Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1235 personal inquiry

Gu Qingzhou helped to make a round.

"It's not a bad thing for a man to have ambition." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "especially the Zhuo family, if they have ambition, they will not be reduced to a dandy."

Mrs. Cheng nodded a little: "yes, he is good at that."

The car arrived at Zhuo Dashuai mansion.

Mrs. Cheng also met the old lady of Zhuo family.

The old lady is very kind and hale and hearty. Mrs. Cheng is neither too warm nor cold, which is just right and reassuring.

Mrs. Cheng nods in secret.

After dinner, Mrs. Cheng found zhuomozhi alone.

"Master Zhuo, I have only one thing to ask you." Cheng Fu is humane.

Mrs. Cheng met zhuomozhi alone.

She asked zhuomozhi, "do you know that a Yu has been married?"

Zhuomozhi is very calm in front of Mrs. Cheng, and his behavior is steady. He is only respectful and has no fear.

He said truthfully, "yes. I know everything about Ayu. "

"Do your father and grandmother know?" Mrs Cheng asked again.


This matter, Zhuo Mozi came back a few months ago, told Zhuo marshal.

If not, why did the Cheng family marry their daughter to the handsome son?

Although no matter the hero's origin, the Cheng family was originally more noble than the Zhuo family, which is recognized by the Zhuo family.

Zhuomozhi is the son of a concubine.

Cheng Yu was married and had no children. Zhuo Dashuai and the old lady talked about it in private, without any objection.

When a man marries a wife, he marries the right family and the interest connection.

As for the others, if Zhuo is not satisfied, he can make up for them in the future.

"Regardless of family background, do you want to marry Ayu?" Mrs Cheng asked again.

Zhuo Mo's eyes, like the ancient well without waves, are extremely calm and even cold, not like a young man at all.

He seems to be only twenty.

"Will love her, but will not consider marriage." Zhuomozhi road.

Mrs. Cheng nods.

In the evening, the Zhuo family arranged a meeting. Mrs. Cheng went to see a play at the Zhuo family. She didn't go to the hotel until 10 p.m.

Zhuo Mozi personally sent her.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu also go together.

After arriving at the hotel, zhuomozhi went to see Cheng Yu. After the last injury to Cheng Yu, they haven't seen each other for many days, and Cheng Yu is also thinking of breaking up.

Si Xingfu asks Mrs. Cheng.

"What do you think?" The Secretary asked.

He is responsible for being a middleman. He needs to understand the meaning of Zhuo family and Cheng family, take the requirements of both families into consideration, and try to make the marriage as happy as possible.

Cheng Fu said: "it's good that Zhuo family knows what they are doing. Political marriage, if Xiaoyun and Zhuo are naive, is not easy to handle.

Since they know it's an alliance of interests, it's not a bad thing. As you know, many allies are good for Yunnan. "

The Secretary nodded.

From a purely political point of view, he also hopes that Cheng can help him.

Cheng Meng is the reserve of Si Xingfu. Whenever he wants to help him, he will do his best to help him.

Zhuo family becomes Cheng family's in laws, and it may be the alliance of Si Xingli in the future.

"Marshal Zhuo talked to me. He would like to finish it sooner." "Since you are satisfied with it, how can I reply to him?" said the secretary

But Mrs. Cheng suddenly said, "no hurry."

"Not in a hurry?" "You've come all the way here, why are you not in a hurry?"

"It's good faith to have a talk." Cheng Fu said, "we need opportunities to reach a conclusion."

Mrs. Cheng is a wily politician.

Political negotiations can never be concluded in three words or two sentences.

Now, Mrs. Cheng hasn't got the most favorable conditions. She won't agree easily.

She came to make a start in this matter.

As for when we can succeed, we need the efforts of both sides and the middle man, Si Xingfu.

"Master, you should understand what I mean." Cheng Fu is humane.

"You can rest assured that I'm on Cheng's side."

Knowing this, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu go back to their own room to sleep.

Cheng Yu also prepared rooms for them.

After taking a bath, he saw Gu Qingzhou sitting on the bed and reading a magazine. He suddenly smiled.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

Si Xingfu leaned down and kissed her on the lips: "when I see Mrs. Cheng, I think she looks like you in 20 years. Zhuo is full of praise for her. I'm like, I'll have my boat in the future

Gu gave him a beating.

"Not serious." She said with a smile, "Mrs. Cheng is very powerful. I'm afraid she can't do it."

"Don't be modest." "I heard that when Mrs. Cheng was young, she was a famous lady in Yunnan just like you.

In those days, her marriage to governor Cheng has been talked about by many people. It's also a legend. "

"Is it?" Gu put down his book. "What is it like?"

The Secretary yawned.

He is very tired today.

"I don't know much about it, but I've heard of some great stories. I'm too tired today. I'll tell you next time. " "I'll go and ask for more. I'll tell you the whole thing," he said with a smile

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

After sleeping here, Zhuo Mozi has not left.

Zhuo Mozi and Cheng Yu sat in the restaurant downstairs of the hotel. They ordered a midnight snack.

Cheng Yu doesn't talk, he just eats.

Zhuomozhi said: "grandma asked you. Last time you went to our house, grandma didn't pay close attention to you. At that time, she was not very well. "

Last time when they went, the old lady was very attentive to taking care of the light boat and ignored Cheng Yu.

Later, Cheng Yu never went to Zhuo's house.

Mrs. Cheng is going to talk about something important today. I'm afraid that Cheng Yu is in the way, so I didn't take her.

"Oh." Cheng Yu said, "next time I will visit her."

"Don't do it next time, will you tomorrow morning?" said zhuomo

Cheng Yu sighs.

"Don't think it's settled. You can't tell my mother's attitude from her appearance. " Cheng Yu said, "wait for next time."

She didn't quite agree with their marriage.

The joy on the surface of Mrs. Cheng is not necessarily true, which is the most clear thing for Cheng Yu.

Don't try to pry into her mother's attitude.

Cheng Yu doesn't want to get married again.

She seeks zhuomozhi out of a kind of nameless loneliness and appreciation for young men.

Later, I stuck with him to resist the invasion of Gaoqiao Xun to her mind. She wants to abandon Gaoqiao Xun completely. Intellectually, she can't do it emotionally.

This is the value of ZhuoZhi.

He is far from being married.

Besides, Cheng Yu was very angry because he was jealous and hurt Gao Qiao and Xun.

This anger has not been dispelled.

"No matter what kind of attitude Mrs. Cheng has, I think there will be a good result." Zhuo Mo put out his hand and grasped her. "Ah Yu, I'm sorry about last time."

Cheng Yu is speechless.

Zhuo Mozi said again, "how about I go back to Taiyuan and apologize to Gao Qiao and Xun?"

Cheng Yu thought about it.

No need.

To apologize again is to make Gao Qiao and Xun sad again. Moreover, this matter has also been determined. At that time, the Japanese will not let go of zhuomozhi.

There's no need to make such a fuss.

Gao qiaoxun has been injured. If he apologizes again, his scar will not recover.

"No more." Cheng Yudao.

After supper, zhuomozhi will send Cheng Yu upstairs.

He refused to go in Cheng Yu's room.

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