Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1239 murderer's hidden danger

Ye Wu is shocked.

If it's murder, then it's serious. Ye Wu's premonition is beyond her ability.

She has no selfish intention to help Gunan oak, but the murder is very involved, and there is no profit or rich friendship. Who is willing to jump up and down in the middle?

There seems to be no silver here.

"Brigadier Wang qiaosong." In fact, I don't think I killed him, but I have a relationship with him.

There was one missing bullet in my gun. I happened to be in Wang's room. All the evidence pointed to me killing Wang. "

He had no evidence to prove his innocence, so he just ran away.

This escape, the charge of his killing and running away, is certain.

Deserters and murders, he's dead.

"You didn't do it right." Ye Wu's mood is hard to calm down, and her subconscious feeling can't save him, and her words are also confused, "you shouldn't run. As long as you don't kill, you will find evidence to prove your innocence. The governor is very observant. If you make a grievance against him, he will check it carefully. "

The ancient South oak saw the eye leaf charm.

His eyes were full of emotion.

However, these emotions have no clue.

After a pause, he said, "I was in a panic. Before they came to catch me, I ran away. The governor also found me guilty. "

Ye Wu laments.

She wished she could not turn back the clock.

If she goes back to the incident, she tells Gunan oak not to run. Maybe there is still hope at the moment.


the military law is the iron order. Just running away is the death penalty of shooting.

Leaf charm is silent.

Her heart sank to the bottom.

"Teacher, Gu Nan Xiang is wronged, but she can run away..." Ye Wu suddenly turns her head and looks at Gu Qingzhou. "What can I do now?"

Gu didn't answer her.

From beginning to end, ye Wu ignored one thing.

Even now, she doesn't see it.

"Three young ladies." Gu Nan Xiang looks at Ye Wu and shakes his head. "Thank you for your kindness. Since I have committed a crime, I am willing to accept the military law. It's a moment's thought for me to escape. Now that I know it's wrong, I'll go back with you. "

"Are you wronged?" Ye asked.

"Yes," said Conan oak

"Then don't take your life so easily." Ye Wu said, "in the barracks of the governor, innocent people will not die in vain."

The ancient South oak is ready to talk and stop.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't mean it at all.

He said: "what can I do without my life? This case is not without evidence, but the evidence points to me. If it wasn't for me, I would think I killed brigadier Wang. "

"You can't take it because you're stupid!" Ye Wu is almost angry.

At the moment she felt clearly what she had missed.

Everyone is confessing, including her teacher, only she is struggling.

That's not right.

But what's wrong, she said that she didn't understand.

She was very angry when she lost her mind. The ancient South oak, who always wanted to be killed by Qi, was also angry at his own chaotic thinking.

"My teacher has no choice but to help you clear your grievances. If you want to live a fair life, you should not say such bad things, but ask my teacher for help! " Ye Wu said in a loud voice.

She was almost growling.

The ancient South oak then looked at the eye to take care of the light boat, and looked at the eye division traveling crane.

The expressions of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are indifferent.

This point of indifference, looks very unfeeling.

"Please my teacher." Ye Wu hurried.

She's really pushing.

It's true that she's the only one trying.

Gu Qingzhou's heart softened in a moment.

She is like a mother who wants to test her child's ability, but she can't bear it when the child is most helpless.

So Gu opened his mouth.

"I know you don't believe me, Gunan oak, but now no one can help you except me and ye Wu. We are your last hope. " Gu Qingzhou said, "don't ask me, I will help you."

She dropped the words.

She didn't think koonan oak would take it.

"I believe in your abilities, Mrs. secretary." Koonan oak hesitated.

Leaf charm is full of anxiety.

This anxiety, let Gu Nan oak heartache.

This is a very kind girl.

He wanted to say something, but suddenly he received a hint from Gu Qingzhou.

He cleared his throat and said to Gu Qingzhou, "I appreciate your help. If you really get rid of my grievances, I dare not disobey you in the future! "

"That's right." Ye Wu breathed a big sigh of relief.

At last, she saw a little fighting spirit of Kunan oak to survive.

She nodded at Gunan oak, then turned to look at Gu Qingzhou, very embarrassed: "teacher, I'm giving you trouble again."

"There is no trouble between us." Gu Qingzhou said, "if you don't look for me, who else can you look for?"

Yes, who else can she look for? Governor Ye makes it clear that he will not let go of the ancient South oak.

Although Kang Yu loves her, she knows that she can't solve this problem. Let alone Kang Nuan.

Only Gu Qingzhou can help her!

"Teacher, I'm so lucky to meet you!" Ye Wu couldn't help but take care of the boat road.

"Don't flatter." Gu chuckled, "governor Ye's people may come here at any time. I intend to hide Kunan oak in my home. To investigate this case, I have a lot of questions to ask him."

"Naturally, they all listen to the teacher." Ye Wu said, pausing, "just don't give the teacher any trouble."

The trouble she said here was different from the one in front. She was worried that her father found out about the hiding of Kunan oak in the Si mansion, and then she was involved in the Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

It is a crime to hide and flee the army, and it is likely to affect the cooperation between ye dujun and Si Xingfu.

Leaf charm is not silly, she knows.

Ancient South oak looked at the leaf charming one eye, has no words.

Gu chuckled, "no trouble, I won't let the governor find out."

Ye Wu believed in Gu Qingzhou too much. She was worried. After hearing this, she was relieved.

Thinking that after Gu Qingzhou came to Taiyuan, he did not suffer any loss, so he nodded and said, "listen to the teacher's arrangement."

Koonan oak has no objection.

He has a strange attitude from beginning to end. At least Ye Wu felt that he was very strange.

That's how it's settled.

Gu Qingzhou brings Gunan oak back to Si Fu.

It's still early, and ye Wu has gone to the Department. She wants to ask with Gu Qingzhou what kind of person Wang is and what enemies he has.

Knowing this, although she can't help much, she has a good idea.

"Teacher, why don't I feel right?" Ye Wu suddenly said.

"What's wrong?" Si Xingfu, who didn't speak from the beginning to the end, inserted a sentence at this time.

He asked a little.

Leaf Charm listens in the ear, feel Si Xingfu is satirizing her.

But she didn't know why she was satirized.

Leaf Charm was just a little guess, he asked, but she was cautious, afraid of their own nonsense interference Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes..." she thought again and again.

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