Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1236 quarrels

Cheng Yu understands Zhuo Mozi's mind.

She's just not happy.

Cheng Yu had something to talk to her mother. She was very tolerant. She didn't drive zhuomozhi away. "Please help yourself."

She went to her mother's side.

She thought that when she came back, Zhuo Mozi left to avoid embarrassment.

Mrs. Cheng hasn't slept yet.

She is translating the telegram herself.

The telegram was sent by Cheng Meng, who was very concerned about Mrs. Cheng's safety and the progress of this matter.

"Mom, can you let me go?" Cheng Yu said, "I don't want to marry zhuomozhi. He's so much younger than me, he's not secure. "

Cheng Fu said: "when you married a man who was ten years older than you, were you finally secure?"

"Mom, how can you easily poke my scar?" Cheng Yu plans to sell badly.

Mrs. Cheng's expression did not move: "your heart is wide, it can't hurt you."

When Cheng Yu's plan was defeated, he got up and came to Mrs. Cheng and took her arm: "Mom, can you go back? Don't make it any more awkward. "

"Did you find Zhuo Xiaoyun by yourself?"

Cheng Yu is speechless.

"Now that you've started, why don't you think about how to finish?" Mrs. Cheng said lightly, "I'll be responsible for everything at any time.

When you were very young, my mother taught you. Did you forget? "

Cheng Yu mumbles that he has not forgotten.

"Then tell me." Cheng Fu is humane.

Cheng Yu is not willing: "born in the world, first as a person, then as a woman. To be a man, we need to have responsibility, understand righteousness, put family first and country first. "

Mrs. Cheng said softly.

Cheng Yu will understand.

She was very discouraged and depressed.

She wants Gu Qingzhou to give her an idea, but she also knows that Si Xingfu is now on the same line with Cheng's family.

He opens his mouth to ask Gu to take care of the boat. If Gu agrees, he will betray his husband; if he does not, he will betray his friend.

Cheng Yu doesn't want to worry about the boat.

She seldom thought about whether she was embarrassed, only whether she was embarrassed to take care of the boat.

She went back to the room, filled with depression.

Zhuo Mozi is still there.

Cheng Yu doesn't want to say anything.

Zhuo Mo Zhi didn't speak either. He came up and hugged her and kissed her fiercely.

Cheng Yu rebelled twice, but failed.

Her heart is really depressed, and the extraordinary enthusiasm can make her forget her troubles for a while.

She responded to him.

After Zhuo Mozi finished, he got up, kissed Cheng Yu on the forehead and left.

And Cheng Yu fell asleep in extreme tiredness, and had no time to think about anything else.

The previous fear was forgotten by her.

The next day, Mrs. Cheng met with Marshal Zhuo again.

This time, she didn't let Gu go, but took her own staff and the company manager.

It's almost over. Mrs. Cheng didn't say anything. She took a plane that night and went straight back to Yunnan.

After she left, Gu Qingzhou and others also took the plane of Si Xingfu and returned to Taiyuan.

The trip to Peiping started the alliance between Zhuo and Cheng.

"Forget it, whatever they want." Cheng Yu said to Gu Qingzhou, "always get married."

In this way, she had a heart to heart.

Gu Qingzhou smiled helplessly.

After returning to Taiyuan, the weather is colder. Gu Qingzhou dare not go out.

Ye Shan's family still has no news.

Ye Wu often comes to see Gu Qingzhou.

It's just that she's not in a good mood recently. Asked why, she only said that she was about to marry, the second sister was gone, and her father was close to Fang leiran.

In a word, nothing goes well.

Gu Qingzhou is not going well, but she is as optimistic as possible.

"Let's go out to the cinema tomorrow and have some good food." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu agrees.

Results the next day, about 11 o'clock to go out, Gu Qingzhou until 12:30 did not see ye Wu.

She can make a phone call.

"Ah Wu has never been happy with her appointment. Is there anything else?" Gu Qingzhou thought.

As the two families were so close, Gu decided to go to governor Ye's mansion in person.

The sun was bright and warm at noon, which made her face warm.

She went all the way to Ye's house.

People in the governor's office know how to take care of the light boat.

"I came to see miss three." She said to the adjutant at the door.

The adjutant saluted respectfully.

Gu Qingzhou didn't need to be informed. He walked in unimpeded all the way.

Who knows just walked to Ye Wu's yard, heard Ye Wu's excited voice, faintly still accompanied by sobs.

Gu Qingzhou was worried. She strode towards the room, and her voice became clearer.

"He can't be so bold. Why can't you check? Don't you like him very much?" Ye Wu cried heavily, "let him go! You can't be so unreasonable! "

Gu Qingzhou steps a meal, she is a little surprised, Leaf Charm always good temper, who is she quarreling with?

In the governor's mansion, ye Wu, like Ye's eyes, is Ye's favorite third daughter. Who dares to argue with Ye Wu?

Ye Shan is not at home.

Is it Ye Yan, the eldest lady, who is back?

Just wondering, Gu Qingzhou hears the voice of governor Ye.

"Ye Wu, this is a military and political event. Don't talk too much. The military law is merciless, I can't let him go! " The voice of Ye dujun is more serious than ever, and the name of Ye Wu is also strange.

Call ye Wu directly!

Who is it?

After hearing this, Gu Qingzhou felt even more confused.

It sounds like Ye Wu is pleading for someone, but who is this person, who can cause their father and daughter to quarrel?

Gu Qingzhou had a good relationship with them and didn't have so many taboos, so he took a few steps forward to persuade them.

Ye dujun and ye Wu have seen Gu Qingzhou.

Leaf is enchanting red eyes: "teacher, you come."

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "how did you fight?"

"It's none of your business. Don't pry!" Ye dujun was very upset. He also rushed to Gu Qingzhou. He turned his head and warned Ye Wu in his eyes, "listen clearly, don't meddle in military affairs, or our family and military laws won't forgive you."

For the first time, Gu Qingzhou heard governor Ye talking to her like this.

He loves Ye Wu most.

After that, governor Ye was so angry that he wanted to leave.

Before leaving, he said to her, "do you remember?"

Leaf Charm stem pharynx agrees: "know."

Governor Ye just walked out.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou soothes Ye Wu with a soft voice, and calls for the servant to make hot water to wipe her face.

"I'm in such a hurry. I'm crying. It doesn't make sense that my father doesn't put in oil and salt. " Ye Wu shook her head and sat down opposite to Gu's boat, feeling very depressed. "Teacher, why do you ask me, didn't you just hear that?"

"I've only heard two sentences. I only know that you fight for one person, but I don't know why and who that person is." Gu Qingzhou said, "I haven't seen you quarrel with people like this, especially with governor Ye."

"Don't ask, teacher." Ye Wu thought of her father's warning before she left. She put out her hand and covered her eyes. "How can we say more about military and political affairs?"

Gu Qingzhou also heard what governor ye said.

She sighed.

Can't ask more, Leaf Charm says she wants a person to be quiet, Gu Qingzhou left first.

At home, Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingfu, "do you know what happened to governor Ye's barracks?"

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