Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1237 deserters

Si Xingfu often hangs out in Taiyuan. He is very familiar with the generals and generals of Ye dujun's army.

He knows everything in the military as long as it doesn't involve secrets.

Ye Wu has heard about it. It must not be a secret.

Sure enough, Si Xingfu said with a smile, "I know. Have you heard from ye Wu

"What's the matter?"

"It's one of the extra sons-in-law that governor Ye chose before. His name is Gu Nan Xiang, the sharpshooter." Si Xingfu said, "he has run away. Governor Ye is catching him. Once caught, it's probably shot. "

Gu Qingzhou is surprised.

Ye dujun is good. Ye Wu feels sorry for Su Peng and Gu Nan Xiang.

Ye Wu's breach of contract embarrassed both of them, so she made up for it as much as possible.

Last time she interceded for Su Peng, and this time she interceded for Gu Nan Xiang.

Ye Wu wants to live comfortably.

If it's a common thing, ye Wu probably can't manage it. How can she be rash?

"Why did he run away?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The servant said that Miss Ye San was coming.

Ye Wu wants to be clean, but she can't be quiet.

Because she didn't tell Gu Qingzhou, she felt guilty and was afraid of Gu Qingzhou's anger. She thought that she was separated from her.

Ye Wu is very sensitive. She always thinks a lot.

Especially to take care of the light boat.

"Go ahead and do your work. I'll advise ah Wu." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu turns around and goes to the study.

After ye Wu sat down, her mood was very low.

"Teacher, Gunan oak is a deserter. My father is going to take him back and kill him." She made a lot of decisions this time, so she said.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I just heard from Si Xingfu. I can't believe it."

"Teacher, how can this happen?" Leaf Charm voice tide tide, as if at any time to tears, "I don't believe that the ancient South oak will do deserters, must be something else. But my father is determined. "

Ye Wu believed in the character of the ancient South oak and felt guilty about it, so she quarreled with ye dujun about it for the first time.

She's always soft.

In this quarrel, governor Ye's attitude is also strange. He didn't let it go, but he was more severe than ever.

He loves Ye Wu the most. She quarreled with him once for the first time. It is impossible for her to get such a result.

"You asked the governor?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Well, please don't catch koonan oak." "Leaves the charm to say," the ancient South oak left the army, my father's order has been issued.

No one in the army does not know, no one does not know, deserters are guilty of military law. As a deserter, if he is caught back, he will be in danger. "

"Have you ever asked governor Ye why he fled?" Gu Qingzhou asks Ye Wu.

If a soldier wants to escape, it's either because his pay is too low, or because his army is too hard, or because he has conflicts with other people.

The fact that Gu Nan Xiang was selected as his reserve son-in-law by governor Ye means that he is a promising young man.

Good end, why did he give up his future and want to be a deserter?

This is one of the reasons why Ye Wu believes that it is impossible for Gu Nan oak to be a deserter.

"I asked." When it comes to this, ye Wu's mood is even more depressed, "but my father refused to say that he said it was a military and political event, and I should not inquire about it."

Leaf Charm only listen to the staff and adjutant said that the ancient South oak fled, but do not know why.

She found governor Ye.

Ye dujun was furious, and ye Wu cried angrily, but the reason was not asked.

Gu Qingzhou is thinking, "do you want to call Si Xingfu to ask him again? He knows."

Had it not been for ye Wu, Gu Qingzhou would have known.

"Teacher." Ye Wu looks at Gu Qingzhou and wants to find a way to rely on him. "There must be ghosts in it, or my father won't give me such a big hat to stop me from asking!"

Gu Qingzhou nodded.

She agreed with Ye Wu.

"Teacher, what should I do now?" Ye Wu was worried. "My father would not listen to me and would not let go of the ancient South oak, which will be found one day by his father's people."

After a pause, ye Wu said: "teacher, I'm not in love with Gunan oak, but I'm ashamed of him. When I promised my father to recruit my son-in-law, he and Su Peng appeared in front of everyone.

For them, my failure is the root of their loss of face. Different from Su Peng, ancient South oak is kind to me. "

Of course, Gu Qingzhou knows.

Ye Wu thinks that Gu Nan Xiang can also marry and have children smoothly, so she has no sense of guilt.

"Let's find out what happened to Gunan oak right before ye dujun." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu was already guilty of the ancient South oak. If she failed to save him this time, she was afraid that the ancient South oak would become a knot in her heart.

If the mind is too heavy, ye Wu will fall back into the previous mood, which makes her out of place with the whole world.

That's not a normal mindset.

Gu Qingzhou's words, let Leaf Charm a flustered heart settle down.

She knows her teacher's ability best.

As long as the teacher intervenes in this matter, Kunan oak will be safe.

"You've had contact with koonan oak. Think about where he might go." Gu Qingzhou said, "Taiyuan mansion is the territory of the governor. The people under the governor are too familiar with Taiyuan mansion.

Gu Nan Xiang left the Taiyuan mansion. If he didn't leave the Taiyuan mansion, he must find a familiar place to hide, so that he can compete with the people who arrested him. "

Leaf charm and ancient South oak are not so ripe.

However, koonan oak wrote to her several times.

Leaf Charm did not return, but ancient South oak like homework, each period of time to write.

It's all about his daily life.

Those letters, Leaf Charm read to throw, did not save.

"There are several places." "I'll write it down, let's analyze it one by one," said Ye

Ye Wu said, and went to get the paper and the pen.

She racked her brains to write a few places, but couldn't think of them, so she put it down. Gu didn't look at it, so he put the paper away.

At this moment, she has forgotten to inquire about the reason for the escape of the ancient South oak.

She just wanted to find him first.

Hide him and plead with your father.

It's impossible for koonan oak to avoid forever. Only by solving problems can he be truly free.

Gu Qingzhou looked at the paper: "instead of wasting time to analyze, it's better to let people look for it everywhere.". The men of Si Xingfu went to find it, and promised not to disturb ye dujun. "

There are only five or six places left and right. The people of Si Xingfu can act separately. If they are lucky, they can find them today.

"It's all up to the teacher." Ye Wu said.

Gu Qingzhou nods and goes to find Si Xingfu.

Ye Wu plans to go home first.

Gu Qingzhou told her: "don't worry too much, and don't quarrel with the governor. It's the right way to find the ancient South oak. Wait for my news at home. If you think of a new place, come and tell me. "

"Good." Leaf Charm has always listened to Gu Qingzhou's words, "teacher, I'm waiting for your news."

She's back.

Gu Qingzhou went to the study to find Si Xingqi.

"Just look up these places. Ancient South oak is so high, very conspicuous. If you find it, bring it back directly. Don't be found by governor Ye's men. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"I've always wanted to poach a sharpshooter, maybe this is my chance," he said with a smile. Don't worry, my people will try their best. "

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