adjust him.

"Why are you here today? I thought you were going to the end of the month. " Gu Qingzhou road.

In December, the army of Si Xingfu will be very busy.

Si Xingfu washed his face, took off his uniform and prepared to change.

Naked, he opened his closet to look for his pajamas, and said to Gu Qingzhou, "it's Cheng Meng. He sent a telegram to say that his mother had arrived in Taiyuan, and asked me to treat her."

The boat is clear.

Mrs. Cheng is here with a purpose.

"What does Cheng Meng say?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "does Mrs. Cheng have to take Cheng Yu?"

"No." "She came to see Zhuo Mozi," he said with a smile. In fact, marshal Zhuo invited her to go north. Otherwise, what do you think Cheng Chong asked me to do? "

"You want to accompany Mrs. Cheng to Zhuo's house?" Gu Qingzhou knew

Gu Qingzhou also understood why Mrs. Cheng would first settle down in Taiyuan.

She's waiting for the manager.

The Zhuo family is pushing this forward.

Marshal Zhuo invited Mrs. Cheng to meet his son, and arranged a marriage year ago.

Si Xingfu is a middleman.

The alliance between the two warlord families cannot be a simple marriage of children. There are too many questions to talk about, no

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